Can Chickens Eat Clover? 6 Fantastic Benefits

Written By Jill Taylor

Chickens are omnivorous creatures, which means they will eat just about anything. This includes meat, insects, and veggies. Can chickens eat clover? The simple answer is yes; they can. Clover is a great source of nutrients for chickens.

Clover is a good source of vitamins and minerals for chickens. However, it is not a good source of protein. This means that you should not give your chickens only clover to eat. They will need other food sources to get the protein they need.

This article will go over the benefits of feeding your chickens clover. It will also give you some things to watch out for when feeding them this tasty treat.

can chickens eat clover

Can chickens eat clover?

Chickens need a well-rounded diet to stay healthy and lay eggs regularly. A diet that includes clover will provide them with the protein, vitamins, and minerals they need to stay healthy and happy.

Clover is also a great source of fiber, which helps keep their digestive system running smoothly.

While clover is a great food for chickens, it’s important to remember that variety is the key to a healthy diet. Along with clover, chickens should eat other greens such as lettuce and kale.

They should also have access to good quality chicken feed that contains all the nutrients they need.


The benefits of eating clover for chickens

clover leaves green

Did you know that clover is an excellent source of nutrition for chickens? Let’s take a closer look at why clover is so good for chickens and how it can benefit them.

Vitamin content

Clover is rich in vitamins A, C, and E. Vitamin A is essential for maintaining good vision, while vitamin C helps the immune system. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that can help to protect cells from damage. These vitamins are essential for chickens to maintain their health and well-being.

Chickens who consume a diet that includes clover will have fewer health problems and will be less likely to get sick. They will also have shinier feathers and brighter eyesight. In addition, the vitamin content in clover can help to increase egg production in chickens.


Clover is also a good source of minerals, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth, while potassium helps with muscle function. Magnesium aids digestion and iron helps carry oxygen in the blood. These minerals are all important for chickens to maintain their health and well-being.

Chickens who consume a diet that includes clover will have stronger bones and teeth. They will also have more energy and will be less susceptible to illness. In addition, the minerals in clover can help to increase egg production in chickens.

Protein content

Clover is a good source of protein for chickens. Protein is essential for growth and development, as well as for the repair and maintenance of tissues. Chickens who consume a diet that includes clover will grow faster and be healthier overall.

In addition, the protein content in clover can help to increase egg production in chickens. The protein content in clover is insufficient to meet all of a chicken’s protein needs, so it is important to supplement their diet with other protein sources, such as chicken feed.

Water content

Chickens sweat through their feet, so they are always looking for ways to stay cool in the summer heat. One way they can do this is by eating foods that contain water. Clover is around 75% water, so it can help chickens stay hydrated and cool during the hot summer months.

High fiber

Chickens need fiber in their diet to help them digest their food properly. Unlike many other types of grass, clover has a high fiber content, which makes it an ideal food for chickens. The fiber in clover also helps keep chickens’ crops clean and free of bacteria.

Natural anti-coccidial

Coccidiosis is a disease that affects the intestines of chickens and can be deadly if left untreated. Luckily, clover contains natural anti-coccidial properties that can help prevent or treat this disease.

Things to watch out for when feeding clover to chickens

chickens standing

There are a few things to keep in mind when feeding clover to chickens.


First, it is important to ensure that the clover is fresh and free of pesticides. Chickens are very sensitive to chemicals, so it is important only to give them clover grown in a safe and clean environment.


Another thing to watch out for is mold. Mold can harm chickens, so it is important to ensure that the clover is fresh and free of mold.


Some chickens may be allergic to clover. If you notice that your chicken is sneezing, has watery eyes, or has trouble breathing, it is important to take them to the vet immediately.


As with any food, it is important to feed clover to chickens in moderation. Too much clover can lead to digestive problems, so it is important only to give them as much as they can eat in one sitting.

How often should chickens eat clover?

chicken feeding

Chickens are known to enjoy eating clover, but how often can they eat it? Is there such a thing as too much clover? Chickens can eat clover as often as they like, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, clover is high in fiber, so too much of it can cause digestive problems. In addition, clover is relatively low in protein, so it shouldn’t be the only thing your chickens are eating. A diet that consists primarily of clover will not give your chickens the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

That being said, a little bit of clover is good for chickens. Clover is a good source of vitamins and minerals, and it’s also a natural insecticide. Eating clover can help keep your chicken coop free of pests.

Ensure your chickens have access to other kinds of food so they get all the necessary nutrients.

How to prepare clover for feeding to chickens

Clover is a great source of nutrition for chickens. It is high in protein and contains calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals essential to chicken health.

However, clover can be tough for chickens to digest if it is not prepared properly. Preparing clover is important so your chickens can get the most out of it.

The first step is to cut the clover into small pieces. You can do this with a knife or running it through a food processor. Next, soak the clover in water for at least 30 minutes. Soaking will help to soften it and make it more digestible for your chickens.

Once the clover has been soaked, you can feed it to your chickens raw or cook it before feeding. To cook the clover, boil it in water for 10 minutes. Be sure to drain any excess water before feeding it to your chickens.

