Can Chickens Eat Kiwi Fruit? 5 Amazing Benefits

Written By Jill Taylor

We all know that chickens like to eat various foods, but is kiwi a safe treat for your feathered friends? As it turns out, the answer is yes! Not only can chickens eat kiwi, but they can also derive a lot of nutritional benefits from it.

In addition to providing nutritional benefits, kiwis are also low in calories and high in water. This makes them a great healthy snack to give your chickens. They are naturally sweet, making an excellent treat that your chickens will love.

Since kiwis are quite sugary, they should only be fed as an occasional treat rather than part of their regular diet. Let’s take a closer look at why you should consider adding this delicious fruit to your chicken’s diet.

can chickens eat kiwi

Can chickens eat kiwi?

Kiwi is full of essential vitamins and minerals important for your chicken’s health. It contains vitamin C, which helps boost immunity and keep your chickens healthy. It also has magnesium which helps with muscle function, calcium for strong bones, and potassium for regulating blood pressure.

Kiwis have a high water content which helps keep your chickens hydrated. And lastly, they are high in fiber which aids digestion and keeps their digestive tract functioning properly.


The benefits of eating kiwi for chickens

While there are many different foods chickens can eat, one item often overlooked is kiwi. This sweet and tangy fruit is packed with vitamins and minerals to help keep your chickens healthy and happy. Let’s look at five reasons you should add kiwi to your chicken’s diet.

Great source of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for maintaining good health in chickens, as it helps boost their immune system and keeps them from getting sick. Additionally, Vitamin C also helps maintain healthy skin and feathers. So if you want your chickens to look their best, adding some kiwi to their diet can go a long way.

Contains a lot of fiber

Kiwis are high in fiber which is important for keeping your chickens’ digestive tract functioning properly. Fiber also helps keep cholesterol levels low, leading to healthier hearts in the long run. Plus, the high-fiber content in kiwi will help keep your chickens full longer, so they’ll be less likely to overeat other food items you provide them throughout the day.

Rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants can help protect against free radicals that damage cells in your chicken’s body. Antioxidants also help reduce inflammation which can lead to fewer illnesses over time. Plus, studies have found that antioxidants may even slow aging processes in animals, so feeding your chickens some kiwi could give them longer life spans.

Full of vitamins

Kiwis contain a wide variety of minerals, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc which all play an important role in keeping chickens healthy and strong. Potassium aids muscle growth, calcium helps build strong bones, magnesium helps regulate metabolism, and phosphorus plays an important role in energy production.

Finally, zinc helps with cell reproduction, keeping skin looking young and vibrant. Feeding your flock a few pieces of kiwi each week will ensure they get all the minerals they need without supplementing their diets with expensive supplements or vitamins.

Natural sweetness

Last but not least, kiwis are a great source of natural sweetness! Chickens naturally love sweet things, so adding some kiwi into their diet will make them happy – after all, who doesn’t love something sweet? And since it’s natural sugar rather than processed sugary treats like candy or cookies, why not give your feathered friends something special now and then?

Things to watch out for when feeding kiwis to chickens

fresh kiwi fruit

Before giving your chickens a kiwi snack, there are a few things to remember. Read on for three tips that will help you ensure that your chickens get the most out of their kiwi treats.

Feed in Moderation

Kiwis are delicious and nutritious, but too much can be harmful. Too much sugar from the fruit can lead to weight gain and metabolic issues, so ensure to only feed small amounts of kiwi at a time. You should also limit feeding your chickens kiwis to only once or twice each week.

Watch for Pesticides

Like other fruits, kiwis may be sprayed with pesticides or chemicals designed to repel pests or increase shelf life. For this reason, it’s important to buy organic kiwis whenever possible. Alternatively, you could grow your own if you have the space and resources available. That way, you’ll know exactly what kind of care was taken during growth and harvesting.

Remove the Skin if Needed

Some chickens may have difficulty digesting the skin of kiwis due to their tough consistency. If this is true for your flock, make sure to peel it off before giving it as a treat. This will help prevent digestive distress and ensure that your chickens can enjoy their kiwi snacks safely.

How often should chickens eat kiwi?

Kiwi is a great choice for an occasional treat for chickens. It’s full of important vitamins and minerals, supporting their overall health. However, kiwis should not be given to chickens daily as too much could cause digestive issues or other health problems.

The best way to feed chickens kiwi is to limit it to 10% of their total diet to provide a healthy balance. If your chickens seem especially interested in the kiwi while picking through their regular food, you can offer them a few pieces as a reward but keep it well within this guideline.

