Can Goats Eat Honey? Simple Answer & Feeding Tips

Written By Jill Taylor

There’s a serene magic in watching bees buzz about, diligently collecting nectar to create one of nature’s sweetest gifts: honey. But as I stood on my farm one sunlit morning, a question bubbled in my mind: can goats eat honey? A quick delve into the matter not only surprised me but opened up a world of benefits and considerations for our caprine companions.

Honey, the golden elixir, isn’t just loved by us humans; many animals, from the towering bear to the tiny hummingbird, relish it. And yes, as I discovered, goats are no exception. They can, and often do, enjoy this sweet treat. But, like with any delicacy, there are things we should know before sharing a pot of honey with our bleating friends.

In this article, we journey into the world of goats and honey, uncovering the delights, health benefits, and essential precautions. Whether you’re a seasoned farmer or just someone curious about nature’s intertwining relationships, there’s something new and fascinating to discover here.

can goats eat honey

What is Honey?

Honey is the sweet, golden nectar of flowers. The bees collect the pollen, mix it with enzymes in their mouths, and make honey. Honey can contain more than 300 different compounds that give it unusual healing properties.

Honey is about 80% sugars – primarily fructose and glucose. There are also trace amounts of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, free water, and even some vitamins like B12.


Can Goats Eat Honey?

As mentioned, there aren’t many animals that don’t like honey. Even bears love it! Can goats eat honey? Yes, they definitely can.

Goats enjoy a variety of tree and plant saps, including birch sap and maple sap. They tend to go more for the lighter-colored saps from early spring. They also enjoy lapping up fresh-cut or fallen fruit from peach trees or other plants as well as berries.

In general, almost every goat loves honey – regardless of what type you have: dairy breed or pygmy breed. However, some goats that are fed on a diet of just hay and grain may not know what to do with honey.

Goat breeds such as Nubians, Lamanchas, Toggenburgs, and Saanens tend to eat more than pygmies and angoras. Does (female goats) will definitely enjoy the sweetness of the honey!

Is Honey Safe for Goats?

fresh honey

Goats can eat honey safely and it has a number of benefits. However, there are a few considerations to take into account.

Weight Problems

Feeding too much sugar to your goat can cause weight problems and lead to diabetes. Even though all types of honey have sugars in it, the amount of these sugars is so low that feeding some extra won’t be an issue for most goats.

Give Honey in Moderation

As with any other food you feed your goat, don’t let them overindulge. Monitor how much they eat and adjust their diet accordingly going forward. If they enjoy the taste, they may want more – which is fine as long as it’s given in moderation.

Add Honey to Drinking Water

Some people who keep bees will add a small bit of honey to their goat’s drinking water. This is a great way to make sure they get some extra energy and vitamin B12 from the honey.

Watch Feeding Does

If you have a doe with a kid, be careful feeding her with honey until after she has weaned it for at least a week or two. It can pass through the milk and give the baby an upset stomach which is very common in young goats when changing feeds.

Check the Honey is Organic

Be sure your local area doesn’t have any spraying which may contaminate your bees’ honey supplies – especially if you’re raising organic dairy goats! In most cases, this won’t be an issue but just something to check.

Health Benefits of Honey for Goats

Honey has a number of benefits for your goats.

Coughs and Colds

Some people find that giving their goat small amounts of honey will suppress any coughing or sneezing. This is because it contains hydrogen peroxide which helps to destroy bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The glucose in the honey helps to energize the cells that are fighting off the cold or infection too.

Boosts Immunity

The vitamin B12 found in honey can help boost your goat’s immune system – helping them fight off infections more effectively without getting sick as easily. It also provides antioxidants that protect important bodily functions from free radicals formed during the metabolic processes.

Fights Infections

The bee pollen in honey is rich in enzymes that fight against infections. These enzymes boost the body’s own defenses and help it to fight against bacteria, fever, colds, and other conditions.

Keeps Stomach Healthy

Honey is great for goats who suffer from stomach problems (i.e., rumen acidosis). The sugars feed healthy gut flora which helps the goat digest its food better. It also has probiotics that help keep the digestive system healthy by creating an acidic barrier between itself and harmful organisms – like salmonella or E. coli.

Prevents Coccidiosis

Some people find that feeding their goats honey will actually prevent them from getting coccidiosis, a common illness found in goats especially if they are kept on concrete slabs or other hard surfaces such as dirt.

Are there any Risks in Feeding Honey to Goats?

goats eating

As with feeding your goat any food, there are a few risks.


