Can Goats Eat Kiwi? 6 Amazing Benefits

Written By Jill Taylor

Do you have a kiwi tree in your backyard and are wondering – can goats eat kiwis? The answer is a resounding yes, goats can eat kiwis! As a goat owner, I’ve always been on the lookout for natural and healthy food options for my herd. Kiwis have proven to be a big hit, and they offer more than just a delicious treat.

Beyond their sweet, tangy flavor, kiwis pack a punch of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can boost your goats’ health in numerous ways. From aiding digestion to enhancing immunity, this fruit offers a well-rounded nutritional profile that can complement the diet of your caprine companions.

In the following article, we’ll delve into the multitude of benefits that kiwis offer to goats, how to properly feed them this fruit, and some additional tips and recipes to make the feeding process as smooth as possible. Your goats will not only relish the taste but will also reap a variety of health advantages.

can goats eat kiwi

What are the Benefits of Feeding Kiwis to Goats

Kiwis are a nutritious fruit that can be beneficial for goats. They are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Feeding kiwis to goats on a regular basis can help them stay healthy and improve their overall health. Here are some important benefits of feeding kiwis to goats.

Improves Digestion

Kiwis contain an enzyme that can help break down proteins. This can make it easier for goats to digest their food and absorb nutrients. Kiwis are also a good source of fiber, which can help improve digestion and prevent digestive problems.

Good Source of Vitamins, Minerals, and Antioxidants

Kiwis are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These nutrients can help improve the health of goats and keep them looking their best. Some of the vitamins and minerals found in kiwis include vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, copper, and manganese.

Boosts Immunity

Vitamin C is an important nutrient for boosting immunity. Kiwis are a good source of vitamin C, which can help keep goats healthy and prevent them from getting sick. In addition, the antioxidants in kiwis can help protect goats from diseases and health conditions.

Kiwis are a Low-Maintenance Fruit for Goats

Kiwis are a low-maintenance fruit for goats. They do not require any special care or attention. Goats can eat kiwis right off the tree, or you can cut them up into small pieces. Either way, your goats will enjoy eating kiwis and getting all of the benefits that they offer.


How to Feed Kiwis to Goats

fresh kiwi fruit

Integrating kiwis into your goats’ diet can be a rewarding experience, not only for your goats but also for their overall health. However, as with any new food addition, it’s essential to approach it with care and knowledge. Below, we break down the best ways to feed kiwis to your goats, offering a step-by-step guide for a smooth and enjoyable feeding experience.

Preparing the Kiwis

Before serving kiwis to your goats, give the fruit a good wash to remove any pesticides or contaminants. While goats can eat the skin, some prefer the fruit peeled. You have two main preparation options:

  • Cut the kiwi into quarters or slices, making it easier for your goats to munch on.
  • Mash the kiwis into a pulp, which can be mixed into their regular feed.

Feeding Methods

Once your kiwis are prepared, you have a variety of ways to offer them to your goats:

  • Direct Feeding: Simply place the sliced or quartered kiwis in a clean, accessible feeding container.
  • Mixed Feed: Incorporate the mashed kiwi pulp into your goats’ hay or other favorite feed. This is particularly useful if you want to ensure each goat gets an equal share.
  • Timed Feeding: If you have multiple goats, consider feeding them one at a time to ensure that each gets its fair share of the kiwi treat.

Portion Control

Kiwis are high in sugar and acid, so moderation is key. Introduce the fruit gradually into your goats’ diet and observe them for any adverse reactions like digestive upset. A couple of slices per goat as a weekly treat is a good starting point. Always balance out the kiwi with other sources of roughage like hay or straw to aid digestion.

Additional Tips

While kiwis are generally a low-maintenance and well-tolerated treat, here are some additional tips to enhance the feeding process:

  • For a fun, summery treat, freeze small chunks of kiwi and offer them to your goats as a cooling snack.
  • Always monitor your goats during and after introducing a new food item into their diet for any signs of digestive upset or allergic reactions.

What Other Parts of the Kiwi Plant Are Safe for Goats?

kiwi trees and plants

While kiwi fruits are certainly a nutritious treat for goats, you may be wondering about the rest of the kiwi plant. Can other parts like the leaves, stems, flowers, or even the skin be safely consumed by goats? Understanding what portions of the kiwi plant are safe can help you make the most of your homegrown kiwi trees and add even more variety to your goats’ diet.

Kiwi Leaves: A Fibrous Addition

Kiwi leaves are generally safe for goats to consume and can be a good source of fiber. Goats are natural browsers, and adding leaves to their diet can mimic their natural feeding habits. However, as with any new food item, introduce kiwi leaves gradually to see how your goats adjust.

Kiwi Stems: Mostly Safe, but Moderation is Key

The stems of the kiwi plant are not toxic to goats but should be offered in moderation. Stems are fibrous and tough, which means they can be harder to digest in large quantities. They should not replace the primary sources of fiber in your goats’ diet like hay but can be given occasionally as a supplement.

Kiwi Flowers: An Occasional Treat

Kiwi flowers are not commonly fed to goats, but they are not harmful either. If your goats have access to the kiwi tree during flowering, they might naturally nibble on some flowers. While not particularly nutrient-rich compared to other parts of the plant, they can be an occasional treat.

Kiwi Vines: Not Recommended

The vines of the kiwi plant can be quite tough and fibrous. While not toxic, their structure may make them difficult to digest and could pose a choking risk. It’s advisable to avoid letting your goats consume kiwi vines.

