17 Stereotypes that Have Caused More Harm than Good for Americans

Written By Jill Taylor

Every nation is subject to cruel stereotypes—the French love cheese, womanizing, and surrendering, while the British are emotionally repressed and addicted to tea. Americans are also associated with their own set of negative tropes. Here are 17 stereotypes about Americans that are more damaging than true.

They’re Gun Crazy

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The rest of the world thinks that no American leaves the house without carrying a rifle or three. However, this stereotype simply isn’t true. According to Gallup, while 44% of Americans have guns in their houses, only 32% actually own firearms themselves. Gun owners just have large collections, which drags the average up for everyone.

They’re All Lovers of Capitalism

Photo Credit: Sean Locke Photography/Shutterstock

Americans are often stereotyped as being the world’s most dedicated capitalists, but U.S. attitudes toward capitalism are deeply divided. For every budding Wolf of Wall Street, there’s a radical college student who believes that private property should be abolished. Generalizing only ignores the rich tapestry of American opinion on the subject.

They’re Racist and Intolerant

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No one is denying that the U.S. has a troubled past when it comes to racism. Nonetheless, the country has made great strides: over half of Americans voted for Barack Obama, while the Black Lives Matter movement enjoyed mainstream attention. Bigotry may still exist, but it’s not fair to blame all Americans.

They All Support War

Photo Credit: Chueasuwan Phunsawat/Shutterstock

Americans don’t help themselves when it comes to their Warhawk reputation—the U.S. has only been at peace for about 20 years of its entire existence! However, many average Americans actually oppose their country’s constant warfare. After all, no one loves peace more than hippies, and they’re as American as apple pie.

They’re Self-Obsessed Patriots

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Foreigners picture Americans as gun-toting patriots who salute the stars and stripes each morning. While this is probably unfair, many Americans do believe that their country is among the best in the world. Still, this doesn’t prevent even the most patriotic citizens from recognizing the strengths of other countries.

They Don’t Care About the Environment

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The popular perception is that Americans drive gas-guzzling trucks and place their own comfort over the needs of the planet. The truth is more complicated, as many influential environmentalists lived in the U.S. For instance, Britannica credits the American biologist Rachel Carson with warning the world about the dangers of pesticides.

Rednecks are Country Hicks

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It’s arguable that rural America gets the short end of the stick when it comes to negative stereotypes. Poor Americans from the South are unfairly viewed as crass rednecks who take pride in living well outside polite society. In fact, so-called rednecks are just doing what they can to survive under tough conditions.

They’re the Cops of the World

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Movies like ‘Team America: World Police’ (2004) have parodied America’s apparent willingness to meddle in the affairs of other countries. Decades of foreign intervention have only reinforced this stereotype. However, U.S. troops and organizations also do a lot of good around the world, such as providing vital supplies and maintaining law and order.

They’re Entitled

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The stereotype of American entitlement is tied to the country’s exceptionalism. After all, if America is the world’s greatest nation, why shouldn’t its citizens expect the best? In reality, most Americans are hard workers who strive to achieve their goals—don’t let viral videos of people yelling at cashiers convince you otherwise.

They Don’t Travel

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It’s rumored that the vast majority of Americans still don’t own a passport because they have no interest in exploring foreign cultures. This is actually an urban myth, as the number of American passports is steadily rising. They’re not as universal as in other countries, but Americans are far from inward-looking.

Everyone Drives Cars

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Horror stories about public transport in the U.S. reach all corners of the globe, so we’re not surprised that many U.S. citizens prefer to drive around. However, America’s love affair with vehicles seems to be on the rocks—The Washington Post reports that Gen Z Americans aren’t joining the older generations behind the wheel.

They’re Terrible With Languages

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Americans’ language skills come under attack from all sides. UK citizens accuse Americans of massacring their precious language, while other countries stereotype Americans as being aggressively monolingual. In fact, about one in five Americans are bilingual, with Spanish being the most common second language in the U.S.

They’re Geopolitical Hypocrites

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The U.S. takes a pragmatic approach to foreign policy—it supports countries whose values don’t match America’s own ideals if it thinks it can profit from them. However, it’s unfair to pin this hypocrisy on average Americans. While U.S. citizens do get to vote, their control over world politics basically stops at the ballot box.

They’re Fast Food Addicts

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America is home to the world’s biggest fast food franchise (McDonald’s), so it makes sense that the country is associated with fast food. However, this association isn’t entirely justified—Americans eat a whole range of interesting regional cuisine, and while many enjoy a Big Mac as a treat, it’s hardly the national dish.

They’re Overweight and Unfit

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America has never been able to shake the image of being an unhealthy nation. Despite this stereotype, Forbes states that the U.S. is only the twelfth most obese country in the world. American athletes also excel—the U.S. has won more Olympic medals than it can count! It sits on both ends of the spectrum!

They’re Materialistic Overconsumers

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Thanks to shopping channels, outlet malls, and the internet, it’s possible to buy just about anything in the U.S. Foreigners stereotype Americans as greedy overconsumers, but the reality is that many Americans are very generous. Charitable donations from U.S. citizens are especially high compared to other countries.

It’s a Declining Nation

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The U.S. doesn’t have the power or status that it once enjoyed, and some critics love to stereotype the country and its people as a superpower on the verge of collapse. This is dangerous, as a lack of confidence in the future risks becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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