Can Chickens Eat Lemongrass? Surprising Benefits Explored

Written By Jill Taylor

When I first started raising chickens in my backyard, I was on a constant learning curve. One question that kept cropping up was: can chickens eat lemongrass? After all, I had an abundant supply growing in my garden, and it would have been a shame to see it go to waste.

The simple answer is yes, chickens can indeed eat lemongrass. It’s a safe plant for them to peck at, and it might even have some health benefits, although it should be part of a balanced diet rather than a primary food source.

In this article, we’ll explore the dietary needs of chickens, the pros and cons of feeding them lemongrass, how to incorporate lemongrass into their diet, and even look at the benefits of growing your own lemongrass as part of a sustainable chicken feed strategy. If you’re a chicken owner like me, you’ll find these insights helpful and hopefully even a bit enlightening.

can chickens eat lemongrass

Understanding a Chicken’s Dietary Needs

Who knew being a chicken could be so complex? Chickens aren’t just about clucking and laying eggs; they have specific dietary needs that impact their health and productivity. Let’s break it down.

The Natural Diet of Chickens

Chickens are omnivores by nature. In the wild, they forage for a varied diet consisting of insects, seeds, grains, and even small rodents or reptiles. They’re also known to peck at greenery and fruits, giving them a range of nutrients necessary for their health.

Nutrient Requirements for Chickens

The key nutrients that chickens need are protein for growth and egg production, carbohydrates for energy, and smaller amounts of vitamins and minerals. Laying hens, for instance, need plenty of calcium for shell formation. It’s all about balance in the chicken coop!

The Impact of Diet on Chicken Health

Just like us, chickens are what they eat. A balanced diet can help prevent health problems and ensure they produce quality eggs. But if they’re lacking in certain nutrients, it can lead to problems like reduced egg production, weak shells, or even disease.


Can Chickens Eat Lemongrass?

Now we know what chickens need, let’s dive into our main question: Can chickens eat lemongrass?

The Short Answer: Can Chickens Eat Lemongrass?

Yes, they can! Chickens are pretty hardy creatures and lemongrass isn’t toxic to them. They might even enjoy pecking at it.

Insights from Poultry Experts and Farmers

Farmers and poultry enthusiasts often share that their chickens seem to love pecking at lemongrass. Some even suggest it could have health benefits, although more research is needed in this area.

Pros and Cons of Feeding Chickens Lemongrass

Lemongrass could be a great way to diversify your chickens’ diet, but remember it’s all about balance. Too much could potentially cause digestive issues due to its high fiber content.

The Nutritional Value of Lemongrass for Chickens


What’s so special about lemongrass then? Let’s look at the nutritional value it offers.

The Nutrient Profile of Lemongrass

Lemongrass contains several beneficial compounds, including essential oils, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds. It’s also rich in Vitamin A and C, though it doesn’t offer much by way of protein or calcium, which chickens need.

How Lemongrass Can Benefit Chicken Health

Some studies suggest lemongrass may have antimicrobial properties. While it’s not a cure-all, it could potentially contribute to the overall well-being of your chickens when included in moderation.

Potential Risks and Side Effects of Lemongrass for Chickens

While lemongrass isn’t toxic to chickens, they may not be able to digest large amounts of it due to its high fiber content. As always, moderation is key.

Incorporating Lemongrass into a Chicken’s Diet

flock of chickens

Got a bunch of lemongrass and eager chickens? Here’s how you can feed it to them.

Practical Ways to Feed Lemongrass to Chickens

You can simply place fresh lemongrass in the coop or run, and the chickens will likely peck at it out of curiosity. Alternatively, you could chop it up and mix it into their regular feed.

How Much Lemongrass is Safe for Chickens?

As part of a balanced diet, a small handful of lemongrass a few times a week should be safe for your chickens. It’s best to observe their reaction and adjust accordingly.

Balancing Lemongrass with Other Dietary Components

Remember, lemongrass should be a supplement to a balanced diet, not the main component. Ensure your chickens still have access to a variety of feed that meets their nutritional needs.

Lemongrass as Part of a Sustainable Chicken Feed Strategy

In a world that’s growing more eco-conscious, lemongrass could play a role in a sustainable chicken feed strategy.

Growing Your Own Lemongrass for Chicken Feed

Lemongrass is relatively easy to grow in many climates and can provide a sustainable and cost-effective supplement to your chickens’ diet. Plus, it’s a perennial plant, so it will keep coming back year after year.

Using Lemongrass to Cut Down on Chicken Feed Costs

Growing your own lemongrass means you can cut down on buying commercially produced feed. It’s a win-win situation for you and your chickens.

Environmental Impact and Benefits of Using Lemongrass in Chicken Feed

By growing your own lemongrass, you’re reducing the carbon footprint associated with commercially produced chicken feed. Plus, lemongrass is a great plant for attracting pollinators to your garden.

