19 Qualities That Define a True Gentleman

Written By Jill Taylor

The term gentleman refers to a polite and considerate man, but unfortunately, very few men take the time to behave in a respectful manner these days. If you want to learn how to become one and stand out, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’re going to look at 19 of the qualities that truly make someone a gentleman.

Generosity and Compassion

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It’s essential to always show empathy and to recognize and respond to the needs of others. A gentleman is aware of this, and acts with kindness, never expecting anything in return from the people he helps. This can inspire the same generosity in others.

Confidence Without Arrogance

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In this article by Psychology Today, it’s stated that leaders who are seen as arrogant have a negative effect on their subordinates in the workplace. The same goes elsewhere. Therefore, it’s important for men to balance their self-confidence with humility to avoid looking superior.

Cultural and Social Awareness

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Engaging with the world from an informed perspective and having a broad tolerance to different cultures is key to being a true gentleman. They know to value inclusivity and reject the prejudices that can, unfortunately, be found in any setting.

Adaptability and Flexibility

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Adaptability and flexibility are not only important qualities to have in the workplace but in life as well. Maintaining composure under pressure and having the ability to embrace challenges and learn from them are fantastic skills to have, resulting in a well-rounded personality.

Educated and Well-Informed

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A good education, or at least an appreciation of the value of learning, goes a long way to living a fulfilling life. Intelligent men know the importance of continuing to learn throughout their lives and keeping informed about current events.


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Maintaining a positive outlook can have a very real impact on your life and health. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, people with a positive attitude are 13% less likely to experience heart attacks or other coronary events—but being positive doesn’t only benefit you. It can give a boost to the people around you.

Leadership and Responsibility

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Good leaders know that taking the initiative and leading by example is key to an effective team. They know to acknowledge mistakes when they happen and work to rectify them rather than assign blame. This attitude inspires and motivates those working under them—a great quality that all gentlemen possess.

Faithful and Values Commitment

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True gentlemen remain loyal and steadfast in their personal relationships, always keeping to their values, even in challenging situations. They know to respect the commitments they make and follow through on their promises, whether it gives them anything in return or not.


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Despite the various qualities that make a gentleman stand out from the crowd, they stay realistic and maintain a practical approach to life. They avoid appearing conceited in front of others and often earn respect from their peers by remaining humble.

Taking Charge

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Knowing how effective they are in leadership roles, gentlemen often take charge and guide the others around them with confidence. Being able to think in both the short and long term, they can effectively make decisions that have a positive impact.


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One of the essential qualities of a gentleman is making sure to uphold impeccable manners in both professional and social settings. According to Headspace, this can bring huge benefits to both the individual and those around them. Realizing that good manners are a sign of strength is an important thing to learn.

Attention to Detail

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A gentleman’s attention to detail can be considered a vital part of their character. The understanding that small things often make the biggest differences in the end is important. They realize that valuing precision pays off in all aspects of life.


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Having no small amount of courage is vital to leading a successful life. In both personal situations and business, a willingness to step out of your comfort zone and take risks leads to great rewards. Gentlemen realize this and face challenges head-on without succumbing to fear.

Civil and Respectful

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A man who remains civil and respectful has a higher quality of life than someone who doesn’t do the same. A true gentleman treats all people with respect, regardless of their status, and maintains this attitude no matter the situation.


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Men who show consideration for the feelings of others, no matter the person or circumstance, are more respected as they go through life. Gentlemen act thoughtfully, with empathy, and tend to avoid selfish behavior—always striving for kindness in their interactions.

Well-Groomed but Not Vain

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A well-groomed man fits the expected appearance of a gentleman, but they’re wary of avoiding vanity even though they spend time and effort on their looks. Gentlemen understand that grooming is a form of self-respect and can improve a person’s self-esteem immensely.

Adapted Chivalry

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Though a lot of traditional acts of chivalry are now considered outdated, gentlemen modernize them to fit contemporary values. They realize that it’s a good thing to practice empathy and manners no matter the circumstance, which, at its core, is the main purpose of chivalry.

Effective Communicator

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Being able to effectively communicate ideas is a useful ability to have, but being able to listen well is just as important, as shared by HelpGuide. A gentleman is aware of this and excels in both speaking and listening, ensuring clarity throughout any conversation.

Selective About His Entourage

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Gentlemen realize that it’s vital to cut out toxic influences from their lives, taking care to surround themselves with positive influences. They recognize the value of learning from others and growing together, making sure to only form close friendships with those who share the same values as them.

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