Kiwi Seeds: Tiny but Safe

The seeds found inside the kiwi fruit are also safe for goats to consume, especially when eaten as part of the whole fruit. They’re tiny and easily digestible, posing little to no risk of choking.

Kiwi Skin: Packed with Nutrients

Don’t throw away those kiwi skins! They are absolutely safe for goats to eat and are packed with nutrients like fiber, antioxidants, and even additional vitamins and minerals. The skin provides additional texture and fiber, making it a well-rounded addition to your goats’ diet. It can be fed along with the fruit or even separately as a unique treat.

Recipes for Feeding Kiwis to Goats: Nutritious and Tasty Options

goats eating

Adding kiwis to your goats’ diet doesn’t have to be a monotonous experience. With a little creativity, you can turn this nutrient-packed fruit into various delightful treats your goats will eagerly look forward to. In this section, we offer a selection of easy and nutritious recipes for feeding kiwis to your goats, tailored to meet their dietary needs while tickling their taste buds.

Kiwi Puree: A Smooth Delight


  • Ripe kiwis (peeled or unpeeled based on preference)
  • Fresh water


  • Peel the kiwis if you prefer to offer them without the skin.
  • Puree the kiwis in a blender until smooth.
  • Optionally, mix the puree with a little water to make it easier to serve.
  • Offer the kiwi puree in a shallow bowl or mix it into their regular wet feed.

Kiwi Slices: The Direct Approach


  • Ripe kiwis


  • Simply slice the kiwis into manageable pieces.
  • Place them in a clean feeding bucket or trough.
  • Let your goats enjoy this straightforward yet satisfying treat.

Kiwi Mash: A Fiber-Rich Blend


  • Ripe kiwis
  • Hay or pellet feed


  • Mash the kiwis into a pulp using a fork or a masher.
  • Mix the mashed kiwi into the hay or pellet feed.
  • Serve this mixture to your goats, ensuring each one gets an equal share.

Kiwi Ice Treats: A Summer Special


  • Ripe kiwis, cut into small pieces


  • Cut the kiwis into small, bite-sized pieces.
  • Place the pieces on a tray and freeze them.
  • Offer these frozen kiwi treats to your goats on a hot day for a refreshing snack.

Additional Tips for Recipe Success

  • Always start with fresh, ripe kiwis for the best nutritional value and taste.
  • Experiment with combinations of these recipes to see which ones your goats prefer.
  • Gradually introduce any new kiwi-based recipe into their diet, especially if they haven’t tried kiwi before, to monitor for any adverse reactions.

By employing these recipes, you can introduce a delightful variety into your goats’ diet while also providing them with the numerous health benefits that kiwis offer.

What Other Fruits Can Goats Eat Apart from Kiwi?

freshly cut pineapple

While kiwis offer a variety of health benefits for your goats, they are far from being the only fruit that these adaptable animals can consume. A well-rounded diet for goats can include other fruits, each with its own set of nutrients and benefits. However, it’s crucial to introduce new fruits gradually and in moderation. Below, we discuss five other fruits you might consider offering to your goats.

Watermelon: A Hydrating Snack

Yes, goats can eat watermelon. In fact, watermelon is one of the safest and most hydrating fruits you can feed your goats, especially during hot weather. It’s low in calories, high in water content, and offers vitamins like A and C. Even the rind is safe for consumption. However, be sure to remove any seeds to prevent choking hazards.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Watermelon? 6 Amazing Benefits

Pineapple: A Tropical Treat

Pineapple is another fruit that goats can eat but in moderation. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin C. However, the high sugar and acid content in pineapple could cause digestive issues if fed in large quantities. Like kiwis, it’s advisable to start with small amounts and observe how your goats react.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Pineapple? 6 Amazing Benefits

Cantaloupe: Nutrient-Rich and Tasty

Cantaloupe is not only safe for goats to eat, but it’s also packed with nutrients like vitamins A and C, as well as fiber. The sweet, juicy flesh can be a real treat for them. As always, moderation is key. Too much cantaloupe can lead to digestive upset due to its high sugar content.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Cantaloupe? 5 Important Benefits

Avocado: Proceed with Caution

While some parts of the avocado are safe for goats, this fruit generally comes with a higher risk factor. The pit and skin contain a substance called persin, which can be toxic to goats in large quantities. If you do choose to feed your goats avocado, make sure it’s only the flesh, and even then, only in moderation. Always monitor your goats carefully for any signs of illness.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Avocado? The Answer Might Surprise You!

Pomegranate: An Antioxidant-Rich Option

Pomegranate can be a healthy and safe fruit for goats when fed in moderation. It’s rich in antioxidants and provides a good amount of vitamins C and K. However, the seeds could potentially cause a choking hazard, so it’s best to offer pomegranate in a form that minimizes this risk, such as a pulp or juice mixed with their regular feed.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Pomegranate? 5 Amazing Benefits

Can Goats Eat Kiwi – Final Thoughts

So, can goats eat kiwi? You bet your barn boots they can! And not just the juicy, vitamin-packed fruit – most parts of the kiwi plant, from leaves to stems and even the skin, are a go-go for your goats. Just like a kiwi adds a zing to your fruit salad, it can also bring a burst of nutrition and flavor to your goats’ diet. Whether you mash it, slice it, or let them munch it right off the tree, kiwis are a low-maintenance, high-reward addition to any goat meal plan.

But don’t stop at kiwis! From watermelon to pineapple, there’s a smorgasbord of other fruits your goats can enjoy. Just remember the golden rule: moderation is key. Too much of a good thing can lead to tummy troubles. Happy feeding, and may your goats be as sprightly as a freshly picked kiwi!

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