Other Safe Plants and Herbs for Chickens

fresh rosemary

Lemongrass isn’t the only plant that’s safe for chickens. Here’s a quick look at other options.

Commonly Available Safe Plants for Chickens

Chickens can safely peck at plants like marigolds, mint, and rosemary. Some plants may even have health benefits for your chickens, like wormwood which is known for its natural deworming properties.

Beneficial Herbs for Chicken Health

Herbs such as parsley, oregano, and thyme are also safe for chickens and could potentially support their health and egg production.

Plants and Herbs to Avoid in Chicken Diet

Not all plants are chicken-friendly, though. Some to avoid include foxglove, nightshade, and rhubarb leaves, which are toxic to chickens.

What other plants can chickens eat apart from lemongrass?

hay bales

While lemongrass is a safe and beneficial plant for chickens, it’s not the only one. Chickens, as natural foragers, love variety in their diet. There’s a wide range of plants that chickens can safely consume and benefit from.


Chickens love to munch on grass, and it’s good for them too! Fresh grass is packed with vitamins, minerals, and provides a good source of roughage for a chicken’s diet. Just make sure any grass your chickens have access to is free from pesticides and other harmful chemicals.

Read More: Do Chickens Eat Grass? Uncovering The Truth About Their Diet


Clover is another plant chickens love, and it’s a nutritional powerhouse. Packed with protein, clover can help boost the health of your flock. It’s also a great source of essential vitamins and minerals, making it an excellent addition to their diet.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Clover? 6 Fantastic Benefits


Alfalfa is a big hit among chickens. It’s rich in protein and calcium, both essential nutrients for your chickens, especially laying hens. Alfalfa sprouts or hay can be an excellent supplement to their diet, providing essential nutrients while also helping to entertain your flock.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Alfalfa? 6 Important Benefits


While hay might not be as nutritionally rich as some other options, it can still be a useful supplement in a chicken’s diet, especially during colder months when fresh grass and other plants are scarce. It provides some roughage, but make sure it’s mold-free as mold can be harmful to chickens.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Hay? The Surprising Truth Revealed


Wheat is a commonly used grain in chicken feed, and it’s a great source of energy for them. Whole wheat grains can be scattered around to encourage natural foraging behavior, while also supplementing their diet with essential nutrients. However, remember that grains should form only a part of a balanced diet for chickens.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Wheat? Expert Guide To Feeding Your Flock

FAQ: Feeding Chickens Lemongrass

Will chickens naturally eat lemongrass if it’s available?

Yes, most chickens will naturally peck at lemongrass if it’s within their reach. Chickens are curious creatures and are likely to try anything you put in front of them.

How often should I feed my chickens lemongrass?

Lemongrass can be offered to your chickens a few times a week, but it shouldn’t be the main component of their diet. As with any treats or supplements, moderation is key.

Can lemongrass replace regular chicken feed?

No, lemongrass should not replace your chickens’ regular feed. While it can be a healthy supplement, it does not contain all the necessary nutrients chickens require for optimal health and egg production.

Is it possible for chickens to eat too much lemongrass?

While lemongrass is not toxic to chickens, eating too much could potentially cause digestive issues due to its high fiber content. Always ensure lemongrass is offered as part of a varied and balanced diet.

Can baby chicks eat lemongrass?

It’s best to introduce any new food, including lemongrass, to chicks gradually and under supervision. While it’s not harmful, younger chicks should primarily consume starter feed to get all the essential nutrients for their growth.

Do I need to chop lemongrass before feeding it to chickens?

While not necessary, chopping lemongrass into smaller pieces can make it easier for your chickens to eat. This is especially helpful if you have smaller chickens or chicks.

Can I use lemongrass essential oil for my chickens?

It’s best to stick to fresh or dried lemongrass. Essential oils can be too concentrated and might not be safe for chickens. Always consult with a vet or a chicken expert before introducing any new supplements to your flock’s diet.

Can chickens eat lemongrass – final thoughts

In conclusion, it’s clear that lemongrass can indeed be a safe and beneficial supplement in a chicken’s diet. Its potential health benefits, coupled with the sustainability and cost-effectiveness of growing your own, make it a worthwhile addition. However, it’s crucial to maintain balance in your chickens’ diet, providing them with a variety of nutrients needed for their health and egg production.

To reiterate, while lemongrass is a valid option, it’s just one among many safe and beneficial plants and herbs that can be incorporated into a chicken’s diet. As chicken owners, it’s essential for us to be well-informed about our chickens’ dietary needs and provide a diet that contributes to their overall well-being. Lemongrass, when used appropriately, can be a part of this healthy and balanced approach.

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