The Bible is a complex book, the interpretation of which even scholars struggle with. However, there are certain false details about its stories and teachings that many people believe, and today, we intend to clarify 17 of these details for you.
Money Is The Root of All Evil
The phrase “money is a root of all evil,” typically used to demonize wealth, is actually a misquote of 1 Timothy 6:10. The Bible verse says that it’s the love of money that’s the root of all kinds of evil. And it talks about how prioritizing wealth over morals leads to personal and spiritual corruption.
Cleanliness is Next to Godliness
The Bible never says that cleanliness is next to godliness, even if there are rituals of purification in it. What it emphasizes, however, is spiritual purity. In James 4:8, it says we should draw near to God by cleansing our hands and purifying our hearts, making use of physical allusions to explain the spiritual.
Jonah Was Swallowed by a Whale
Although many people believe that Jonah was swallowed by a whale, Biblia shows that Jonah 1:17 only mentions a “great fish” and never specifies what fish it was. What’s more, while people place too much focus on the details about the fish, the story emphasizes obedience, redemption after sin, and God’s love for unreached people.
Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child
Often used to justify harsh child-upbringing practices—involving physical punishments—this statement doesn’t have a direct interpretation from verses in the Bible. It’s taken from a broader interpretation of Proverbs on discipline, which only encourages the due correction of children and the people we guide.
God Helps Those Who Help Themselves
This phrase goes against the Bible’s constant teaching that God is gracious and comes to the rescue of those who are helpless. Yes, it emphasizes the need for self-reliance. However, it also demeans the value of divine providence and is often misused to justify refusals to provide assistance.
The Forbidden Fruit Was an Apple
Like the “great fish” in the story of Jonah, the Bible also never specifies what the forbidden fruit was. And it also wants us to focus more on the act of disobedience than the fruit itself. Interpretations that put apples in the picture stem from confusion in the Latin language and artistic depictions over the centuries.
An Eye for an Eye
Many people say the phrase “an eye for an eye, a tooth fo a tooth” is a Biblical justification for vengeance against the wrongs done towards us. However, Jesus only references the Code of Hammurabi on this, further telling us that it’s more profitable to turn the other cheek than retaliating.
Three Wise Men Visited Jesus at His Birth
With the three wise men, the Bible never specified their numbers and only made mention of the word “magi,” which simply means “wise men.” The number “three” was only inferred from the three gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and, according to Britannica, Eastern tradition even says the men were up to 12 in number.
All Angels Are Benevolent
We often use the word “angel” to describe someone with an admirable personality. However, while most bring good tidings from God, the Bible makes mention of the existence of bad angels too. These are the angels that are rebellious and said to cause corruption and destruction on earth.
All Angels Had Two Wings
While traditional depictions of angels, whether for religious or plain artistic purposes, commonly show them with two wings, the Bible often narrates them as having no wings at all. Wings are only consistently used in visions of cherubim and seraphim, and the angels are frequently described with more than two wings too.
Lucifer is Satan’s Name
One that may surprise many is that the Bible never calls Satan “Lucifer.” Instead, translated into “morning star,” Isaiah 14:12 uses the name “Lucifer” while talking about an archangel that fell from heaven. And some even say it refers to a Babylonian king. It’s only in later Christian traditions that the name became associated with Satan.
The Bible Condones Slavery
Yes, the Bible makes mention of slavery and even gives directions on how they are to be treated and how slaves are to behave towards their masters—like shows in Euphesians 6:5-8. However, these aren’t approvals of it, and related verses only reflect the cultural practices of the time.
Jesus Was Born on December 25th
The Bible never specifies the date Jesus was given birth. “December 25” is only an estimation from the historian Sextus Julius Africanus, who dated Jesus’ conception to be nine months prior, i.e., March 25. What’s more, some experts also agree that Jesus wasn’t even born in 1 AD.
Faith Guarantees Physical Healing
We learn from the Bible that anything is possible through faith. But the Bible never guarantees us miracles any time we ask for them. The physical healing stories of Jesus only demonstrate his power and compassion, and they don’t come as stories promising healing for all. Faith only guarantees spiritual salvation.
The Bible is Anti-Science
The Bible is a religious text that exists to provide everyone with moral and spiritual guidance, rather than scientific proof. The Faraday Institute explains that it’s only due to poor interpretations and understandings of it that we see conflicts arise—conflicts that could be avoided with deeper study through which “the heaven and earth interlock.”
Baptism is Necessary for Salvation
While some Christian denominations view baptism as essential to inheriting the kingdom of God, others only see it as a voluntary (but weighty) act of faith. As we learn from Ephesians 2:8–9, due to the grace of God, the only thing we need for salvation is faith in Jesus’ work and not the works of our hands.
The Apocalypse Is Predicted in Detail
Many people would love to believe that the book of Revelations contains specific descriptions of events about the end of time. And, because of this, the verses here are often misinterpreted and even exaggerated to fit current events. Nonetheless, the book only speaks in highly metaphorical language that ultimately describes the victory of good over evil.
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