Don’t Waste Your Money 20 Restaurant Dishes That Aren’t Worth It

Written By Babatunde Sanni

Dining out can be a delightful experience. But it can also get expensive, and no one wants to waste money on a bad meal. In this light, we’ve compiled 20 dishes that are somewhat overhyped, which you should avoid to save money. 

Caesar Salad

Photo Credit: viennetta/Shutterstock

Many joints charge a premium for their Caesar salads when they lack the freshness and flavor to allow us to enjoy them deeply. We aren’t assured of crisp, vibrant greens, and sometimes, we even get wilted lettuce and bland dressings. It gets so bad that the Atlantic even calls it an “unchecked Caesar salad fraud,” “with chefs tossing in pig ear, tequila, and other wacky ingredients.”

Chicken Alfredo

Photo Credit: Saintsev/Shutterstock

Chicken Alfredo is a classic dish, no doubt. But we now see many restaurants serving us lackluster versions of it. The sauce is especially what diners have problems with, as it’s sometimes bland and overly thick—served on chicken that’s also dry and rubbery. Some pasta options, like seafood pasta, offer a better balance between taste and texture. 

Fish and Chips

Photo Credit: AC Manley/Shutterstock

According to reviews from a Michelin-starred chef, fish and chips is said to be the most overrated dish from Britain. He complains about how, many times, there’s too much grease, the chips are stodgy and soggy, the batter is too thick to enjoy, and the fish isn’t even fresh.  

Grilled Cheese

Photo Credit: Dolgikh/Shutterstock

A grilled cheese sandwich should be a comforting, gooey delight, yet some places serve uninspired versions. Cheap bread and tasteless cheese can make this classic dish a waste of money, leaving you unsatisfied. What’s worse, with an average of 700 calories in them, they’re also unhealthy for your heart

Veggie Burger

Photo Credit: Kolpakova Svetlana/Shutterstock

Veggie burgers should be a delicious alternative for non-meat eaters, but many restaurants fail to deliver. The patties can be dry, bland, and lacking in creativity, making them unappealing. Instead, look for vegetarian dishes that showcase a variety of flavors and textures to get more value for your money and a more enjoyable meal.

Chicken Sandwich

Photo Credit: Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

A chicken sandwich should be juicy and flavorful, but many restaurants fall short. Overcooked, dry chicken and lackluster toppings can make this option a waste of money and leave you wanting more. They can be unhealthy, too, and some of the poor performers in this regard are from restaurants like Popeyes, KFC, and Jack In The Box. 


Photo credit: Eight Photo/Shutterstock

Ordering a steak at a restaurant is a treat, but an overcooked cut can ruin the experience. Paying top dollar for a tough, flavorless steak is frustrating and can leave you unsatisfied. Ensure you get your money’s worth by choosing a restaurant known for expertly prepared steaks or exploring other protein options, such as lamb or fish.


Photo Credit: Little Vignettes Photo/Shutterstock

Pizza is a favorite for many, but some restaurant versions are disappointing. Poorly balanced toppings, soggy crusts, and bland sauce can leave you wishing you had ordered something else. For a satisfying meal, find a place specializing in authentic, high-quality pizza using fresh ingredients and traditional cooking methods.

Sushi Rolls

Photo Credit: Prostock-studio/Shutterstock

Sushi rolls can be a delightful treat. Sadly, we see some restaurants serve fish that isn’t fresh and poorly rolled sushi, which can turn a meal into a regret, leaving you unsatisfied. Choose sushi from places known for their quality and freshness to ensure a better dining experience and enjoy the true flavors of the dish. Or even boycott them entirely.

Sweetened Cocktails

Photo Credit: Mateusz Gzik/Shutterstock

Cocktails should be a balanced mix of flavors, but some establishments serve overly sweetened drinks that mask the taste of quality ingredients, ruining the experience. To avoid disappointment, ask for recommendations or stick to classic cocktails (as they’re harder to mess up), ensuring a better drinking experience.

Gummy Risotto

Photo Credit: kuvona/Shutterstock

Risotto is a creamy, indulgent dish, but poorly executed versions can be gummy and bland. Restaurants often overcook the rice or skimp on flavorful ingredients, making it an unsatisfying choice. If you really want one, only seek out places known for their expertise in Italian cuisine for a better experience and a well-prepared, delicious risotto.


Photo Credit: Creative Cat Studio/Shutterstock

Another dish that many places serve disappointing versions of is nachos, which should instead be a flavorful and shareable appetizer. Stale chips, sparse toppings, and bland cheese can make this dish a letdown and leave you wishing you had chosen another starter. Opt for more thoughtfully prepared appetizers that offer a better mix of flavors and textures to enhance your meal.

Tofu Stir-Fry

Photo Credit: CatherineScarlett/Shutterstock

A tofu stir-fry should be a flavorful and satisfying vegetarian option, but some restaurants miss the mark. Bland tofu, overcooked vegetables, and a lack of seasoning can make this dish unappealing. It’s advised that you look for places that treat their vegetarian dishes with the same care as their meat options so that you get a tasty and well-balanced meal.

Avocado Toast

Photo Credit: BublikHaus/Shutterstock

Avocado toast is a trendy menu item, but it’s often overpriced for what you get. Bland bread, unripe avocados, and minimal seasoning can make this dish underwhelming and leave you wanting more. Consider other breakfast or brunch options that provide more variety and satisfaction, such as eggs benedict or a hearty omelet.


Photo Credit: etorres/Shutterstock

Many restaurants also serve greasy, underwhelming quesadillas instead of the more enjoyable crispy alternative, typically packed with flavor. Soggy tortillas and unexciting fillings can make this dish a letdown. To avoid this, opt for more carefully prepared Mexican dishes that use fresh, well-balanced ingredients.

Shrimp Cocktail

Photo Credit: sirtravelalot/Shutterstock
Photo Credit: Magdanatka/Shutterstock

Shrimp cocktails can be a refreshing starter, but many versions come with overcooked shrimp and a watery cocktail sauce that can ruin the experience. Most times, you see that it isn’t worth the price. Choose seafood starters that promise fresher, better-prepared ingredients to get more value from your meal and enjoy a more satisfying dish.


Photo Credit: val lawless/Shutterstock

Calamari is a popular appetizer, but poorly cooked versions can be rubbery and flavorless. Overcooked squid and bland breading make this dish a common disappointment, and it could leave you wishing you had chosen something else. Opt for other seafood dishes like oyster mushrooms and king trumpet mushrooms, which are less likely to suffer from improper preparation.

Pad Thai

Photo Credit: Giulia M/Shutterstock

Pad Thai is a favorite at many Thai restaurants. However, since you won’t be buying it in traditional Thailand, you should understand how it can easily be bland and uninspiring. Overcooked noodles and a lackluster sauce can make this dish a disappointment, making you want more to supplement the dining experience. 

Pulled Pork

Photo Credit: Whiteaster/Shutterstock

Rather than being juicy and flavorful, many places serve overly dry pulled pork with tough meat and insufficient amounts of seasoning. These can make this dish a poor choice for your outings. Look for barbecue joints known for their expertise in slow-cooked meats to ensure a better experience and a more enjoyable meal.

Caesar Wrap

Photo Credit: freeskyline/Shutterstock

A Caesar wrap should be a convenient, tasty option, yet some versions are disappointing. Wilted lettuce, bland dressing, and dry chicken can make this wrap unappealing and not worth the price. Consider other wrap or sandwich options that offer more vibrant flavors and better ingredients to ensure a satisfying meal.

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