Can Goats Eat Lavender? The Ultimate Guide To Feeding It To Your Goats

Written By Jill Taylor

So you’ve caught your goat nibbling on your lavender plant, and now you’re wondering, can goats eat lavender? The short answer is yes, goats can generally eat lavender safely. However, there’s more to consider than just a simple yes or no. Lavender isn’t just a tasty snack; it can also serve as a supplementary source of nutrients, albeit in moderate amounts.

Being a goat parent myself, I’ve often found myself puzzled by the wide array of plants my goats show interest in. From the apple tree in the corner of the pasture to the rosemary by the garden fence, it seems like their curiosity knows no bounds. And let’s face it, when you have animals as endearing yet mischievous as goats, it’s crucial to know what’s safe for them to eat and what’s not.

To put your mind at ease, this article dives deep into the topic, covering everything from the basics of what goats usually eat to the pros and cons of adding lavender to their diet. Consider this your comprehensive guide to the culinary compatibility between goats and lavender.

can goats eat lavender

The Basics of Goat Diets

If you’re a proud goat owner or are just curious about these intriguing animals, you might have questions about their diet. After all, we’ve all heard the stereotype that goats eat anything and everything. Let’s get into the basics first.

What Goats Normally Eat

Let’s start by busting a myth: No, goats don’t eat tin cans. What they really enjoy are fresh leaves, twigs, vegetables, and some grains. If you’ve got a field of fresh grass, your goats are in heaven!

Foods That Are Toxic to Goats

While they might seem like they have a cast-iron stomach, there are things that goats should absolutely avoid. Plants like azaleas and rhododendrons can be toxic to goats. So, don’t just assume that because it’s green, it’s good to go.

The Importance of Variety

Imagine eating just bread every single day of your life. Sounds pretty dull, right? Well, goats feel the same. A mix of different kinds of leaves, veggies, and even some fruits (in moderation) can keep them both healthy and happy.


What is Lavender?

Now that we’ve covered what should generally be on a goat’s menu, let’s zoom in on lavender. You’ve probably seen it in your lotions and maybe even in your tea, but what about in a goat’s diet?

Description of Lavender

Lavender is an aromatic herb that’s mainly known for its calming properties and lovely scent. It’s a common ingredient in essential oils, aromatherapy, and yes, even some recipes.

Lavender Varieties

There are a few different types of lavender, like English, French, and Spanish, but for the most part, they’re pretty similar when it comes to their basic characteristics.

Forms of Lavender

You might find lavender in different forms: fresh plants, dried bundles, or even in oils and tinctures. While fresh and dried lavender are mostly similar, oils are a whole different ballgame, especially when it comes to consumption.

The Appeal of Lavender to Goats

purple lavender flowers

So why would Mr. Goat be interested in your lavender bush? Let’s delve into the sensory world of goats.

Sensory Attraction

Goats are naturally curious animals and are often attracted to bright colors and strong smells. Lavender, with its intense aroma, could pique their interest.

Nutritional Content

While not a powerhouse of nutrients, lavender does have some vitamins and minerals, such as calcium and vitamin A, that could supplement a goat’s diet.

Common Scenarios

Goats may encounter lavender in several settings. Maybe you have a bush growing in your garden, or perhaps there’s some wild lavender in the field they graze in. Either way, it’s not too uncommon for a goat to bump into this fragrant herb.

Is Lavender Safe for Goats to Eat?

three goats in a field

Alright, let’s get down to the big question: Can goats eat lavender? The answer is generally yes, but let’s dig a little deeper.

Safety Concerns

Lavender isn’t toxic to goats. However, any new food should be introduced slowly to avoid digestive issues. Also, watch out for pesticide-treated lavender; it’s not the lavender itself but the chemicals that can be harmful.

Benefits of Lavender

Beyond being a non-toxic snack, lavender has been suggested to have calming effects, which is always nice when you’re dealing with energetic goats. And hey, who wouldn’t like their goats to smell a bit like a spa?

Quantity Matters

Like anything in life, moderation is key. While it’s safe for goats to eat lavender, it shouldn’t make up a large portion of their diet. A few nibbles here and there should be perfectly fine.

Practical Tips for Feeding Lavender to Goats

fresh and dried lavender

So, you’ve got a bunch of lavender and some eager goats. What now?

Fresh vs. Dried Lavender

Both fresh and dried lavender can be a nice treat for your goats. If you’re using dried lavender, though, make sure it hasn’t been treated with any preservatives or other chemicals.

Mixing Lavender with Other Foods

One good way to introduce lavender is by mixing it with foods your goats already love. This can make for a delightful goat salad!

Monitoring Goat Behavior After Consumption

Always keep an eye out for how your goats are doing after they’ve had some lavender. Look for any signs of discomfort, though it’s unlikely if you’ve adhered to the guidelines above.

