19 Things You Do That Make Your Home an Easy Target For Burglars

Written By Jill Taylor

When protecting our homes, we often overlook simple habits that could potentially attract burglars. Understanding these common mistakes can help you significantly improve your home’s security. Here are 19 key factors that could make your home more inviting to burglars.

Leaving Packaging Visible in Trash

Photo Credit: Cari Rubin Photography/Shutterstock

Leaving boxes from expensive items like TVs with your trash can attract thieves, as it lets them know that you have valuable items. Instead of leaving packaging for the world to see, make sure you tear it up and put it inside your garbage bin or take it to a local recycling center.

Not Using Home Security Systems

Photo Credit: Daniel Jedzura/Shutterstock

Visible security cameras and alarm systems can deter burglars, so if you don’t have a home security system, you might become a target! According to The New York Times, in 2017, “only 17 percent of houses in this country have a security system.”

Having Poor Exterior Lighting

Photo Credit: Maria Kozharskaya/Shutterstock

Making sure the outside of your home is well-lit, such as entrances and pathways, is vital to keeping burglars at bay. If you have poor exterior lighting, it might be a good idea to install a motion sensor and dusk-to-dawn lighting so you don’t attract unwanted attention from thieves.

Leaving Windows and Doors Unsecured

Photo Credit: Artazum/Shutterstock

If your windows and doors aren’t secure, you’re practically asking burglars to come into your home! Robust locks like smart locks or deadbolts are a great way to upgrade the security of your windows and doors. Also, always remember to close your windows when you go out!

Hiding Spare Keys Outside

Photo Credit: Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock

A common mistake people make is hiding a spare key outside their home. This convenient way for wanted visitors to get into your home can quickly turn into easy access for unwanted visitors! There are many better alternatives, including lock boxes or leaving your spare key with a trusted neighbor.

Leaving Overgrown Shrubs and Dark Corners

Photo Credit: Imagenet/Shutterstock

Thieves love overgrown shrubs and dark corners, as they can use them for cover as they skulk around your property! Always make sure you keep on top of your landscaping and keep dark corners lit to prevent any potential hiding spots.

Having Valuables Visible

Photo Credit: RossHelen/Shutterstock

The Metropolitan Police say “don’t forget obvious, important things, like not leaving your valuables near windows.” While you may think it goes without saying, some people forget to keep their expensive items hidden. You can arrange furniture to block these items or use curtains, blinds, or privacy film.

Showing No Sign of Presence

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It’s important to make your home look occupied, even when no one is home, as no sign of presence will make your home a target for burglars. Always pretend your house isn’t empty, à la Home Alone! Try utilizing smart home systems and setting timers for lights and electronics.

Ignoring the Garage

Photo Credit: Alan Budman/Shutterstock

Burglars often target garages for easy access to the home, as people tend to overlook their garages’ security. Make sure you prevent this by using security systems on garage doors and windows just like the rest of your home!

Using Social Media Badly

Photo Credit: Prostock-studio/Shutterstock

It’s easy to underestimate the dangers of posting your location or travel plans on social media, as burglars can use this information to determine when you’re not home. Adjusting your privacy settings on social platforms, not posting your current location, and sharing vacation photos and updates after your trip is key.

Installing Bad Quality Locks and Hardware

Photo Credit: Audio und werbung/Shutterstock

Having high-quality, functional locks on all entry points can help keep your home safe from burglars. The Guardian includes “strong, heavy doors” as one of the biggest deterrents for thieves. If you’re not sure whether your locks are up to scratch, consult a locksmith for an evaluation and potential upgrades.

Using Over-the-Top Privacy Fencing

Photo Credit: Paul Maguire/Shutterstock

While we all like our privacy, over-the-top privacy fencing might be a worthwhile sacrifice to keep your home safe from thieves! It’s crucial to strike a balance between privacy and security when choosing fencing. Tall, opaque fences can provide cover for burglars and actually encourage them to target your home.

Showing Signs of Old Security System

Photo Credit: Photographicss/Shutterstock

Having evidence of new home security systems can keep burglars away; however, if you are displaying old, outdated security system signs, this could do the opposite. Make sure you regularly update old signs and decals to reflect current security measures to deter thieves!

Not Securing Valuables in Yards and Sheds

Photo Credit: Gorloff-KV/Shutterstock

Leaving expensive tools and equipment outside and not securing your yard and shed can attract burglars. Most thieves go for easy targets that don’t require much time or effort, so it’s important to always lock sheds and storage boxes and chain up larger valuable objects.

Leaving Mail and Packages Unattended

Photo Credit: Pamela Au/Shutterstock

When you receive mail and packages, try not to leave these unattended in your doorway or outside your home. Using alternative delivery options, mail holds, or smart parcel boxes can solve this problem. Doorbell cameras and monitoring deliveries can also reduce the risk of your packages being stolen.

Not Having a Neighborhood Watch

Photo Credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

If you don’t have a neighborhood watch program in your area, it could be beneficial to start one! Having a vigilant community can deter burglars from your area. The National Crime Prevention Council explains that Neighborhood Watch brings “citizens together with law enforcement to deter crime and make communities safer.”

Leaving Repair and Service People Alone

Photo Credit: antoniodiaz/Shutterstock

We teach our children not to trust strangers, so why would we leave service personnel that we have just met alone in our home? Be sure to schedule repairs and services for when someone is home and be able to supervise them and use verified service providers whenever possible.

Not Repairing Broken Entry Points

Photo Credit: Radovan1/Shutterstock

Whatever you do, don’t leave your front door hanging off its hinges or your window stuck open! It’s critical to immediately repair damaged entry points like doors and windows so burglars can’t easily access your home. Regular inspections of potential entryways can also be beneficial.

Not Consulting Security Professionals

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

There are many benefits of consulting with security professionals and having a security assessment of your home. Scheduling regular updates and check-ins with security experts can help keep your home safe from burglars, as security threats and their solutions are always evolving!

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