19 Ways You’re Making Your Home an Easy Target for Burglars

Written By Jill Taylor

Safeguarding your home is one of the most important things you can do, but many things might make your home an easy target that you didn’t realize. Here are 19 ways you might be making your home vulnerable to a break-in.

Leaving Doors and Windows Unlocked

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We don’t just mean when you’ve left your property, but more importantly when you’re at home. Some people don’t lock their front doors or windows while they’re inside, but this can provide easy access to thieves who either don’t know you’re home – or don’t care.

Hiding Spare Keys Outside

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One in five people hide a spare key under flowerpots or outside, according to House Beautiful. You might have that favorite spot under a decorative rock or doormat, but these are the first places burglars are going to check. It’s much safer to physically give a spare key to a trusted person.

Inadequate Outdoor Lighting

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The darker the exterior of your property, the better cover you’re providing for opportunistic thieves. The best form of lighting to put off thieves is motion-sensor lighting outside your home. Don’t forget to install them around blind spots in particular, as well as around main doors.

Not Having a Security System

Photo Credit: Daniel Jedzura/Shutterstock

Any home without a visible security and alarm system will be a prime target for burglars. Investing in a home security system is one of the best things you can do, and don’t forget to make it as obvious as possible by displaying security signs and warning stickers.

Having Overgrown Bushes and Trees

Photo Credit: Imagenet/Shutterstock

If you don’t maintain your garden, you’re providing the perfect hiding place for burglars behind overgrown bushes and trees. To best protect your home, keep your shrubs and trees trimmed back. This is particularly important for bushes close to windows and doors.

Not Installing Visible Security Cameras

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Even just one well-placed CCTV camera can be enough to deter burglars, even if it’s not hooked up. Visible cameras will keep burglars from targeting your home, and the best way to arrange them is to install them around all potential entry points, not just one.

Using Poor Quality Locks

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Outdated locks are more likely to be weak and easily broken. Upgrading to high-security locks will keep your entry points best protected. Real Homes discusses how Smart Locks are the latest home locking option, meaning you can even go keyless for extra safety.

Leaving Your Valuables On Show

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Do you keep your most expensive home items in view of the window and never close your curtains at night? If burglars target your home, they could spy on exactly what they hope to steal. Keep expensive items out of sight and always close curtains and blinds.

Oversharing on Social Media

Photo Credit: Dorde Krstic/Shutterstock

If your social media profile is public, any detailed posts you make about your upcoming vacation plans can alert potential burglars to your absence. Real-time updates, such as currently being abroad, mean that burglars can target an empty home.

Not Being Involved in a Neighborhood Watch

Photo Credit: Jan H Andersen/Shutterstock

If you have the opportunity to start a neighborhood watch yourself or get involved with one nearby, you should. Any community that doesn’t have a neighborhood watch is more at risk of burglars due to a lack of attention to suspicious activity.

Leaving Your Garage Doors Unsecured

Photo Credit: Artazum/Shutterstock

Many people forget about securing garage doors when they’re so focused on the front door and windows. However, the garage door can be a prime entry point for burglars to access the rest of the home. Even if your garage door is shut, make sure it’s locked up tight.

Not Changing the Locks After Moving In

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Moving.com explains that changing the locks is one of the best things you can do after moving into a new home, as you don’t know who has access to the property. Previous occupants might not be completely trustworthy, so if they’ve still got the key, they have a way in.

Not Using Timers for Lights

Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

If you won’t be home for a long period of time, timed lights ensure that it still looks as though someone is on the property. You can set them to turn on in the evening and off in the morning. Otherwise, a dark home will give burglars an opportunity.

Failing to Get Broken Windows and Doors Fixed

Photo Credit: Radovan1/Shutterstock

It can be a costly job, but it’s important to fix broken windows or doors to keep your home safe. Damaged entry points, especially windows, can be an easy way in for intruders, especially if the damage is clearly visible to anyone scouting out your property.

Leaving Ladders and Tools Outside

Photo Credit: Gorloff-KV/Shutterstock

If you’ve been doing some DIY in the garden, make sure to always pack away ladders and tools securely. Ladders left against the side of the property only invite intruders to climb, and any tools left out can be used to help with a break-in.

Forgetting About Pet Doors

Photo Credit: Nils Jacobi/Shutterstock

If you have a pet door, it’s likely you don’t often think about it being secured like any other door. But pet doors can potentially be used to gain entry if a burglar can fit their arm in and reach a lock. Update your pet door to make it lockable or even Smart.

Only Concentrating on First Floor Windows

Photo Credit: r.classen/Shutterstock

If you’ve secured your front door, back door, and all first-story windows, then you’ve only done half a job. Second-story windows need to be secured in the same way, but they’re often overlooked because of their higher position. In fact, burglars will target higher windows if they think it’s easier.

Not Using a Safe for Valuables

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A home safe can be a great option for extra security if burglars manage to gain entry to your house. Placing valuables in a home safe, such as expensive jewelry, watches, or even important personal documents, can mean they’ll still be protected should the worst happen.

Ignoring Regular Security Assessments

Photo Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

As a final tip, make sure you’re regularly assessing your home for potential vulnerabilities by walking through and around your property. Homes & Gardens tells us that strategic landscaping, visible security signs, and even getting to know your neighbors can all help make a more secure home.

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Photo Credit: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock

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