Cooked clover is easier for chickens to digest than raw clover, but both are good sources of nutrition.

You can feed clover to your chickens on its own or mix it with other foods. Some people like to add clover to their chickens’ regular feed, while others use it as a treat.

Can baby chicks eat clover?

baby chick

You may have noticed that your lawn is filled with clover, and you may wonder if it’s safe for your baby chicks to eat. The answer is yes!

Clover is a great source of vitamin A, protein, and fiber for your chicks. It’s also a natural insecticide, so it can help keep your chicks healthy and free from pests.

How to introduce clover to your chicks

The best way to introduce clover to your chicks is to start by offering them a small amount of chopped clover. You can mix the clover with their regular food or offer it as a treat.

If they seem hesitant, add some chopped vegetables or fish. Once they taste the delicious clover, they’ll be sure to return for more.

Why clover is good for your chicks

Clover is a great source of nutrition for your chicks. It’s high in protein and fiber, essential for their growth and development. Additionally, clover is a natural insecticide. It can help keep your chicks healthy and free from pests.

Be sure to introduce clover to your baby chicks slowly and always offer it alongside their regular food. Your chicks will love munching on this delicious treat.

What other plants can chickens eat?

Chickens are not only incredible egg producers but also diligent workers in your garden, assisting with pest control and soil turnover. While clover is a staple in many chicken diets due to its high protein content and palatability, it’s important to note that chickens can and do eat a variety of other plants. In fact, a diversified diet is beneficial for their health and egg production. Let’s explore five other plants that chickens can consume.


Grass is one of the simplest and most accessible foods for your chickens. Whether it’s lawn grass or pasture grass, chickens will happily forage on it. It provides them with a good source of greens, a necessity for their digestive health. Plus, grass is full of essential vitamins and minerals that help to boost the chickens’ overall health. It also adds a lovely rich yellow color to their egg yolks!

Read More: Do Chickens Eat Grass? Uncovering The Truth About Their Diet


Alfalfa, a plant often used in livestock feed, is highly beneficial for chickens. Its high protein content and nutritional profile can help support the growth and production in both meat and egg-laying birds. Alfalfa can be offered as fresh greens, dried leaves, or in pellet form. However, as it is quite rich, alfalfa should be fed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Alfalfa? 6 Important Benefits


Hay can be an important component of a chicken’s diet, particularly in the winter months when fresh forage may be scarce. It serves as an insulator in the coop and provides a great scratching material for the birds, which can lead to incidental ingestion. However, hay should not make up a large part of their diet since it lacks the necessary nutrients that chickens require. Therefore, it should be used more as a supplement or a form of enrichment rather than a primary food source.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Hay? The Surprising Truth Revealed


Wheat is a popular ingredient in many commercial chicken feeds due to its nutritional content. It provides essential carbohydrates for energy and is a good source of protein. Furthermore, it contains a range of vital minerals and vitamins. However, while chickens can eat wheat, it should not constitute the majority of their diet. Too much wheat can cause an imbalance in their nutritional intake.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Wheat? Expert Guide To Feeding Your Flock


Barley is another grain that chickens can consume. It’s full of carbohydrates, fiber, and some protein. While barley can be a healthy part of a chicken’s diet, it should be fed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Whole barley is harder for chickens to digest, so it’s often better to feed them cracked or rolled barley. Also, as with other grains, it should not be the sole component of their diet but rather a supplement to a well-rounded chicken feed.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Barley? Uncovering The Truth For Your Flock

How to give chickens a healthy and balanced diet

In addition to eating grains, chickens eat small insects, fruit, and vegetables. A healthy and balanced diet for chickens includes a mix of both grain and protein. Read on to learn more about what your chickens should eat to stay healthy and happy.


A chicken’s diet should consist mostly of grains, such as corn, wheat, and oats. Grains provide chickens with the carbohydrates they need for energy.

Some people like to feed their chickens scratch, a mixture of cracked corn and oats. Chickens also like to eat grit, which helps them grind up their food in their gizzards. You can buy grit at most feed stores.


In addition to grains, your chickens will also need a source of protein. Protein helps chickens grow strong muscles and feathers. You can give your chickens cooked meat scraps or buy them commercial chicken feed that contains a pelletized form of protein.

You can supplement your chicken’s diet with mealworms or other live insects.


Chickens love to eat greens! Dark leafy greens, such as kale and spinach, are especially good for them. You can also give them other vegetables, such as carrots, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

Just chop vegetables into small pieces so your chickens can easily eat them.


Chickens enjoy eating fruit as well. Some of their favorites include grapes, strawberries, and melon. As with vegetables, chop fruit into small pieces before giving it to your chickens.

Fruit should make up a small part of your chicken’s diet, as it is high in sugar.

Giving your chickens a healthy and balanced diet can help ensure that they stay happy and healthy.

Can chickens eat clover – final thoughts

So, can chickens eat clover? Yes! Clover is a great source of nutrients for chickens and should be included as part of a well-rounded diet.

However, it’s important to remember that variety is key in chicken nutrition. Chickens should have access to other greens and good quality chicken feed to ensure they’re getting all the nutrients they need.

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