18 Pricey Items That Are a Total Waste of Money

Written By Jill Taylor

Whilst some things in life are worth the money, many items nowadays are not worth the money we spend on them; in fact, they’re stupidly overpriced! If you’re looking to cut some costs, let’s investigate 18 things that we are being overcharged for and need to stop buying.

Designer Clothes

Photo Credit: Creative Lab/Shutterstock

Yes, designer clothes may be made with better materials and more attention to detail than ‘fast fashion,’ but Money Crashers claims that the difference still doesn’t justify the extreme price hike. There are plenty of affordable clothing brands that use similar fabrics and offer quality options without the price tag.

Bottled Water

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

This goes far beyond the financial cost; all the plastic waste produced by water bottles also affects our planet. A far better investment is a reusable water bottle or a water filter, a better choice for both your bank account and the planet.


Photo Credit: Aleona/Shutterstock

Diamonds, whilst beautiful, have been associated with a bloody and conflicting history of exploitation of workers in diamond mines. It seems unethical that they can charge so much for them; an option that is more economical and moral is opting for lab-grown diamonds.

Brand Name Medications

Photo Credit: Adul10/Shutterstock

All medications, regardless of brand, undergo rigorous testing to ensure that they are safe and effective for human use, even before they hit the market. So, choosing generic medications over big-name ones is just as good; the big names are just ripping you off!

Takeout Coffee

Photo Credit: puhhha/Shutterstock

Whilst takeout coffee may not seem expensive at the time, those little costs add up! Newsweek even reports that a whopping 62% of millennials are willing to spend $7 a day on takeout coffee—that’s almost $2,500 a year! Just buy a coffee machine, for Pete’s sake!

Extended Warranties

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

At the time of purchase, the shop assistant may push you to buy an extended warranty to ensure that you will be covered if anything happens to your product. However, the chances of actually needing it are really low. By reading up on consumer protection laws, you can avoid such unnecessary spending.

Luxury Cars

Photo Credit: mpohodzhay/Shutterstock

Luxury cars undeniably come with prestige and advanced features, but they also devalue quickly over time and face higher maintenance costs. By choosing a reliable and moderately priced car instead, you can not only save money at the start but also over time, ensuring that it stays in good condition.

High-End Makeup

Photo Credit: InnerVisionPRO/Shutterstock

High-end makeup brands might have nicer packaging, but the difference between them and drugstore brands is…actually, not that much. By using trial and error to see which drugstore brands work for you, you can end up with the same look for a much lower price. Otherwise, you’re getting ripped off!

Designer Handbags

Photo Credit: Ann Haritonenko/Shutterstock

When designer handbags are mentioned, several big names may come to mind, all of which boast premium materials and incredible craftsmanship. That may be so, but are they really worth the cost? The majority of that price only comes due to the brand name–it’s a rip-off.

Extravagant Weddings

Photo Credit: liseykina/Shutterstock

Weddings are a great reason to get both family and friends together to celebrate a huge milestone in anyone’s life, but they can also put financial strain on the couple. Don’t fall victim to this; just spend on only the important things for the wedding, and you’ll save a lot of money.

Organic Produce

Photo Credit: BGStock72/Shutterstock

It may be true that organic produce is grown without synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, but this cannot justify the increase in price. LeafScore states that the better option for your wallet is to prioritize locally grown food and in-season fruits and vegetables, which also allows you to support sustainable agriculture.

Restaurant Cocktails

Photo Credit: Mateusz Gzik/Shutterstock

Enjoying a cocktail while you’re out for dinner is quite the luxury, but with the markup restaurants put on alcohol, it can end up costing you a lot. Why not host cocktail parties at home with a few friends instead? Trust us; you’ll have more fun, spend less, and the cocktails will taste even better!

Brand Name Batteries

Photo Credit: mariva2017/Shutterstock

Did you know that generic batteries often perform just as well as their brand-name counterparts but at only a fraction of the price? Not many people do; by either stocking up on generic batteries or investing in rechargeable ones, you will save yourself a ton of money from ‘big battery’!

Designer Sunglasses

Photo Credit: NeonShot/Shutterstock

How many times have you gone out and returned home only to find that your sunglasses didn’t make it back with you? Sunglasses are super easy to lose, so stop wasting money on fancy pairs! There are plenty of more affordable, quality-made ones that don’t come with a huge price tag.

Luxury Watches

Photo Credit: iVazoUSky/Shutterstock

Many people view luxury watches as investment pieces, but the increase in price for these models is ridiculous. Unless you’re made of money, they’re a rip-off, so choose a more account-friendly option, like choosing an affordable brand that offers quality at a much lower price.

Tech Gadgets

Photo Credit: Kardasov Films/Shutterstock

As new tech gadgets constantly hit the market, the previous generation of gadgets falls in price dramatically, so ZDNET advises you to take advantage of this to avoid getting ripped off. You’ll get yourself perfectly good gadgets at a bargain price, all while helping the planet by generating less technology waste!

Cable TV

Photo Credit: Dragon Images/Shutterstock

Back in the day, the only way to view more content was to have cable TV, but now, with the wide range of streaming services, cable is useless. Despite this, cable TV providers are happily raising their prices to dizzying new highs, so why are you still paying them!?

Fast Fashion

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Finally, fast fashion may feel tempting, but the low prices often come at the expense of ethical labor and environmental sustainability. It’s better to invest in timeless base pieces of clothing that will stand the test of time instead of following short-lived fashion trends, fast fashion, or designer brands. Just dress comfortably!

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Photo Credit: kornnphoto/Shutterstock

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