How to prepare kiwi for feeding to chickens

chicken rooster

If you’re looking for an easy, delicious way to provide your chickens with extra nutrition and variety, then kiwi is a great choice. Here’s how to prepare kiwi for feeding to chickens.

Wash Them First

The first step in preparing kiwis for your chickens is washing them thoroughly. This will help wash away any dirt or debris on the outside of the fruit. You can run them under cool water and gently scrub them with a soft brush if needed. Make sure they are completely dry before moving on to the next step.

Chop into Pieces

To make it easier for your chickens to eat, chop the kiwi into smaller pieces. You can cut them into slices or cubes, depending on your preference. This will also help ensure that none of the pieces are too big for your chickens which could cause choking or other problems.

No Need To Peel Them

Unlike other fruits like apples or oranges, there’s no need to peel kiwis before giving them to your chickens. The skin is edible and contains many beneficial nutrients in the fruit itself. So don’t worry about peeling off the skin – give them a good wash and chop them up.

Remove Any Uneaten Pieces

Once you’ve fed your chickens their kiwi treats, check their cages afterward and remove any uneaten pieces that may be lying around. This will help prevent unwanted pests, such as rodents or insects, which the smell of rotting fruit might attract.

Can baby chickens eat kiwi?

baby chick

When it comes to the diet of baby chickens, they can certainly eat kiwi in safe and measured amounts. However, depending on how mature the chickens are and how tough the kiwi skin is, it may not be as easy for them to consume as much of it as an adult chicken.

The key here is to offer kiwi in small pieces that are easier for young poultry to chew and eat. Avoid feeding them overly ripe or decaying fruit, as this can cause health problems.

Can chickens eat kiwi seeds?

If you’ve ever wondered if chickens can enjoy the sweet taste of kiwi seeds, the answer is yes. Chickens can safely eat kiwi seeds, providing a tasty snack they enjoy. Some people like to remove the seeds, but there’s no need to do so – chickens can digest them without any issues.

Can chickens eat kiwi skin?

fresh pomegranate

Although some people doubt it, chickens can eat kiwi skin. It is a good source of dietary fiber, Vitamins E and C, iron, magnesium, and more, so it can be a great addition to their diet. However, you should be cautious when introducing kiwis to your chickens’ diet.

The skin might be too tough for them to chew up and swallow; on the other hand, they could also find that texture appetizing. Even if they do manage to eat the kiwi skin, they shouldn’t have too much of it as it could give their digestive systems indigestion.

What other fruits can chickens eat?

If you are a chicken owner, you know that kiwi is a great treat to give your chickens. But that doesn’t mean you have to always stick with the same type of food. There are many other delicious and nutritious fruits that your chickens can enjoy. Let’s take a look at some of these tasty alternatives.


Grapes make an excellent snack for chickens. They contain high levels of vitamins C, E, K, and B6 and minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Grapes also contain natural sugars, which help to provide energy for your chickens. Just cut them into small pieces before feeding them to your birds, so they don’t choke.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Grapes? 6 Important Benefits


Apples are another great option for your chickens. Apples contain Vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, Vitamin C, Potassium, and Manganese. Apples are also low in fat and sodium, making them an ideal snack for your birds. Be sure to remove the core before feeding apples to your chickens, as it can cause digestive issues if ingested in large amounts.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Apples? 7 Excellent Benefits


Pears are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, and potassium, making them a great choice for feeding your chickens. Pears can also provide much needed hydration during hot weather, which is especially important when temperatures rise during the summer months. Be sure to chop up pears into small pieces so they don’t choke on the skin or core when eating them.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Pears? 5 Fantastic Benefits


Fig trees produce fruit that is very high in carbohydrates which makes it a great treat for chickens. Figs contain vitamins A, B complex, and E and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium. Just be sure to remove any seeds from the fruit before giving them to your birds.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Figs? 7 Important Benefits


Pomegranates are packed with antioxidants which can help boost the immune system of chickens while providing valuable nutrition at the same time. Pomegranates also contain vitamin C, fiber, and potassium which all contribute to healthy growth in chickens.

Read More: Can Chickens Eat Pomegranate? 6 Awesome Benefits

Can chickens eat kiwis – final thoughts

Kiwis offer many health benefits for chickens, making them an excellent addition to their diets. They provide essential vitamins and minerals and are also low in calories, so you don’t have to worry about overfeeding them.

Make sure that the fruit is ripe before feeding it to your chickens, and remember not to give them too much at once, as it can be too sugary for their sensitive stomachs. You can enjoy watching your feathered friends enjoy this tasty treat with proper care and attention.

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