20 Popular Hobbies Boomers Are Taking Up

Written By Jill Taylor

Trying new hobbies is a great way to stay active, healthy, and social, and it’s especially popular with boomers these days. Not only this, but hobbies can also give boomers a sense of purpose during their retirement. Here are 20 popular hobbies that are catching the interest of boomers.


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Articles Factory writes, “Gardening is blossoming into a favored hobby among various age groups, with a notable surge in interest from baby boomers.” Many boomers love gardening because it’s a relaxing escape from daily life and a chance to connect with nature. It’s both soothing and satisfying to watch your plants grow.


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More boomers are getting into painting, as it’s a fun way to express yourself and maybe uncover a hidden talent. Many find it relaxing and a great way to spend free time while also unleashing their creative side. Community centers and online classes make it easy to pick up new skills and enjoy the hobby.


Photo Credit: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock

Something that’s started gaining more popularity among boomers is bird-watching. It’s a great way to relax outdoors, enjoy nature, and visit new places. You can do it solo or with friends, as learning about different birds together can be a fun activity. Grab some binoculars and a good bird guide to make it even better.


Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

One particular hobby that boomers have started enjoying is knitting. It gives a sense of accomplishment to create something by hand, especially knitting your own. Plus, it’s a relaxing hobby you can do while watching TV or chatting with friends. Many also love the social aspect of knitting circles, where they swap tips and patterns.


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As a low-impact exercise, yoga is great for boomers to stay flexible and reduce levels of stress. It boosts both body and mind, leaving you with a happy buzz after classes. Lots of community centers and gyms have classes just for older adults and doing yoga regularly can help with balance, strength, and overall health.


Photo Credit: David Pereiras/Shutterstock

As a hobby that gives back, many boomers enjoy volunteering; it helps out the community and gives them a sense of purpose and connection. There are lots of ways to get involved, from working at food banks to mentoring youth. Not only this, but volunteering is a great way to make new friends.


Photo Credit: Marcos Castillo/Shutterstock

For foodie boomers, nothing beats creating their favorite meal from scratch; this means many have taken up cooking as a favorite hobby. Trying out new recipes and ingredients is a fun way to spend your time. It’s also a chance to share meals with friends and family, making it a social activity.


Photo Credit: Andrii Zastrozhnov/Shutterstock

Photography lets boomers capture memories and view the world differently, along with visiting new places and adding their own creative spin. It’s a hobby for all skill levels, whether using a phone or professional gear. Joining local photo clubs or watching online tutorials can help boost your skills.


Photo Credit: Svitlana-Hulko/Shutterstock

With more free time, boomers love to travel, whether it’s a quick weekend trip or an international adventure. They enjoy exploring historical sites, experiencing new cultures, and meeting people. Travel groups for older adults are a big hit, making it easy to find new adventures and learning opportunities.


Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Writing is a great hobby for boomers, whether it’s journaling, blogging, or crafting a novel. It’s a wonderful way to express yourself and get creative and many find it relaxing to jot down their thoughts. Joining writing groups and workshops can also offer support and fresh ideas, and you can meet new people.


Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Something you may find hard to believe is that boomers are starting to take up dancing. It’s a fun way for boomers to stay active and socialize. Whether it’s ballroom, line dancing, or salsa, there are many styles to choose from. Dance classes offer a structured way to learn and improve skills.

Playing Musical Instruments

Photo Credit: Worawee Meepian/Shutterstock

Learning to play a musical instrument can be a rewarding hobby that’s very satisfying once you’ve grasped the gist of it. Many boomers are picking up instruments they’ve always wanted to learn. Whether it’s the piano, guitar, or a more unusual instrument, music offers a creative outlet. Lessons are readily available, both in person and online.


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For boomers who love nature, fishing provides a tranquil escape and a chance to enjoy the outdoors. Many boomers find it a relaxing way to spend their time. It can be done alone or with friends, and there’s always something new to learn about different techniques and equipment.


Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

While they still have the ability to do so, hiking is an excellent way for boomers to stay fit and explore the great outdoors. Many enjoy the challenge of different trails and the beauty of natural landscapes. It’s a hobby that can be enjoyed alone or with a group.


Photo Credit: Diego Cervo/Shutterstock

Researching family history has become a popular hobby among boomers, as many find it fascinating to learn about their ancestors and where they came from. Genealogy provides a sense of connection to the past. Numerous online resources and local archives make it easier than ever to trace family roots.


Photo Credit: Jota Buyinch Photo/Shutterstock

One hobby that’s gained a large amount of popularity is crafting, mainly because it encompasses a wide range of activities, from scrapbooking to making jewelry. Many boomers find joy in creating something with their hands. Crafting can be a solitary activity or a social one when done in groups.


Photo Credit: Dejan Dundjerski/Shutterstock

Don’t think boomers are shying away from exercises such as cycling; it’s an excellent way for them to stay active and enjoy the outdoors. It’s a low-impact exercise that can be done at any pace. Many enjoy the freedom of exploring local trails and parks.

Home Brewing

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Something that’s recently gained popularity among boomers is making their own beer or wine at home. Home brewing offers a creative and satisfying project, as many enjoy experimenting with different flavors and techniques. Homebrewing communities and online forums provide a wealth of knowledge and support for those new to the hobby.

Playing Cards

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

Card games offer a social and intellectual challenge, and many boomers enjoy playing bridge, poker, or other card games with friends. It’s a great way to stay mentally sharp and connected with others. Local clubs and online platforms make it easy to find partners and join games.

Tai Chi

Photo Credit: SB Arts Media/Shutterstock

As a gentle form of exercise that promotes balance and relaxation, tai chi is becoming more and more popular. Many boomers find it an ideal way to stay active without putting stress on their bodies. Classes are often available at community centers and gyms. Regular practice can improve overall health and well-being.

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