19 Common Errors Gun Owners Make That Can Get Them in Trouble

Written By Jill Taylor

Owning a gun is a big deal, with serious responsibilities and legal obligations. Many gun owners make mistakes without realizing it, which could easily get them in trouble. Let’s go through 19 key things to watch out for when handling firearms.

Improper Storage

Photo Credit: Nomad_Soul/Shutterstock

Keep those guns locked up tight in safes, or use trigger locks. According to Johns Hopkins, “research has found that around 4–5 million kids live in homes with at least one gun that is not stored safely and securely,” so don’t take any chances. Smart gun owners always make sure their firearms are safely stored when not in use.

Neglecting Regular Maintenance

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

You should also clean your guns regularly to prevent dirt buildup and rust. Oil them and check the parts, too. A neglected gun might malfunction or become unsafe, potentially causing harm or legal issues. Regular cleaning gets rid of dirt and stops rust, so it’s important to keep your firearms in good working order.

Carrying Without Proper Licensing

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Know the laws inside and out – local, state, and federal. Ignorance won’t save you if you’re caught carrying illegally. Taking your gun around without the right permits is against the law in many places, so do your homework on gun laws and make sure you have the proper licensing.

Mishandling During Transport

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Most places require guns to be unloaded and locked up separately from ammo when transporting. Some areas have specific rules for guns in cars, so brush up on those. Moving guns the wrong way can get you in hot water. Knowing these rules is key to legally moving your firearms around.

Ignoring Age Restrictions

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Be mindful of age limits for different types of firearms and always supervise young people around guns. Letting kids use guns unsupervised is often illegal. Age restrictions change depending on where you are and what kind of gun it is. Responsible owners need to know and follow these rules.

Modifying Firearms Illegally

Photo Credit: FabrikaSimf/Shutterstock

Tread carefully when modifying your firearm. Some changes might break the law, turning your legal gun into an illegal one. Double-check the regulations before making any alterations. Don’t assume all modifications are okay.

Using Inappropriate Ammunition

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Always stick to the ammo the manufacturer recommends. Don’t try making your own bullets unless you’re properly trained. Using the wrong ammo can damage your gun, make it malfunction, or cause injuries. Always use the correct ammunition for your specific firearm to stay safe and legal.

Neglecting to Report Stolen Firearms

Photo Credit: Makhh/Shutterstock

If your gun goes missing, report it ASAP. This protects you legally and helps police track it down, so don’t delay this one. Not reporting a lost or stolen gun quickly can cause legal headaches. Reporting right away helps stop the gun from being misused.

Brandishing Firearms Unnecessarily

Photo Credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

Only bring out your gun when absolutely necessary for self-defense. Brandishing a firearm unnecessarily is often against the law. This includes flashing it in public or using it to intimidate. Responsible gun owners know that firearms should only come out when truly needed.

Mixing Alcohol and Firearms

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Keep alcohol and drugs separate from firearms, always. It’s dangerous and illegal to handle guns while impaired since mixing the two is a recipe for disaster and legal trouble. Being under the influence makes accidents much more likely. Never drink or use drugs before or while handling firearms.

Inadequate Training

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Get plenty of practice and education on gun safety, handling, and laws – this includes knowing when it’s legally okay to use force. Training is essential for responsible gun ownership, and regular practice and learning are crucial.

Ignoring Local Regulations

Photo Credit: mojo cp/Shutterstock

Gun laws vary by state and even city, so stay informed about the rules wherever you live or travel with your firearm. Not checking and following local rules can lead to accidentally breaking the law. Local laws can be tricky, so stay up to date on regulations.

Improper Disposal of Firearms

Photo Credit: Roman Chazov/Shutterstock

Never just toss unwanted guns in the trash. Use licensed dealers, police stations, or buyback programs instead. Getting rid of guns the wrong way can cause many legal problems, so always follow local laws about transferring and disposing of firearms.

Unsafe Handling at Ranges

Photo Credit: Roman Chazov/Shutterstock

Follow all safety rules at shooting ranges to avoid getting kicked out or worse. Be mindful of where you point your gun, and always use proper protection. Breaking range rules can get you banned or in legal trouble.

Inappropriate Social Media Posts

Photo Credit: Dorde Krstic/Shutterstock

You should be really careful what you post on social media about your guns. Even jokes about gun violence might attract unwanted attention from authorities so think before you post anything gun-related. Posting irresponsible or threatening stuff online can lead to serious consequences.

Lending Firearms Carelessly

Photo Credit: Nomad_Soul/Shutterstock

Make sure anyone borrowing your gun is legally allowed to have it and follow proper transfer procedures. Casual lending can lead to big problems, and loaning guns to prohibited persons is illegal. Know the rules about transferring firearms to others, even temporarily.

Carrying in Prohibited Locations

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Pay attention to “No Guns” signs and avoid bringing firearms into prohibited areas like schools or government buildings. Always be aware of your surroundings and respect property owners’ rights and local gun restrictions. Carrying in restricted areas is a serious offense.

Neglecting to Renew Permits

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Keep your permits and licenses updated by setting reminders for renewals to stay on the right side of the law. Letting your concealed carry permit or other gun licenses expire can lead to accidental law-breaking. Stay on top of renewal requirements.

Misunderstanding Self-Defense

Photo Credit: Ivanko80/Shutterstock

The use of deadly force is strictly controlled, and misunderstanding these laws can lead to serious charges. Learn the legal aspects of self-defense in your area thoroughly. Never assume you know all the self-defense laws.

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