20 Old-School Items That Are Much Cheaper and Better Than Modern Alternatives

Written By Jill Taylor

It’s easy to overlook the value of tried-and-tested items from the past when technology is always advancing and when new products are constantly released. These 20 old-school products not only hold up against modern alternatives but often surpass them in quality and cost-effectiveness.

Cast Iron Skillets

Photo Credit: Oksana Mizina/Shutterstock

Cast iron skillets can last a lifetime if you look after them properly! They are versatile and can be used on the stove, in the oven, or over a campfire. They can also offer a natural, non-stick surface without harmful chemicals.

Coffee Percolators

Photo Credit: Snowboy/Shutterstock

Percolators brew a rich, full-bodied coffee that tastes delicious. The Spruce suggests that different percolators “offer select advantages over standard coffee makers, including their affordability, ease of use, and compact size.” They also don’t require any electricity, just a stovetop or campfire.

Hand Tools

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Older hand tools were often built to last with quality materials, as opposed to modern hand tools that use less durable materials. Vintage hand tools also offer excellent precision for detailed work. You can find them at lower prices at garage sales and thrift stores!

Board Games

Photo Credit: melissamn/Shutterstock

Long overtaken by video games and mobile games, the classic board game is often overlooked these days. Board games are ideal for families and encourage face-to-face interaction. Many board games can also be played over and over without losing their charm!

Mechanical Watches

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

It’s the new trend to have a smartwatch, but it might not be the best and cheapest option. Mechanical wristwatches are timeless feats of engineering and artistry! They also don’t require batteries, which reduces the long-term costs, making them the cheaper choice.

Vinyl Records

Photo Credit: Rawpixel.com/Shutterstock

We had tapes, then CDs, and now streaming services, but before all of that, there were vinyl records! Vinyls have also been coming back into fashion, with music listeners preferring the warmer sound of vinyl. This means that records can actually increase in value over time.

Hardcover Books

Photo Credit: connel/Shutterstock

Functionally, hardback books withstand wear and tear better than paperbacks. However, the feel of a hardcover book enhances the reading experience the most! The Guardian says, “A beautiful hardback is a joy, something to cherish, shelve, and pass on.”

Fountain Pens

Photo Credit: Scisetti Alfio/Shutterstock

The quality of fountain pens is unmatched! They provide a wonderfully smooth and consistent writing experience and add a unique and personalized touch to your writing. Fountain pens are also eco-friendly and economical in the long run as they are refillable.

Handmade Quilts

Photo Credit: finchfocus/Shutterstock

There’s no comparison between modern bedding and handmade quilts. Each handmade quilt is a unique piece of art, often made with a lot of care and attention to detail. They also offer great insulation and comfort, and well-made quilts can be passed down through generations as heirlooms.

Wool Blankets

Photo Credit: Anna Mente/Shutterstock

Remember wool blankets like the ones our grandmothers knitted? They are much warmer than modern blankets and are naturally breathable, too. Wool blankets are also so durable that if they are looked after properly, they could last for decades.

Manual Typewriters

Photo Credit: Huy Thoai/Shutterstock

Manual typewriters eliminate digital distractions and improve concentration, which we all need sometimes! Typewriters are also built to last and require minimal maintenance throughout their lifespan. Also, creating a physical copy of your writing and work can be highly satisfying.

Film Cameras

Photo Credit: Prathankarnpap/Shutterstock

According to National Geographic, film cameras are tougher, produce better-looking photos, are easier to use, and are cheaper. Film photography often captures richer details and tones, leading to better photos. It also requires more thoughtful composition and technique from the photographer.

Rotary Phones

Photo Credit: ShutterStockStudio/Shutterstock

Rotary phones are straight to the point, with a single function and no distractions like modern smartphones. They are also incredibly durable and can last for decades! Even if you don’t intend to use it, a rotary phone can add some vintage charm to your home.

Woolen Sweaters

Photo Credit: White bear studio/Shutterstock

Forget all of these modern clothing materials that are bad for the environment! Woolen sweaters are the way to go—wool naturally insulates and wicks moisture, is sustainable and biodegradable, and never goes out of fashion. These sweaters can also last a lifetime!

Cast Iron Radiators

Photo Credit: StockphotoVideo/Shutterstock

Everybody wants to stay warm in the winter months without breaking the bank. Leave your modern radiators behind, as cast iron radiators are much more efficient and last longer. They also retain heat well, so they provide more consistent warmth.

Hand-Crank Sewing Machines

Photo Credit: Alessandro de Leo/Shutterstock

Hand-crank sewing machines work without electricity, which is perfect if you’re off-grid or even if you’re just looking to save some money on bills! Built to be durable and last a long time with limited maintenance, these old-fashioned sewing machines offer excellent control for detailed projects.

Steel Razors

Photo Credit: Davide Zanin Photography/Shutterstock

Reusable razors like old-fashioned steel razors cost less, as you don’t need to keep buying disposable cartridges. This also means they generate less waste than modern plastic razors. Many people who use steel razors say they provide a closer and better shave.

Mason Jars

Photo Credit: Iryna Melnyk/Shutterstock

The New York Times says, “A hundred and fifty years ago, these jars meant survival.” Nowadays, mason jars are ideal for canning, storage, and even drinking glasses, as they are versatile and durable. Made of sturdy glass, they last much longer than plastic containers and reduce plastic waste.

Push Reel Mowers

Photo Credit: Wade Machin/Shutterstock

The push reel mower might seem outdated now, but they have many positives! These old-fashioned mowers produce no emissions and are quiet. They are also cheaper to maintain than gas or electric mowers. Mowing with a push reel mower is also a great workout!

Analog Wall Clocks

Photo Credit: atsawin fugpan/Shutterstock

Unlike modern digital clocks, many analog wall clocks run without the need for constant battery replacements. They are also built to last longer with little to no maintenance required. Analog clocks can add a classic, decorative touch to any space, too!

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