The main risk to feeding your goat honey is colic – which is where the gut gets blocked and it becomes difficult for them to pass gas. If they eat too much or too quickly then this can happen especially if you’re giving them honey in their water.


Just like people, not all goats will be able to enjoy the benefits of honey. They may have an allergy and experience stomach upsets or other problems as a result of eating it.

This is mainly because some breeds (i.e., pygmies) don’t produce enough lactase which breaks down properly. Some does won’t produce enough lactase either if they’re pregnant or still feeding kids.

Weight Gain

While honey is fine to feed your goat it can cause weight gain if you give them too much of it. This isn’t because the calories in honey are dangerous but rather because they could be overeating and replacing other healthy foods with honey.

How to Prepare Honey for Goats?

Before giving your goats honey, you should ensure it’s organic and doesn’t contain any chemicals or pesticides that could harm them. Here are a few tips to prepare it:

Crush the Honey Crystals

The easiest way is to crush the crystals in a mortar and pestle until they’re smooth enough for your goat to eat easily. You can also use a rolling pin if you don’t have one available.

Mix with Water

Some people choose to mix their honey in with water before feeding it – which not only helps their digestion but will aid in dissolving the crystals so all of your goats can enjoy it.

Create an Easy Feeding Station or Bucket for Them

It can be difficult when you feed other supplements requiring a certain amount of feed because the goats eat around it. It’s best to create a feeding station or bucket that they can easily access – this will prevent them from going elsewhere and potentially competing with each other for food.

Do not Mix in with Grain

Although mixing honey with the grain isn’t dangerous, it does upset their stomachs which is why you should only mix it in with water or give it on its own. You can also offer small amounts of fruit to sweeten up their taste buds if you’re giving them something bitter like medicine too.

How Often Should I Feed my Goats Honey?

goat eating

As with other treats, you should only feed your goats honey occasionally. An average size goat will need 1-2 tablespoons of honey per day to improve their health and keep things in check – this amount is also dependent on how old they are so pay attention to the labels when buying it.

How Much Honey Will Goats Eat?

Goats aren’t greedy animals so if you want them to consume more honey then you’re going to have to convince them it’s good for them too. One way of doing this is by putting it in their water instead because they automatically drink that every day anyway.

Another trick is giving them just a little at first until they grow accustomed to the taste before gradually increasing the amount each time.

What other foods can goats eat apart from honey?

peanut butter

As curious creatures, goats often take interest in a variety of foods presented to them. However, it’s essential to discern what’s safe and what’s potentially harmful when broadening their diet. Beyond the allure of honey, several other foods might catch your attention. Here’s a closer look at five such items.


It’s a universal truth that many humans love chocolate, but this treat is a strict no-no for goats. Chocolate contains theobromine, a substance that’s toxic for many animals, goats included. Even small amounts can cause serious health issues or even be fatal. Always ensure that chocolate is kept far out of reach of your goats.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Chocolate? 5 Reasons It’s Not A Good Idea


While raisins might seem like a harmless snack, they pose a significant threat to goats. Similar to dogs, goats can experience poisoning after consuming raisins. The exact toxic substance in raisins remains unidentified, but it’s clear they can lead to kidney failure in some animals. It’s best to avoid giving your goats any grapes or raisins.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Raisins? Revealing The Facts

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter can be a tasty treat for goats when offered in moderation. It’s high in protein and essential fatty acids. However, ensure it’s free from xylitol, a sugar substitute harmful to many animals. Always opt for natural, unsweetened peanut butter, and offer it in small quantities.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Peanut Butter? 5 Amazing Benefits


Cheese is a dairy product and is generally safe for goats. In fact, there are cheeses made from goat milk. However, like all treats, moderation is key. Too much cheese can lead to digestive issues or obesity, especially the varieties high in fat. It’s also essential to ensure the cheese isn’t flavored or mixed with ingredients that might be harmful to goats.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Cheese: 5 Reasons It’s Not A Good Idea


Goats are herbivores, meaning their digestive systems are designed to process plant materials. Meat is not a natural part of their diet and can be challenging for them to digest. Offering meat can upset their stomach and imbalance their nutritional intake. It’s best to stick to their natural diet of plants, grains, and occasional safe treats.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Meat? A Deep Dive Into Their Dietary Habits

Can Goats Eat Honey – Final Thoughts

In conclusion, can goats eat honey? Yes! Goats will most likely enjoy honey and there are no known negative effects of giving your goats honey. Just make sure you never feed them spoiled or moldy foods. Also, ensure that the containers holding the honey are clean and free from any foreign particles.

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