21 Cities with the Worst Pollution for Tourists

Written By Jill Taylor

Traveling to new places is fun, but some cities have serious pollution problems. To have a healthier trip, you may want to put more thought into which cities you visit and for how long. Here are 21 cities with some of the worst pollution in the world.

Beijing, China

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The BBC writes, “Air pollution in the Chinese capital Beijing has reached levels judged as hazardous to human health.” Factories and traffic cause a lot of smog, especially in winter, causing visitors to really notice the bad air quality. As a result, many people use masks and air purifiers to deal with the heavy amounts of pollution. 

Delhi, India

Photo Credit: Leonid Andronov/Shutterstock

Did you know that Delhi has really bad air pollution, especially in the winter? Nearby farm fires and car emissions make it difficult to breathe in the city. Tourists will see the smog and might feel uncomfortable, and with local advice to stay indoors, it doesn’t really seem worth the visit.

Los Angeles, U.S.

Photo Credit: Pamela Brick/Shutterstock

We’re all aware that Los Angeles is famous for its sunny weather, but unfortunately, it also struggles with smog. Traffic and factories contribute to the poor air quality, especially in summer, so tourists might notice the air isn’t great during this time.

Mexico City, Mexico

Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

It turns out that Mexico City struggles with air pollution because of its high altitude and mountains that trap smog. Traffic and factories also worsen the situation. This can cause breathing issues for visitors, so it’s a good idea to check air quality forecasts before planning any outdoor activities.

Cairo, Egypt

Photo Credit: AlexAnton/Shutterstock

If you’re planning to visit Egypt, it’s worth noting that Cairo is usually covered in dust and smog from factories and traffic. Tourists might find the air tough, especially in the hot summer months. To cope, it’s best to drink lots of water and stay indoors during peak pollution times.  

Shanghai, China

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One city that might not immediately come to mind for bad pollution is Shanghai. However, it’s a busy city dealing with a lot of pollution from factories, with rapid growth leading to more emissions. Visitors might see the haze and even feel breathing problems. 

Bangkok, Thailand

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You may have already experienced the traffic jams in Bangkok, but what you may not know is that they’re harming the air quality. The smog from all the cars is pretty bad, especially during rush hours. While there are efforts to boost public transport and cut emissions, the city still has a lot of work to do.

Mumbai, India

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The reason why Mumbai struggles with bad air pollution is due to heavy traffic and factories. With its crowded population, the problem is getting even worse, especially during the dry season. Efforts to cut pollution are happening, but the city’s fast growth makes it hard to keep up.

Karachi, Pakistan

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As another city with lots of traffic and factories, Karachi also suffers from a lot of smog. The city’s fast growth has made pollution worse and this means many visitors struggle with the bad air, especially in winter. It’s an issue that’s hard to address, but locals are trying their best make the city a cleaner place.

São Paulo, Brazil

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Most of us already know that São Paulo is a lively city, but this also means it deals with a lot of heavy traffic. Car emissions cause pollution and bad air quality, so visitors might see the smog and occasionally even feel it in their lungs.

Tehran, Iran

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As a large capital city, Tehran faces significant smog issues, primarily due to vehicle emissions and industrial activities. The city’s geography, surrounded by mountains, exacerbates the problem by trapping pollutants. Tourists might find the air quality particularly poor during colder months. Local measures aim to improve air quality, but challenges remain substantial.

Istanbul, Turkey

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Istanbul is a busy city, and this means traffic congestion significantly impacts its air quality. Emissions from numerous vehicles contribute to the city’s smog problem. Tourists might find the air quality particularly poor during peak traffic hours. Efforts to improve public transportation and reduce vehicle emissions are ongoing.

Lima, Peru

Photo Credit: Myriam B/Shutterstock

Peru may be a beautiful country, but Lima experiences considerable air pollution, mainly from industrial activities. The city’s rapid growth has led to increased emissions. Tourists might notice the haze and experience respiratory issues, particularly during the dry season. Local measures to control pollution are in place, but the scale of industrial activity presents a continuous challenge.

Jakarta, Indonesia

Photo Credit: wibisono.ari/Shutterstock

If you head to the capital of Indonesia, then be prepared for a bustling metropolis that suffers from significant pollution from industrial activities and traffic. The city’s rapid development has led to increased emissions, so tourists might notice the smog and experience respiratory issues. 

Manila, Philippines

Photo Credit: Aleksandr Medvedkov/Shutterstock

When you think of the Philippines, the last thing you’d think of is heavy pollution. However, Manila’s traffic congestion and industrial emissions significantly impact its air quality. The city’s dense population also adds to the challenge. Tourists might find the air quality particularly poor during rush hours and should always avoid it at this time.

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

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Many people have often agreed that Ulaanbaatar faces severe air pollution, especially during winter. Emissions from coal-burning stoves and traffic are major contributors. There is a lot os smog, and people often experience discomfort breathing. Local authorities frequently advise staying indoors during peak pollution periods to avoid health risks associated with prolonged exposure to poor air quality.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Photo Credit: NoyanYalcin/Shutterstock

It’s worth checking the air quality of Dhaka before visiting the city, as it experiences significant pollution due to industrial activities and traffic. The city’s rapid urbanization has led to increased emissions. Tourists might find the air quality particularly poor during the dry season.

Hanoi, Vietnam

Photo Credit: Kadagan/Shutterstock

Vietnam may be famous for its beaches, but Hanoi’s traffic congestion significantly impacts its air quality, causing a big smog problem. Tourists might find the air quality particularly poor during peak traffic hours. Efforts to improve public transportation and reduce vehicle emissions are ongoing, but the city still faces considerable challenges.

Kathmandu, Nepal

Photo Credit: Emad Aljumah/Shutterstock

One country that may get overlooked when we think of bad air quality is Nepal. However, Kathmandu deals with serious air pollution, exacerbated by traffic and industrial activities. The issue is made worse by the city’s dense population. Tourists might find the air quality especially poor during the dry season.

Johannesburg, South Africa

Photo Credit: View Apart/Shutterstock

You may experience significant smog due to industrial emissions and traffic when traveling through Johannesburg. Tourists might find the air quality particularly troublesome during the winter months. The city’s rapid urbanization has led to increased pollution levels, and although local initiatives aim to address the issue, the scale of the problem remains daunting.

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Photo Credit: Le Minh Ty/Shutterstock

If you visit Ho Chi Minh City, it might be worth investing in face masks. The city struggles with significant pollution from industrial activities and traffic, and its rapid development has led to increased emissions. Tourists might notice the smog and experience respiratory issues. 

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