Can Goats Eat Rosemary? 4 Great Benefits

Written By Jill Taylor

Have you ever found yourself staring at your herb garden, wondering if any of those fragrant plants could serve a dual purpose for both your kitchen and your livestock? More specifically, can goats eat rosemary? The answer is a resounding yes. Contrary to popular myths and old wives’ tales, not only is rosemary safe for goats, but it’s also remarkably beneficial for them.

I recall the skepticism on the faces of my fellow goat owners when I first brought up the subject. After all, goats have sensitive digestive systems, and one wrong move could cause more harm than good. However, after diving deep into the science and observing my own herd, it became clear: rosemary isn’t just a flavorful addition to our dinners; it’s also a nutritional powerhouse for goats.

In the following article, we’ll dispel the myths surrounding goats and rosemary, explore the multitude of health benefits this herb offers, and even discuss the best ways to incorporate it into your goat’s diet. Prepare to be surprised and, most importantly, informed about why you should be feeding your goats rosemary.

can goats eat rosemary

What is rosemary?

Rosemary is a member of the mint family, and it is related to other herbs like basil, oregano, and thyme. Rosemary is native to the Mediterranean region, but it is grown all over the world these days.

Rosemary is a perennial plant, which means that it will come back year after year once it is established. Rosemary plants can grow quite large, up to six feet tall in some cases.


The benefits of rosemary for goats

Rosemary is often used as a decoration or as a culinary herb. But did you know that rosemary also has a lot of health benefits?

Helps with digestion

For goats, rosemary can help digestion and act as an appetite stimulant.

If your goat has trouble with its appetite, try feeding it some rosemary. The herb can also help to settle an upset stomach.

A source of important nutrients

Rosemary is a good source of several important nutrients, including calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

These nutrients are essential for bone health and can also help prevent certain diseases.

Rich in antioxidants

Rosemary is also rich in antioxidants, which can help to protect goats from diseases.

Antioxidants can also help to improve the health of a goat’s coat.

Soothe muscles

Rosemary can also help to relieve muscle pain and stiffness.

If your goat is suffering from arthritis or another condition that causes muscle pain, rosemary can help to soothe the pain.

Things to watch out for when feeding rosemary to goats

fresh rosemary

While rosemary is generally safe for goats, there are a few things you should keep in mind when feeding this herb to your goat.


First of all, you should only feed rosemary to goats in moderation. Goats can eat large quantities of fresh rosemary without problems, but they should not overeat the herb.

If you are feeding your goats dried rosemary, give them a smaller quantity, as the herb is more concentrated in this form.


Some goats may be allergic to rosemary. If you notice your goat has any adverse reactions after eating rosemary, stop feeding the herb to your goat and consult a veterinarian.

Reactions to rosemary can include difficulty breathing, swelling, and hives.


If you are growing your own rosemary, use organic methods. Rosemary plants can absorb pesticides and other chemicals from the soil, so it is vital to use organic methods if you want to avoid these substances.

If you are buying rosemary from the store, make sure to buy organic rosemary to avoid pesticides.

How often should goats eat rosemary?

goat eating plant

Goats are creatures of habitual grazing behavior. They naturally prefer to eat small meals throughout the day rather than one large meal. Therefore, when it comes to feeding goats rosemary, it is best to give them access to the herb frequently throughout the day.

This will allow them to graze on the rosemary as they please and get the full benefits of the herb. Rosemary is rich in nutrients and antioxidants, which can help improve goat health in several ways.

Therefore, by providing goats with frequent access to rosemary, you can help ensure they get the full nutritional benefits of this important herb.

How to feed your goats rosemary

Rosemary is best given to goats fresh, but you can also use dried rosemary. If you give your goats fresh rosemary, pluck a few sprigs from the plant and let your goats munch away.

If you give your goats dried rosemary, crush the leaves into smaller pieces so that your goats can easily eat them. You can add dried rosemary to your goat’s food or hay or give it to them as a treat. Either way, your goats are sure to love it.