FAQs and Common Misconceptions

goats eating plants

Before we wrap this up, let’s tackle some common questions and myths surrounding goats and lavender.

Can Goats Eat Lavender Oil?

Nope. Lavender oil is much more concentrated than the plant itself and should be avoided. Don’t let your goats near it.

Do All Goats Like Lavender?

Just like humans, goats have their own preferences. Some might take a nibble and walk away, while others could find it to be their new favorite snack.

Is Lavender Used as a Natural Remedy for Goats?

Some folks believe that the calming properties of lavender can be beneficial for goats too. However, there isn’t conclusive evidence to support this, so take it with a grain of salt – or maybe a sprig of lavender!

What Parts of the Lavender Plant Are Safe for Goats?

lavender plants

You’ve got this lovely lavender plant, and your goats are giving you that “Can I have some, pretty please?” look. But what parts of the lavender plant are safe to share with your four-legged friends? Let’s break it down.

Lavender Leaves

The leaves of the lavender plant are generally safe for goats to eat. They contain the essential oils that give lavender its characteristic aroma and flavor. However, as with any herb or plant, it’s best to introduce leaves into your goat’s diet gradually and in moderation to see how they react.

Lavender Flowers

The flowers are the most fragrant part of the lavender plant and are also safe for goats to nibble on. Some goat owners believe that the calming effects associated with lavender can also extend to goats, although that’s not scientifically proven. Nevertheless, the flowers can be a pleasant, aromatic treat for your goats.

Lavender Stems

The stems of the lavender plant are a bit tougher and may be less appealing to goats compared to the leaves and flowers. While not harmful, your goats might not be too enthusiastic about chewing on them. If you’re planning to feed your goats lavender, it’s better to stick with the leaves and flowers.


Lavender seeds are not commonly consumed, even by humans, but they are not toxic to goats. However, considering their size and lack of flavor compared to the leaves and flowers, they’re not the most recommended part of the plant to feed your goats.

A Word on Lavender Oil

It’s worth noting that lavender oil should be avoided when it comes to goats. Oils are highly concentrated forms of the plant and could lead to digestive issues or other health concerns.

What Other Herbs Can Goats Eat Apart from Lavender?

fresh cilantro

So, you’re feeling adventurous and want to explore more herbal options for your goats. Fantastic! While lavender might be the star of the show, it’s not the only herb in the spotlight. Let’s talk about five more herbs that can add both flavor and nutrients to your goats’ daily munchies.


Cilantro is generally safe for goats to eat, and it can be a tasty addition to their diet. Rich in vitamins and minerals, this herb can provide a nice little nutritional boost. However, just like with other herbs, moderation is key. Too much cilantro might overwhelm your goat’s digestive system, so it’s best to offer it as a treat rather than a main course.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Cilantro? 5 Benefits And Things To Watch


Another goat-friendly option is parsley. It’s a nutrient-rich herb that’s high in vitamin K, which is good for bone health. However, it’s worth noting that parsley is also a diuretic, which means it increases urine production. So, if you decide to add parsley to your goats’ diet, be sure they have access to plenty of water.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Parsley? 6 Awesome Benefits


Basil is not just for making your pasta sauce more aromatic; your goats might appreciate it too! It’s generally safe and can even act as a natural insect repellent, keeping pesky bugs away from your herd. But remember, basil should be given in moderation as an occasional treat, not a daily meal.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Basil? Simple Answer & Feeding Tips


Here’s another herb that’s not only safe for goats but can also offer some potential health benefits. Rosemary is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. Just like the other herbs, though, too much of it can cause digestive issues. So, as always, moderation is the way to go.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Rosemary? 4 Great Benefits


Oregano is another herb that can be beneficial for goats. Some goat owners even believe it has natural antibiotic properties. While that’s yet to be scientifically proven for goats, what we do know is that oregano is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. But again, balance is crucial; oregano should only make up a small part of your goat’s diet.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Oregano? The Ultimate Guide To Feeding Your Goat Herbs

Can goats eat lavender – final thoughts

So there you have it, folks! If your goats have been eyeing your lavender plants with more than casual interest, you can rest easy. Yes, goats can eat lavender, and they might even enjoy the posh upgrade to their usual diet of leaves and grass. Just remember to exercise moderation and keep an eye out for any changes in their behavior, because too much of a good thing can sometimes lead to tummy troubles.

If you’re like me and constantly find yourself both intrigued and baffled by your goats’ peculiar food preferences, hopefully, this guide has provided some clarity. So go ahead, let them munch on some fragrant lavender sprigs once in a while. Just imagine, you could end up with the calmest, and best-smelling, goats on the block!