18 Most Trustworthy Dog Breeds – Ranked

Written By Babatunde Sanni

If you’re looking for a loyal and dependable dog, you’ll be glad to know that there’s an almost unending list of options to choose from. In our own list, we’ve compiled 18 breeds that have proven to be the most trustworthy of all for both individuals and families.

German Shepherd

Photo Credit: Dmitry Kalinovsky/Shutterstock

With German Shepherds, you have dogs that you and your family can rely on for protection. Although not originally bred as aggressive dogs, their history as herd dogs and high intelligence make them dependable guardians against intruders. Their high trainability also qualifies them as excellent, versatile working dogs.

Golden Retriever

Photo Credit: alexgo.photography/Shutterstock

Golden Retrievers have gained a reputation for themselves as loyal, lovable dogs. They have the intelligence to fit into different roles as either family pets or service dogs, and the PDSA says that, given their gentle nature, they’re also an excellent breed for first-time dog owners.

Labrador Retriever

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The AKC describes Labrador Retrievers as sporting dogs with a characteristic “intelligence, obedience, and eagerness to please.” These versatile dogs are some of the most loyal around, and their high trainability makes them excellent companions, especially if you need them to adapt to different environments.


Photo Credit: Ignacy Sedlak/Shutterstock

Known for their friendly and gentle nature, Beagles exhibit an even temperament and playful disposition, making them trustworthy companions, especially for families with children. Despite their strong hunting instincts, Beagles are affectionate and loyal, and their unwavering companionship and ability to adapt to various environments further enhance their appeal as ideal family pets.


Photo Credit: Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock

Boxers are recognized for their exuberant and loyal personalities. Their protective nature and affectionate demeanor make them trustworthy family pets, and they are also known for their patience with children—characteristics that ensure you have a safe, lovable pet ideal for every member of your family.


Photo Credit: Zanna Pesnina/Shutterstock

Known for their calm and reliable nature, Bulldogs have a gentle temperament and form strong bonds with their owners, making them trustworthy companions too. Although they’re stubborn, these dogs are incredibly loyal and affectionate, and they will provide a stable and dependable presence in any home.


Photo Credit: Linas T/Shutterstock

Poodles are highly intelligent and trainable, which contributes to their trustworthy reputation. Their friendly and adaptable nature makes them excellent family pets, and they are also known for their loyalty and for having strong bonds with their owners, assuring you of reliable and loving long-term companionship.


Photo Credit: Sabriel Smut/Shutterstock

Collies are celebrated for their intelligence and gentle disposition, as well as their natural herding instincts. These instincts contribute to the Collie’s loyalty and protective nature, and this breed is also known to be energetic and eager to please its owners. These dogs are great around children as well.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Photo Credit: Raywoo/Shutterstock

Bernese Mountain Dogs are known for their calm and gentle nature, and Country Living reports them to be one of the least aggressive dogs to humans. Their affectionate demeanor and loyalty make them trustworthy companions. And despite their large size, Bernese Mountain Dogs are patient and gentle with children, providing a stable and loving presence in any home.

Shih Tzu

Photo Credit: Pattarit S/Shutterstock

Shih Tzus are recognized for their friendly and affectionate nature too. Their even temperament and adaptability allow them to fit perfectly into any family setting, and Shih Tzus are also known for their loyalty and for creating strong bonds with their owners. You may just have to deal with a bit of excessive barking, however.

Great Dane

Photo Credit: Earl Wilkerson/Shutterstock

Great Danes are celebrated for their gentle and friendly nature, and even though their large size may be intimidating, they have proven to be one of the most affectionate and loyal dog breeds around. Great Danes are also incredibly patient, and this personality trait qualifies them as companions you can safely trust around children and other members of the family.

Border Collie

Photo Credit: Elayne Massaini/Shutterstock

Border Collies are highly intelligent and trainable, contributing to their trustworthy reputation. Their friendly and energetic nature makes them excellent family pets, and Border Collies are also known for their loyalty and strong bond with their owners, ensuring you have a companion that’ll never leave your side.


Photo Credit: Madeeva_11/Shutterstock

Newfoundlands also have a calm and gentle nature, and like Great Danes, they’re large dogs with an affectionate and patient demeanor. Newfoundlands are also known for their loyalty and protective instincts, and they wouldn’t hesitate to provide a safe and dependable environment for their families.

Australian Shepherd

Photo Credit: Liudmila Bohush/Shutterstock

Dog Time describes Australian Shepherds as “loyal, sociable, affectionate, alert, and devoted.” They have a friendly and energetic nature that makes them excellent family pets, and they are also known for their loyalty and strong bond with their owners, assuring you of a reliable and loving pet relationship.


Photo Credit: Eudyptula/Shutterstock

Vizslas are recognized for their friendly and affectionate nature, boasting an even temperament and adaptability that make them trustworthy family pets. Known for their loyalty and dependability, Vizslas are also intelligent and eager to please, which makes them excellent companions for outdoor activities and training.


Photo Credit: Nikolai Tsvetkov/Shutterstock

Samoyeds are celebrated for their gentle and friendly nature, and their fluffy appearance matches their affectionate and loyal personalities. Samoyeds are also known for their patience with children, and you get the most from them when you provide adequate physical playtime and include them in family activities.

Bichon Frisé

Photo Credit: Gaschwald/Shutterstock

Recognized for their friendly and gentle nature, Bichon Frisés have a small size and affectionate demeanor that make them trustworthy around families with children. They’re also popular for their loyalty, intelligence, and adaptability, and they possess a playful spirit that makes them an absolute joy to watch.


Photo Credit: BORINA OLGA/Shutterstock

Mastiffs are known for their calm and reliable nature, and their large, intimidating size is only a contrast to their gentle temperament and strong show of loyalty towards their owners. Their affectionate nature cannot be questioned, and, with them, you also have a strong dog that will come in handy in case you need some protection.

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