Can baby goats eat rosemary?

goats eating

While baby goats are adorable, it’s important to remember that they are still goats and have particular dietary needs. One common question that people ask is whether or not baby goats can eat rosemary. The answer is yes, but only in moderation.

Rosemary is a type of herb that is safe for goats to eat and can offer some health benefits. For example, rosemary can help to improve digestion and boost the immune system. However, you should only give rosemary to baby goats in small amounts. If fed too much, rosemary can cause stomach upset and nausea.

So, if you’re thinking of giving your baby goat some rosemary, make sure to do so in moderation.

What Parts of the Rosemary Plant Are Safe for Goats?

rosemary plants

When it comes to feeding rosemary to your goats, you may wonder which parts of the plant are safe for consumption. The good news is that most parts of the rosemary plant can safely be given to goats, each with its own set of benefits. Below, we break down the components of the rosemary plant that are not only safe but beneficial for your four-legged friends.


The leaves of the rosemary plant are the most commonly consumed part, both for humans and goats. Packed with nutrients and antioxidants, the leaves can be a wonderful addition to your goat’s diet. They can be fed fresh or dried, though remember that dried leaves are more concentrated and should be given in smaller quantities.


While not as nutrient-dense as the leaves, the stems of the rosemary plant are also safe for goats to eat. Goats often enjoy chewing on the woody stems, which can help with their dental health. However, the stems are tougher and less palatable than the leaves, so they might not be every goat’s first choice.


Rosemary flowers are not only a beautiful sight but also safe for goats to eat. Though not as common as the leaves or stems, the flowers do contain similar nutrients and can be a colorful and nutritious addition to your goat’s diet.

Essential Oils

It’s worth mentioning that rosemary essential oil should generally be avoided. While the natural plant is safe, the essential oil is far too concentrated and can lead to digestive issues or even toxicity if ingested by goats.

What Other Herbs Can Goats Eat Apart from Rosemary?

fresh oregano plant

Rosemary isn’t the only herb that’s a hit among our caprine friends. A diverse diet is key for any animal, and goats are no exception. Including a variety of herbs can not only enrich their meals but also offer a plethora of health benefits. Below, we explore five more herbs that are not only safe but also beneficial for goats.


Cilantro is another herb that goats can safely consume. Rich in antioxidants, cilantro can help with digestion and act as a natural detoxifier for your goats. Just like with rosemary, moderation is key. Feed cilantro as an occasional treat and not as a daily staple.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Cilantro? 5 Benefits And Things To Watch


Yes, goats can eat parsley. It’s an excellent source of Vitamin K, which plays a crucial role in bone health. Parsley is also high in fiber, helping to promote good digestion. A word of caution: too much parsley can be harmful due to its oxalate content, so keep it as a minor component of their diet.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Parsley? 6 Awesome Benefits


You might be surprised to learn that lavender is also safe for goats. Known for its calming properties in humans, it has a similar effect on goats. Lavender can be a good option if you have a goat that is prone to stress or anxiety. However, it is potent, so only a small amount is necessary for the desired effect.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Lavender? The Ultimate Guide To Feeding It To Your Goats


Basil is another herb that you can safely add to your goat’s diet. This herb is rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and it has antibacterial properties that can help keep your goats healthy. As with other herbs, moderation is key. Too much basil can lead to digestive issues.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Basil? Simple Answer & Feeding Tips


Last but not least, oregano is an excellent herb for goats. It’s often used in natural worming remedies due to its antimicrobial and antiparasitic properties. Sprinkle some dried oregano over their regular feed, or let them munch on fresh oregano leaves as a special treat.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Oregano? The Ultimate Guide To Feeding Your Goat Herbs

Can goats eat rosemary – final thoughts

So there you have it! Now you know that goats can eat rosemary without any problems. Feeding your goats rosemary has a lot of benefits.

So next time you’re out in the garden harvesting some herbs, make sure to leave a few sprigs behind for your furry friends. They’ll be sure to appreciate it.