18 Unnecessary Items Baby Boomers Still Purchase

Written By Jill Taylor

Trends and consumer habits change over time. However, some Baby Boomers continue to purchase items that the younger generations would consider outdated or unnecessary. Whether it’s due to nostalgia, habit, or differing priorities, Baby Boomers still buy these 18 unnecessary items.

Fancy China Sets

Photo Credit: Richard Semik/Shutterstock

We all have fancy china sets reserved for special occasions that rarely ever actually happen! Baby Boomers still buy fancy china sets despite them taking up unnecessary space and requiring careful maintenance. Younger generations tend to prefer more practical and versatile dinner sets.

Cable TV Subscriptions

Photo Credit: Dragon Images/Shutterstock

According to the Pew Research Center, cable TV users “plunged from 76% in 2015 to 56%” in 2021; however, there was not a significant decline within the Boomer generation. Baby Boomers are evidently still buying cable TV subscriptions despite the cheaper, more flexible options available, like on-demand TV and streaming services.


Photo Credit: ProximaCentauri1/Shutterstock

Now that we have the internet, it isn’t necessary to buy encyclopedias! These bulky books can take up a significant amount of space in your home and can quickly become outdated due to frequent changes and advances in knowledge and understanding.

Collectible Figurines

Photo Credit: MR. AEKALAK CHIAMCHAROEN/Shutterstock

Baby Boomer’s homes are often filled with collectible ornaments and figurines. These items often just end up collecting dust and taking up space. Collectible figurines also usually have a low resale value despite their high initial cost, so they won’t even make you any money over time!

Knick-Knacks and Trinkets

Photo Credit: Sergio.62/Shutterstock

Hoarding unnecessary knick-knacks and trinkets that have accumulated over time is a trait that Baby Boomers often have. These random items can clutter up your living space and make your home look messy. Knick knacks also don’t tend to hold much sentimental value to younger family members.

Landline Phones

Photo Credit: Ingo Bartussek/Shutterstock

With the rise of mobiles and smartphones, landline phones are no longer used. Business Insider says, “more than 40% of homes in the US have only wireless phones.” The extra money spent on landlines can be a waste, as they are usually rarely used.

Antiques and Vintage Furniture

Photo Credit: Sergey Ryzhov/Shutterstock

While antiques and vintage furniture can provide a unique touch to your decor, they can often be impractical and difficult to maintain and restore. Younger generations usually prefer more contemporary and functional designs instead of antiques and vintage furniture.

Travel Maps and Atlases

Photo Credit: Mostovyi Sergii Igorevich/Shutterstock

GPS and smartphone apps have long overtaken physical travel maps and atlases in popularity, with the modern form of maps providing benefits like real-time navigation and updates. Baby Boomers, however, have the short end of the stick by continuing to buy paper maps that are impractical and difficult to read.

Single-Use Kitchen Tools

Photo Credit: MarinaTr/Shutterstock

Baby Boomers should consider joining the younger generations in using multipurpose kitchen tools instead of wasting their money on single-use gadgets! Single-use tools take up valuable kitchen space while providing minimal use, while multipurpose tools are clearly the much more efficient option.

Paperback Books

Photo Credit: l i g h t p o e t/Shutterstock

Paperback books are somewhat overshadowed these days by e-readers and tablets that offer more portable, space-saving, and cheaper alternatives to physical books. Maybe it’s the irreplaceable feeling of holding a book in your hands that keeps Boomers coming back for more!

Newspaper Subscriptions

Photo Credit: l i g h t p o e t/Shutterstock

Barely anyone reads physical newspapers anymore! The New York Times reports that “2,500 newspapers in the United States – a quarter of them – have closed since 2005.” However, Baby Boomers sometimes still opt for newspaper subscriptions instead of consuming their news via social media and news apps like the younger generations.

Address Books

Photo Credit: Dolores Giraldez Alonso/Shutterstock

With digital contact lists on smartphones and computers, which are far easier to access and update, the old-fashioned address book is pretty unnecessary. Baby Boomers could save time and money by making the switch to the address book on their phones, as this way is much more convenient and reliable.

Recipe Card Boxes

Photo Credit: Megan Kobe/Shutterstock

The Boomer generation often still relies on their trusty recipe card boxes to store their various recipes. However, since you can easily access a vast amount of recipes instantly online and on cooking apps these days, recipe boxes have become unnecessary.

Fabric Softeners

Photo Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

Modern detergents and washing machines may make fabric softeners pointless, but many of the older generations still buy and use them to keep their clothes soft. There are also environmental concerns regarding the chemical usage in fabric softeners.

CD Collections

Photo Credit: Imagentle/Shutterstock

Music streaming services have been taking over CDs for a while. The BBC says that “just 32 million CDs were sold in 2018 – almost 100 million fewer than 2008; and a drop of 9.6 million year-on-year.” Baby Boomers should move on from CDs, as streaming saves space and money!

Coupon Clipping

Photo Credit: Pressmaster/Shutterstock

While Baby Boomers might continue coupon clipping, most people find it unnecessary. These days, people shop online more than in-store. Online shopping frequently provides automatic discounts and deals, and digital coupons and apps can be more convenient.

Large House Plants

Photo Credit: vipman/Shutterstock

Greenery is essential to bring life and vibrancy to your home, but the large house plants that Boomers favor can just be inconvenient and require too much space. Younger generations tend to prefer plants that require less maintenance and less space.

Expensive Home Security Systems

Photo Credit: Daniel Jedzura/Shutterstock

It might be time for the Boomer generation to steer away from unnecessarily expensive home security systems and consider more modern alternatives. Modern smart home devices offer security options that are affordable and easy to install, whereas traditional systems can come with high monthly fees and contracts.

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