18 Things You Just Don’t Need in Your Home And Should Throw Out

Written By Jill Taylor

Many of us hold onto items that we don’t need or rarely use. Creating a clutter-free home will not only make your space look better but improve its functionality and reduce your stress. Here are 18 items you should consider getting rid of.

Old Magazines and Newspapers

Photo Credit: qvist/Shutterstock

There’s no need to hold onto old magazines or newspapers now that all the information is available online! Stacks of magazines and newspapers can take up a considerable amount of shelf or table space. Recycle these to free up space in your home.

Old Electronics

Photo Credit: DAMRONG RATTANAPONG/Shutterstock

Electronics can quickly become obsolete with advances in technology. Declutter by selling, donating, or throwing out your old electronics. However, due to toxic components in some electronics, the New York Times recommends you “find out if the [recycling] facility has any additional safety requirements” before disposing of devices.

Out-of-Date Medications

Photo Credit: Adul10/Shutterstock

We all have medications that are well past their expiry date shoved in the back of our medicine cabinets. It’s time to have a clear-out! Make extra space by getting rid of these, but be sure to check your local guidelines for how to dispose of medications first.

Unused Exercise Equipment

Photo Credit: Alex_An_Der/Shutterstock

How about that exercise bike you bought as part of your New Year’s resolution? You probably don’t use that anymore! Unused exercise equipment can be a constant reminder of unmet goals, so throw it out and free up valuable living space. You could even sell it to get back some of your money.

Old Linens

Photo Credit: Veja/Shutterstock

Old, worn-out linens, such as bedsheets, tablecloths, and towels, can harbor bacteria and dust mites (gross). To make more storage space available, throw out old linens. You could even repurpose old towels or sheets into shopping bags or cleaning rags.

Unused Cooking Utensils

Photo Credit: Malisa Nicolau/Shutterstock

Many homes have multiple pots, pans, spatulas, and other cooking utensils that are rarely used. Clearing out these duplicates can free up space in your drawers. You could even do your bit for charity and donate cooking items that are in good condition.

Mismatched Socks

Photo Credit: Lisa Charbonneau/Shutterstock

If your socks are missing their matching pair, it’s time to get rid of them! Help keep your sock drawer tidy by weeding out mismatched socks. You could even repurpose your socks; as Business Insider says, “socks can sweep floors, keep car windows from fogging, be used as decorative flourishes, plus so much more.”

VHS Tapes and DVDs

Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

Streaming has ultimately made VHS tapes and DVDs redundant, so why are you still hoarding stacks of them in your home? Removing these can declutter your entertainment area. You can convert your favorites into digital formats and discard the rest.

Plastic Shopping Bags

Photo Credit: ARIMAG/Shutterstock

Plastic shopping bags have long been unpopular, with people opting to use reusable bags instead to benefit the environment. Many grocery stores accept plastic bags for recycling, so head to the grocery store and throw out that stash of plastic bags that’s taking up unnecessary space!

Out-of-Date Spices

Photo Credit: Suciu Victor/Shutterstock

When was the last time you dug into the back of your spice cabinet? There are likely all sorts of expired spices back there. Spices lose their potency over time, so take this opportunity to refresh your spice cabinet with new ones.


Photo Credit: Pixavril/Shutterstock

It’s hard to resist a freebie, but they’re often low quality and not useful. Over time, freebies build up and take up valuable space in your home. Throw out all the pointless freebies you’ve collected over the years, and try to avoid taking stuff you don’t need in the future!

Unused Gifts

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Throwing away a gift might seem a bit heartless, but you don’t need to hold onto unwanted items out of guilt! Rather than throwing them out, you could pass them on to someone who would use them and appreciate them more.

Excess Decorations

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

It’s essential to have a collection of decorations for the holidays, but you don’t need to keep every decoration you have ever bought or been gifted. If you have decorations you barely use or don’t like, Southern Living says to “ditch these items to make room for holiday decor that you’ll love.”

Documents and Files

Photo Credit: create jobs 51/Shutterstock

Documents and files can quickly accumulate and take up a lot of space. It’s a good idea to regularly sort through your files, convert important documents into digital formats, and shred old documents that you no longer need. This makes it easier to access important documents and saves space.

Broken Tools and Equipment

Photo Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

It’s time to address those broken tools and equipment that you meant to throw out ages ago! Fix what can be fixed and consider buying new tools to replace the ones that can’t. Clearing out broken items can free up valuable garage or shed space.

Old Pet Toys

Photo Credit: Azeal Stock/Shutterstock

Pets often prefer a few specific toys, leaving the other ones to fall by the wayside. Old pet toys can house bacteria and parasites, so it’s important to deal with these for your health and to declutter. You can wash and donate usable toys and simply dispose of the rest.

Excess Furniture

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

It’s time to get rid of your unnecessary furniture. According to The Spruce, “a minimalist living room that focuses on the essentials can help you to keep clutter at bay, come home to a calming space, and make whatever square footage you have feel larger and airier.”

Unused Craft Supplies

Photo Credit: Kostikova Natalia/Shutterstock

Unused craft supplies can feel overwhelming rather than inspiring. So, instead of leaving the craft supplies you don’t use to collect dust, get rid of them to free up workspace and storage areas. Many schools welcome donations of craft supplies.

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