18 Things You Can Always Buy Cheaper At Costco

Written By Jill Taylor

Since the first Costco opened in 1983, stores have popped up in countries all over the world. Costco’s success can be attributed to its low prices—economy is the name of the game, and customers can’t get enough. Here are 18 things that are always cheaper at Costco than other stores.


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As the CDC points out, cereal is a popular (if not entirely healthy) way to start the day, especially for younger Americans. Unfortunately, this breakfast staple doesn’t come cheap. Costco, however, does offer good deals on big-brand cereals, so you can start the day with a full stomach and a full checking account.


Photo Credit: Andriy Blokhin/Shutterstock

With the price of gas skyrocketing around the world, any way to save money while filling up the tank is appreciated. Luckily, Costco gas is significantly cheaper than what’s available from rival gas stations. Don’t expect to save a fortune, but every little helps in this economy.


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Alcohol has always been a luxury, which can make organizing parties or cookouts more expensive than anyone likes. On the plus side, Costco’s own-label beverages provide a great way to save some money when compared to specialist liquor stores—just don’t let their bargains stop you from drinking in moderation!


Photo Credit: The Image Party/Shutterstock

Whether you pre-rinse or use the dishwasher alone (The New York Times advises the latter), you’ll need detergent. Many stores rip customers off when it comes to this essential. It’s better to buy from Costco rather than rival businesses—you might save over $10 by doing so!

Frozen Meals

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Frozen meals are a convenient dinner option after a long day at the office. Unfortunately, they can be expensive for the quantity of food they offer. For those who need to fill up fast while saving money, Costco can be a great option—plus, you can buy meals in bulk and store them easily.


Photo Credit: Melica/Shutterstock

Nuts come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors, but one thing is universally true—Costco is the place to go. Costco hits the sweet spot by offering a range of nuts at low prices. However, because these snacks can go bad over time, it’s important not to go too nutty when shopping.

Canned Food

Photo Credit: Niloo/Shutterstock

Canned food is a cheap, tasty, and convenient way to add some variation to your diet. Costco offers canned meat, fish, and vegetables at relatively low prices. For real bargains, check out the store’s Kirkland range of goods, which offers quality at prices that would be unthinkable from other stores.


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Cooking oil is an underrated ingredient that makes so many recipes possible. Sadly, it can be very expensive, and recent price increases have only intensified the problem. Avoid crazy inflation rates by getting your oil for less from Costco—your wallet will thank you.


Photo Credit: Niloo/Shutterstock

The scientific journal Nutrients links juice consumption with better health and diet, so it’s no wonder it’s so popular. However, with prices affected by poor harvests, it can be harder than ever to find a cheap carton of OJ. Costco still offers comparatively great prices, even if they aren’t as low as they once were.


Photo Credit: Sergey Ryzhov/Shutterstock

Shopping is always a trade-off between price and quality, but Costco offers a good compromise when it comes to eggs. Both regular and organic options are available. You may have to break a few eggs to make an omelet, but you don’t have to break your bank account.


Photo Credit: calimedia/Shutterstock

It’s possible to save loads of money while buying cheese in bulk from Costco, but there’s a catch. Because you get so much bang for your buck, there’s a risk of the cheese spoiling before you’re able to eat it all. Savvy shoppers should consider freezing any spare blocks before they go bad.

Frozen Vegetables

Photo Credit: Ahanov Michael/Shutterstock

While buying fresh vegetables in bulk can be a waste of money as they go bad fast, frozen vegetables come pre-preserved. Costco’s prices make it easy to stock up on frozen vegetables that will last until you want to use them. Plus, there’s no need to waste time chopping them up before cooking!


Photo Credit: TY Lim/Shutterstock

Some prefer potato chips, and others like tortilla chips, but everyone can agree that Costco is a great place to save money on these moreish snacks. But it’s important to be careful when trying new brands, as some of Costco’s offers are dangerously addictive!


Photo Credit: grandbrothers/Shutterstock

Costco may be famous for its low prices, but one item sticks in the minds of consumers in the U.S.: the Costco pizza. At under $10, Costco’s 18-inch pizza is a near-unbeatable way to feed your family. Individual portions are also available, but, as usual for Costco, it’s better value to buy in bulk.

Maple Syrup

Photo Credit: The Image Party/Shutterstock

The Government of Canada reports that 17.4 million gallons of maple syrup were produced in 2022, making it the country’s greatest export! It is undeniably tasty but can also be very expensive. Luckily, Costco customers can save several dollars per tub. Get the best pancake topping for the best possible price, and treat your tastebuds for less.

Rotisserie Chickens

Photo Credit: calimedia/Shutterstock

Rotisserie chickens are a godsend when you’re craving a roast dinner but don’t want to put in the hours of work needed to cook one at home. Even better, Costco’s rotisserie chickens are inexpensive as well as tasty. Next time you’re craving a protein hit, get yourself down to your local Costco.


Photo Credit: Edgar Lee Espe/Shutterstock

Costco’s honey has a long shelf life, so you can buy it safely, knowing you’ll get through the whole jar before it expires. Use it for baking, cooking, or spreading on bread; knowing you’ve saved money will make it taste all the better.


Photo Credit: The Image Party/Shutterstock

When it comes to food, few meats are as iconic as bacon. Costco has you covered here, too, as it offers amazing deals on bulk bacon. Even if you’re not able to binge eat the bacon you buy, freezing it is an option, so there are no downsides to stocking up.

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