17 Restaurant Items That Are Always a Waste of Money

Written By Jill Taylor

We know that the novelty of going out to eat can often lead us to order things we don’t really need, especially when our eyes are bigger than our stomachs! But here are 17 popular menu items that should be avoided because they are simply a waste of money.

Bottled Water

Photo Credit: ericlefrancais/Shutterstock

Tap water is perfectly safe to drink and won’t cost you a penny, which begs the question of why most of us often ask for bottled water in a restaurant. Maybe it’s the allure of it feeling like a more sophisticated drink? Either way, you’ll pay a premium for bottled!

Bread Baskets

Photo Credit: H.Phavee/Shutterstock

Another item that wastes money is the bread basket—if you have to pay for it, that is, as some restaurants provide it free. It can be appealing when you’re hungry, but really, just wait for your food and save some cash! And bread baskets are often never listed with their calories, reveals the Toronto Star.

Side Salad

Photo Credit: viennetta/Shutterstock

Side salads may seem like a healthy and acceptable choice at the time, but in reality, they’re very overpriced for what you’re getting. They usually consist of a whole load of lettuce and a few extra vegetables, topped with basic dressing. You’re better off spending your money on a substantial salad dish instead!

Premium Cocktails

Photo Credit: Aleksandr Pobedimskiy/Shutterstock

Cocktails can make evening dinner more fun, but that doesn’t mean that you have to opt for the most premium options – because you’ll be overcharged if you do. The markup on premium cocktails can be considerably more because of the high-end spirits, and you’re really just paying for the excessive presentation!

Pasta Dishes

Photo Credit: Tanya Consaul Photography/Shutterstock

Pasta is a safe, delicious option for an evening meal, but when you actually think about what goes into it, it’s very basic ingredients with a high markup price. You’ll often end up paying a premium for simply pasta, sauce, and a few extra vegetables.

Specialty Coffees

Photo Credit: YuliaLisitsa/Shutterstock

Finishing off your meal with a frothy coffee? You might want to think again if you want to save money. Specialty coffees like lattes and cappuccinos are popular menu items, but they can often be double the price of a standard coffee simply because of the small extras.

Seasonal Vegetables

Photo Credit: SewCreamStudio/Shutterstock

If you’re ordering a side of seasonal vegetables, it can often feel like a more sophisticated option compared to a portion of fries or salad – and that’s exactly why restaurants will charge you more for something that isn’t particularly impressive. Preparing the same vegetables at home will be half the price.

Chicken Dishes

Photo Credit: nelea33/Shutterstock

Another menu item you might want to think about if you’re looking to save money is any chicken dish. When you think about how much chicken costs at home, it’s relatively inexpensive, but restaurants will often hike up the price because they know customers will pay it!

Premium Steaks

Photo Credit: Chatham172/Shutterstock

Often, you get what you pay for with steak, and there is a hierarchy when it comes to beef—the world’s most expensive steak is a rib cut at $3,200, states Forbes! However, the price of premium beef on the menu may not always match the quality.


Photo Credit: MShev/Shutterstock

Let’s be honest – most of us pay for a dessert without looking much at the price when that chocolate craving hits, but in hindsight, it’s a cost we could have done without! Desserts are notoriously overpriced for their tiny portion sizes, and you know you could get the same item from a supermarket.

Pre-Made Sauces and Dressings

Photo Credit: Chris LayKK/Shutterstock

Many restaurants have signature sauces that are quite expensive, but that high price tag can also be applied to standard ready-made sauces and dressings. When you think about how much it would cost to simply make them yourself at home, you realize how highly-priced those menu versions really are!


Photo Credit: pilipphoto/Shutterstock

Menu items like cheese platters, nachos, and bruschetta are always appealing when you’re at your table feeling peckish, but they’re usually overpriced for what they actually are. Everything that makes up appetizers like these are very inexpensive ingredients that don’t justify such a high price tag.


Photo Credit: nadianb/Shutterstock

Another menu item that is a waste of money is soup – when you think about what soup actually is and how cheaply you can make it yourself! Soups can come with a high price tag for a bowl of vegetables. There’s even a soup in Seattle that costs $21, says the Seattle Times.

Sushi Rolls Without a Lot of Fish

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

If you’re ordering a sushi roll at a premium menu price, then you want as much fish as possible. Unfortunately, many sushi rolls can be a waste of money because they have very little fish in them and then are overstuffed with cheap ingredients such as cucumber.

Any Dish with Truffle Oil

Photo Credit: DronG/Shutterstock

Truffle oil can make your meal feel very formal indeed, but most of the time, truffle oil just sounds special in name only. It isn’t made with expensive real truffles, so there’s no good reason why your truffle fries or truffle pasta should be priced so high!

Lobster Mac and Cheese

Photo Credit: Foodio/Shutterstock

Another menu item that isn’t worth wasting your money on is lobster mac and cheese, as you’re much better off spending your money on a lobster dish or the standard (and cheaper) mac and cheese. The amount of lobster you get in this dish is very minimal, so it’s not really worth the high price.

Surf and Turf

Photo Credit: Atsushi Hirao/Shutterstock

Our final overpriced menu item you may want to reconsider is the popular surf and turf! Seen as the “epitome of indulgence”, according to Tasting Table, it does have appeal with its steak and seafood combination, but it’s a lot more expensive than it would be to order the same items separately!

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