21 Things You Really Don’t Need That Will Declutter Your Home In An Instant

Written By Jill Taylor

Getting rid of stuff you don’t need can really improve your home, as it creates a more organized and peaceful space. Figuring out what to let go of is a great first step. Here are 21 things you can easily part with.

Outdated Magazines and Newspapers

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Old magazines and newspapers can clutter your space and collect dust. Instead of letting them pile up, think about recycling or donating them. This is supported by Every Little Thing, which writes, “Sometimes drawing a line in the sand and letting all those old magazines go feels so much better than spending hours going through them all.” 

Unworn Clothes

Photo Credit: Masarik/Shutterstock

I’m sure you’ve all experienced the feeling of your closet becoming overflowing with clothes that no longer fit or match your style. These unworn items take up space and create a mess, so you might want to consider donating them to a charity or selling them online

Expired Medications

Photo Credit: goffkein.pro/Shutterstock

Bathroom cabinets can store expired medications that are unsafe to use anymore. Clearing them out can reduce mess and avoid health risks. Make sure to take them to a pharmacy or a special drop-off spot for safe disposal.

Old Electronics

Photo Credit: DAMRONG RATTANAPONG/Shutterstock

Don’t forget about old gadgets and electronics, which usually end up stuffed in drawers and closets. Instead of letting them gather dust, consider recycling them at local centers. This not only helps you clear out the clutter but also ensures you’re disposing of them in an eco-friendly way.

Duplicates of Kitchen Tools

Photo Credit: Archi_Viz/Shutterstock

If you check your kitchen drawers, you’ll probably notice you have lots of the same tools, like can openers and spatulas. This can make drawers and cabinets messy, but by getting rid of extras and keeping only the tools you use often, you can make your kitchen more organized and create a better space for cooking.

Broken or Unused Toys

Photo Credit: Olesya Myzzz/Shutterstock

Those of us who are parents will understand that kids’ rooms often get filled with broken or unused toys, making it hard to keep things tidy. To clear the clutter, consider donating or throwing away toys that aren’t being played with anymore.

Unread Books

Photo Credit: LightField Studios/Shutterstock

If you’re a bookworm, you’ve probably noticed that your bookshelves often fill up with books you don’t want to read anymore. Those unread books just take up space and collect dust. Consider donating them to libraries, schools, or thrift stores. This way, you can clear some space at home and help others discover the joy of reading.

Unused Gift Items

Photo Credit: Africa Studio/Shutterstock

Sometimes when we receive a present for a birthday or at Christmas, we don’t really like it, and it gets left unused. Often, they just gather dust and take up space in your home. They can create unnecessary clutter, so instead of holding onto them, think about regifting, donating, or selling them. 

Old Receipts and Paperwork

Photo Credit: Yavdat/Shutterstock

Something we find frustrating is that old receipts and paperwork can pile up around the house, taking up space and making it hard to find important documents. To keep things tidy, consider shredding or recycling papers you don’t need. Clearing out this clutter can help create a more organized and stress-free living environment.

Outdated Decor

Photo Credit: NurseToBeMartin/Shutterstock

One thing for sure is that old decorations that no longer fit your style or are worn out can make your home look messy. Getting rid of such things can give your space a fresh, modern feel, so consider donating or tossing outdated decor to quickly boost your home’s appearance and create a more inviting atmosphere.

Unused Craft Supplies

Photo Credit: Kostikova Natalia/Shutterstock

While it can be a fun hobby, crafting materials that you no longer use can take up significant space in your home. These supplies can become disorganized and create clutter. Donating them to schools, community centers, or other craft enthusiasts can help you regain valuable space.

Excess Bedding and Linens

Photo Credit: Kostikova Natalia/Shutterstock

We often inadvertently collect linen closets over the years, and so our closets contain more sheets, blankets, and towels than we actually need. These excess items can make storage areas feel cramped and cluttered. Simplifying your collection to only what you regularly use can create a more organized and accessible space.

Outdated Makeup and Skincare

Photo Credit: kornnphoto/Shutterstock

If you take a closer look, you’ll probably discover that your cosmetic drawer has become cluttered with products that are expired or no longer used, taking up valuable space. They also may be unsafe to use. Clearing out old makeup and skincare products can declutter your bathroom and make your daily routine more efficient.

Unused Sports Equipment

Photo Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

You might want to sort through any sporting goods that are no longer used, as they can take up a lot of space in your home. Things like this can become a source of clutter and make it difficult to store things you do use. Selling or donating unused sports equipment can help you create a more organized living area.

Unnecessary Furniture

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

We all want our homes to feel spacious, but extra pieces of furniture that don’t serve a purpose can make rooms feel cramped and cluttered. Removing unnecessary furniture can open up space and create a more comfortable and functional living environment. Consider donating or selling items that you no longer need.

Excessive Kitchenware

Photo Credit: Malisa Nicolau/Shutterstock

You’ll no doubt agree that kitchens can become overwhelmed with pots, pans, and dishes that are rarely used. This excess can make it difficult to find and access the items you use regularly. Simplifying your kitchenware collection can create a more efficient and enjoyable cooking experience.

Outdated Technology Accessories

Photo Credit: Africa Studio/Shutterstock

We have so many drawers filled with old cables, chargers, and accessories, which can become a source of clutter. These outdated items often go unused and take up space that could be better utilized. Why not try recycling or discarding old technology accessories to declutter and organize?

Unused Pet Supplies

Photo Credit: Davizro Photography/Shutterstock

If you have a spoiled pooch, then you’ve probably accumulated various supplies that your pet no longer needs or uses. Such things can take up valuable space and create clutter. Donating unused pet supplies to animal shelters or other pet owners can help you reclaim space in your home.

Knick-Knacks and Souvenirs

Photo Credit: Sergio.62/Shutterstock

Small decorative items and souvenirs from trips can accumulate over time, cluttering shelves and surfaces. They often hold sentimental value but contribute to a crowded look. Choosing to keep only a few meaningful pieces and storing or donating the rest can declutter and refresh your home.

Old Hobby Equipment

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Interests can change over time, leaving you with equipment that’s no longer used from a hobby years ago. These items can take up significant space and contribute to clutter. Selling or donating old hobby equipment can help you create a more organized and functional home.

Excess Kitchen Appliances

Photo Credit: kazoka/Shutterstock

Why not tidy up your kitchen counters and cabinets by throwing out any rarely used appliances? Clutter can make it difficult to prepare meals and enjoy your kitchen space, so removing or storing unused appliances can create a more organized and efficient kitchen, making it look much tidier.

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