Can Goats Eat Plums? 6 Excellent Benefits

Written By Jill Taylor

Raising goats on a farm is an experience that comes with its joys and challenges. One of the most frequent questions new goat owners ask is: can goats eat plums? The simple answer is yes, goats can eat plums. These fruits are not only a delightful treat but also offer numerous health benefits. With their high fiber content, abundance of vitamins A and C, and potassium, plums can be a nutritious addition to a goat’s diet.

However, like any other food, plums should be fed in moderation. Overindulgence can lead to digestive issues, such as diarrhea. It’s also crucial to ensure the plums are ripe and free of chemicals, as unripe or chemically treated plums can be harmful to your goats. Being mindful of the right quantities and ensuring the quality of the fruit will ensure your goats can safely enjoy this tasty snack.

The journey of goat-keeping can be fascinating and rewarding, and understanding their dietary needs is part of it. By offering a varied and balanced diet, you’re not only contributing to their physical well-being but also enriching their lives with new tastes and experiences. So, let your goats enjoy a plum or two, and watch as they savor this delicious fruit.

can goats eat plums

Can goats eat plums?

Yes, goats can eat plums. Plums are a good source of fiber and contain antioxidants, which can help keep the goat’s immune system healthy.

However, plums should only be given as part of a healthy and balanced diet. If the goats are given too many plums, they may develop diarrhea. When feeding plums to goats, be sure to provide a healthy and balanced diet overall.


The benefits of eating plums for goats

The benefits of eating plums for goats include:


Plums are a good source of fiber, which can help keep goats’ digestive systems healthy. Fiber also helps goats feel full, which can be helpful if you’re trying to keep them from overeating.


Plums are a good source of antioxidants, which can help protect goats’ bodies against disease. Antioxidants can also help to keep the goat’s immune system healthy.

Vitamins & Minerals

Plums are a good source of Vitamin C, vital for goats’ immune systems. Vitamin A is also found in plums and is essential for goats’ vision and skin health. Plums also contain potassium, which is important for goats’ muscle and nerve function.


Plums can also provide goats with a good source of energy. The sugar in plums can be turned into glucose, which is then used by the goat’s body for energy.

Things to watch out for when feeding plums to goats

fresh plum

When feeding plums to goats, there are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind:

Pesticides & chemicals

Be sure only to give your goats plums that are ripe and free of blemishes or bruises. Avoid giving them any plums treated with pesticides or other chemicals.


Too many plums can cause diarrhea in goats. Be sure to feed them plums in moderation as part of a healthy and balanced diet.

Signs of illness

If you notice any signs of illness in your goats after feeding them plums, contact a veterinarian immediately.


When feeding plums to goats, it is important to watch out for the pits. The pits can cause choking or intestinal blockages in goats. Be sure to remove the pits before giving the plums to your goats.

How often should goats eat plums?

While most people think of goats as synonymous with hay and grass, the truth is that these versatile animals can survive on a wide variety of foods. Goats are particularly fond of fruit and will often eagerly eat plums, apples, oranges, and other types of fruit.

However, it is important to moderate their fruit intake, as too much can cause stomach upset. Generally, goats should eat no more than two or three plums daily.

Beyond that, they can enjoy unlimited hay and grass. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your goats stay healthy and happy.

How to prepare plums for feeding to goats

goats eating

Plums are a delicious and nutritious treat for goats, but they must be appropriately prepared before feeding. First, you should wash the plum to remove any dirt or debris.

One method of feeding plums to goats is to slice the fruit into thin strips and then tie them onto a string or rope. The string can then be hung from a tree branch or other structure, allowing the goats to reach the plums without climbing.

Another method is placing the plums in a feeder designed for holding hay or grain. The goats will then be able to eat the plums as they would any other type of feed.

Finally, the plums can be placed on the ground, although this may attract other animals such as birds or rodents. Whichever method you choose, make sure that there are enough plums for all of the goats to enjoy.

Can baby goats eat plums?

Yes, baby goats can eat plums. Plums are a good source of vitamins and minerals and can help satisfy a goat’s sweet tooth.

However, you should only give plums to baby goats in moderation. Like all fruits, plums contain sugar which can lead to weight gain and health problems if consumed in large quantities.

Baby goats should only be given little bits of plums at a time as part of a healthy diet.

What other fruits can goats eat?

goat sticking out tongue

Apart from plums, goats enjoy a wide variety of fruits, making them ideal recipients of the surplus harvest from your orchard or garden. In this section, we will explore five more fruits that can be a delightful treat for your goats. These fruits not only offer a tasty alternative to their regular diet but can also provide essential vitamins and minerals to support their overall health.


Goats can indeed eat peaches. These fruits are rich in vitamins A and C, making them a nutritious addition to a goat’s diet. However, the pits of peaches contain small amounts of cyanide, which can be harmful to goats if consumed in large quantities. 

Therefore, it is vital to remove the pits before feeding peaches to your goats. Additionally, avoid overfeeding as the sugar content in peaches can be high, and moderation is key to a healthy diet.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Peaches? Simple Answer & Feeding Tips


Mangoes are another tropical treat that goats enjoy. These fruits are high in vitamins C and E, and their fiber content can help in digestion. However, mango seeds should be avoided, as they can cause choking or digestive blockages. 

Remove the skin, which may contain pesticide residues, and feed the mango flesh in moderation to ensure a balanced diet.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Mango? Simple Answer & Feeding Tips


Cherries are safe for goats to consume as long as they are pitted. The pits, stems, and leaves of cherry trees contain cyanogenic glycosides, which can be harmful if consumed in large amounts. Therefore, it is crucial to remove the pits before offering cherries to your goats. 

Cherries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and C, and potassium, which can benefit your goat’s health. However, due to their high sugar content, cherries should only be fed as an occasional treat.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Cherries? Feeding Guide & Tips


Nectarines are closely related to peaches and share many of their nutritional benefits, including being high in vitamins A and C. Just like with peaches, you should remove the pits before offering nectarines to your goats, as the pits contain cyanide. 

Nectarines can be a delicious and nutritious treat for goats, but they should be fed in moderation due to their sugar content.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Nectarines? 3 Important Health Benefits


Apricots are another excellent fruit option for goats. They are rich in vitamins A and C, potassium, and fiber, making them a healthy snack. However, the pits of apricots, like those of peaches and nectarines, contain cyanide. 

It’s essential to remove the pits before feeding apricots to your goats. In addition, due to their sugar content, apricots should only be an occasional treat.

Read More: Can Goats Eat Apricots? 4 Excellent Health Benefits

How to give goats a healthy and balanced diet

Goats are versatile animals used for meat, milk, or fiber production. However, as with any livestock, it is important to provide them with a healthy and balanced diet.

The best way to do this is to feed them various foods, including hay, grain, and vegetables. Hay is an excellent fiber source and helps keep the digestive system moving. Grain provides goats with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

Fruit and vegetables are also good sources of vitamins and minerals, which can help add variety to the diet. By feeding goats various foods, you can help ensure that they stay healthy and productive.

Can goats eat plums – final thoughts

Yes, goats can eat plums. Plums offer many health benefits for goats, including improved digestion and weight management.

However, there are a few things to watch out for when feeding plums to goats. Firstly, plums should only make up a small part of the goat’s diet, as they are high in sugar. Secondly, unripe plums can be toxic to goats, so it’s essential only to feed ripe plums. Finally, too much plum consumption can lead to diarrhea in goats.

With these things in mind, plums can be a healthy addition to a goat’s diet – be sure to feed them in moderation!