21 Daily Habits Most People Have That Could Actually Be Bad For You

Written By Jill Taylor

Some everyday habits might seem harmless or even good for you, but what you may not know is they can actually hurt your health. So many common routines could be more harmful than they seem – here are 21 that are bad for you.

Skipping Breakfast

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Eating Well writes, “Eating breakfast helps give your body the nutrients it needs to sustain your energy, balance your hormones, and enhance your mood so you can think clearly and focus.” Skipping breakfast can cause you to overeat later, mess with your focus, and drain your energy.

Drinking Too Much Coffee

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Many of us have experienced the negative effects of drinking too much coffee, which can make you anxious and mess up your sleep. Try drinking less coffee or switching to herbal teas for a gentler energy lift, especially later in the day. Staying hydrated with water is also a better choice for your health.

Sitting for Prolonged Periods

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You need to be mindful about sitting too long at a desk or on the couch, as it can cause back pain and poor circulation. Depending on your work, it can’t always be helped, but taking regular short breaks to stand, stretch, or walk around is sure to make your body feel better.

Using Electronic Devices Before Bed

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Most of us overlook using screens right before bed, especially if we struggle to get to sleep right away. However, this habit has negative effects, as it can affect melatonin and mess up your sleep. To sleep better, try setting a routine that cuts down on screen time and includes relaxing activities like reading or meditating.

Eating Late at Night

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We may all enjoy a sweet treat while relaxing in the evening, but eating late at night can mess with our bodies’ digestion and sleep. It can cause weight gain, diabetes, and metabolic syndromes. For a better night’s sleep, try to have dinner earlier, eat lighter meals, and skip caffeine and heavy foods before bed.

Rushing Through Meals

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Sometimes, our food tastes too good and we don’t realize how quickly we’ve eaten it until our plates are empty. However, eating too fast can cause overeating and stomach issues, so slow down, enjoy each bite, and chew well to help your digestion. Slower eating can make your meals more enjoyable and even healthier.

Neglecting Dental Hygiene

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It’s common knowledge that skipping brushing and flossing can cause cavities and gum disease. Keeping a regular dental care routine, including dentist visits, is key to healthy teeth, and even though it seems like a chore, it’s something that needs to be done. Make sure to also use mouthwash, as it helps control bacteria.

Multitasking While Eating

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Yes, we can all be in a rush at times, and eating while multitasking gives us extra time to complete tasks, but it can also cause overeating and upset stomachs. Paying attention to your food makes meals more enjoyable, so try to set up a special eating area and ditch distractions for healthier habits.

Wearing Earbuds for Extended Periods

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While it feels good in the moment, listening to loud music through earbuds for too long can hurt your hearing. To protect your ears, take breaks and turn down the volume. Noise-canceling headphones are also a good idea, as they help you hear your music clearly without needing to crank up the sound in noisy places.

Relying on Processed Foods

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It’s no surprise that eating a lot of processed foods usually means more unhealthy fats, sugars, and additives. You want to make sure you’re adding more whole foods like fruits, veggies, and lean proteins to your diet, as this can boost your health. Cooking at home also helps you control what goes into your meals.

Skipping Stretching Exercises

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We can get very tense during the day and neglecting to stretch can lead to muscle tightness and decreased flexibility. Incorporating stretching routines into daily activities can enhance mobility and prevent injuries. Simple stretches in the morning or during breaks can make a significant difference.

Overusing Hand Sanitizer

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Another thing that can do more harm than good is the excessive use of hand sanitizer, as it can strip the skin of natural oils and lead to dryness. Opting for regular hand washing with soap and water when possible can be gentler on the skin. Moisturizing regularly can help maintain skin health.

Neglecting Water Intake

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You need to make sure you’re staying on top of your water intake, as insufficient hydration can affect energy levels, skin health, and overall well-being. Keeping a water bottle handy and setting reminders to drink water can help ensure adequate intake throughout the day. Including water-rich foods in your diet can also contribute to hydration.

Using Too Many Skincare Products

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We’ve all heard that less is more, and this is especially true when it comes to skincare products. Overloading with products can irritate the skin and cause breakouts, creating the opposite of what you want. Simplifying your skincare routine and choosing products tailored to your skin type can improve results.

Skipping Regular Exercise

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A sedentary lifestyle can lead to various health issues, including weight gain and cardiovascular problems. Incorporating regular physical activity, whether through structured workouts or daily activities like walking, can boost overall health. For those who don’t enjoy exercise, finding enjoyable forms of exercise can increase consistency.

Not Taking Breaks While Working

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It’s worth noting that continuous work without breaks can reduce productivity and increase stress levels. Scheduling regular breaks to rest and recharge can improve focus and efficiency. Simple activities like stretching, walking, or deep breathing can make breaks more effective.

Eating Too Much Sugar

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We may have heard it all before, but excessive sugar intake can contribute to weight gain, diabetes, and dental problems. Reducing the consumption of sugary snacks and beverages can benefit overall health. Opting for natural sweeteners and whole fruits can satisfy sweet cravings in a healthier way.

Sleeping With the TV On

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One thing to avoid doing at all costs is falling asleep with the TV on, as it can disrupt sleep cycles and reduce sleep quality. Creating a calming bedtime routine without electronic distractions can improve sleep patterns. Using white noise machines or calming music can provide a more restful environment.

Overlooking Mental Health

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Your health should be at the top of your priorities, and ignoring signs of stress, anxiety, or depression can have serious long-term effects. Prioritizing mental health through practices like meditation, therapy, and mindfulness can enhance overall well-being. Seeking support from friends, family, or professionals is crucial when needed.

Skipping Sunscreen

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We all love a tan, but neglecting to apply sunscreen can increase the risk of skin cancer and premature aging. Using broad-spectrum sunscreen daily, even on cloudy days, can protect the skin from harmful UV rays, and reapplying it throughout the day, especially when outdoors, is essential.

Holding in Stress

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It’s not healthy to suppress stress, as it can lead to physical and mental health issues. Finding healthy outlets for stress, such as exercise, hobbies, or talking to someone, can prevent negative effects. Developing stress management techniques can enhance the overall quality of life.

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Photo Credit: kornnphoto/Shutterstock

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