19 Restaurant Charges That Are Total Ripoffs

Written By Jill Taylor

Eating out is often fun, but some extra charges added by the restaurant can spoil it, especially when these fees seem unfair. The following 19 charges can surprise diners and make them feel like they’ve been taken advantage of when the bill comes.

Mandatory Gratuity

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Many restaurants automatically add a tip to your bill for big groups. While tipping is common, being required to pay a set amount can be annoying, especially if the service isn’t great. For example, The Rail even says it can feel like a scam because it takes away the diner’s choice and creates frustration if expectations aren’t met.

Water Service Fees

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Most people will agree that charging for tap water at restaurants feels sneaky since many people expect it to be free. When the menu doesn’t mention a charge, seeing that on the bill can be frustrating. It’s annoying to pay for something so basic when it should just come with the meal.

Service Charge for Credit Cards

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Let’s face it: adding a service charge for using a credit card instead of cash can feel outdated and unfair. Most diners expect to use credit or debit cards without additional fees. This practice can leave a negative impression and make diners think twice about returning.

Bread and Butter Charges

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If you have to pay for something, it shouldn’t be put on your table without being asked for, so when restaurants start charging for bread and butter that used to be free, it can feel unfair. Many people think these items should come with the meal and that having to pay for something that used to be included is wrong.

Premium Seating Charges

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One thing for certain is that paying more for a seat with a view or in a special spot at a restaurant can feel annoying. Even if those prime seats give a nicer experience, charging extra for them seems like a way to squeeze more money out of customers, making diners feel cheated.

Corkage Fees

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If you’ve ever brought your own wine to a restaurant only to face a steep corkage fee, then it can be a letdown. While it’s fair for places to earn money on drinks, too-high fees can discourage customers from bringing their own drinks and enjoying their meals. A balance would make it easier for everyone.

Split Plate Fees

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Some diners like to share their food as portion sizes can be large, but extra fees for splitting plates can add up. Restaurants shouldn’t charge more for sharing when their customers are already paying for their meals. These fees might stop customers from exploring more dishes on the menu, making their dining experience less enjoyable.

Non-Tap Water Charges

Photo Credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

Unsurprisingly, many people get annoyed when restaurants charge for bottled water and refuse to offer free tap water. Some diners like bottled water, but others are fine with tap. When you have to pay for bottled water without the option of tap, it can feel like a waste of money that could be avoided.

Unrequested Appetizers

Photo Credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

Getting appetizers you didn’t order and then being charged for them is a sneaky move by the restaurant. Diners might think they’re free, only to see them on the bill later. This can lead to distrust and disappointment with the restaurant’s service, making the dining experience less enjoyable overall.

Automatic Beverage Refills

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Automatic drink refills can also surprise you when you see extra charges on your bill. Some people like the convenience, but others may feel misled if they don’t know refills cost money. Servers should clearly explain this to avoid confusion and ensure everyone enjoys their meal.

Special Occasion Charges

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You should be careful when hiring out a part of a restaurant, as extra charges for special occasions like birthdays or anniversaries can feel uncalled for. Celebrating is great, but these fees can seem greedy. Restaurants should consider how flexible pricing for special events could create goodwill and make those occasions more memorable. 

Takeout Container Fees

Photo Credit: Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

Something that can disgruntle customers is charging for takeout containers when people want to bring home leftovers, which is another unwelcome surprise. Most diners expect these to be complimentary. Adding a fee for something so minor can feel petty and diminish the overall dining experience.

Kid’s Menu Upcharges

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As you expect these meals to be cheaper, additional charges for items on the kid’s menu can frustrate families. Many parents expect kids’ meals to be affordable. Adding unexpected upcharges for sides or drinks can make dining out with children more expensive than anticipated.

Condiment Charges

Photo Credit: notjono/Shutterstock

Something frustrating is being charged for extra condiments like ketchup, mustard, or salad dressing, which can feel excessive. Diners often expect these items to be free. Paying extra for something so small can leave a negative impression and detract from the meal.

Menu Substitution Fees

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Customers will agree that it’s unnecessary and disappointing to request a substitution and then be charged an extra fee. Many diners have dietary restrictions or preferences, so charging for substitutions can seem unreasonable and discourage diners from customizing their meals to their liking.

Surcharge for Paying in Installments

Photo credit: Olena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock

It’s incredibly annoying when some restaurants charge a fee for splitting the bill among multiple people. This can be inconvenient, especially for larger groups. Diners expect to be able to split the bill without extra charges. If not, this fee can create a negative dining experience.

Online Reservation Fees

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

There’s no denying that booking a table online and then being charged a reservation fee is an unpleasant surprise. Most diners expect online reservations to be free, so adding a fee for something that is often complimentary elsewhere can seem like an unnecessary cost.

Holiday Surcharges

Photo Credit: cornfield/Shutterstock

It’s also a total ripoff for restaurants to add extra charges on holidays or during peak times. While it’s understandable that restaurants might have higher operating costs during these times, passing these costs onto customers can seem unfair and discourage diners from celebrating special occasions at the restaurant.

Itemized Surcharge

Photo Credit: Song_about_summer/Shutterstock

You may have experienced multiple small surcharges on the bill for things like table linens, napkins, or even using the restroom, which can be infuriating. Diners expect these basic amenities to be included in the cost of their meal. Adding surcharges for every little thing can feel like the restaurant is taking advantage.

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