16 Things True Christians Should Never Do

Written By Jill Taylor

With over 45,000 Christian denominations worldwide, it’s hard to keep track of which rules apply to the Christian religion. Each denomination has its own restrictions, just like the following 16 things you cannot do if you’re Christian, which mostly apply to Protestant denominations.

Tell a lie

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Lying is considered to be a sin in the Christian faith. One of the Ten Commandments is ‘Thou shalt not bear false witness,’ which basically means you shouldn’t make up false stories and facts. Your word should always be truthful, and any lies will go against the word of God.

Steal from others

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‘Thou shalt not steal’ is one of the most self-explanatory Ten Commandments. Under no circumstances should you take something that doesn’t belong to you. Stealing not only defies God and is a sin, but it is also a basic law of society that if you steal, you will face consequences.

Blaspheme against god

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God’s name is Holy and should never be taken in vain. Christianity Today says that the third commandment not only refers to using the Lord’s name in a negative way but also to trivializing anything in the Bible. This Holy text is to be honored and respected; otherwise, it’s blasphemous.

Commit adultery

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Infidelity is a huge no-no in the Christian faith. Cheating on your partner is immoral, and Christians will view anyone who commits adultery negatively. Spouses should be faithful to one another, and Christianity’s view on this is so strong that it is one of the Ten Commandments.

Birth control

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Different denominations have different views on birth control. Since the Bible does not forbid birth control, it is hard to enforce, and many have relaxed their views in the last few years in line with society. However, some still condemn it due to the belief that birth control promotes adultery and promiscuity.

Have an Abortion

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The Christian faith holds complex views on abortion, but these days, most Christians are pro-life rather than pro-choice. While opinions vary, many Christians view all life as a blessing and see abortion as a sin unless there are extreme circumstances or a threat to the life of either mother or baby.

Sex before marriage

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Although the Bible never explicitly states that sex before marriage is a sin, it’s viewed negatively by the religion. According to Christianity.com, many Christians practice abstinence before marriage. It is taught in most denominations that God only approves of sex between man and wife.

Dishonor the Sabbath

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Remembering the Sabbath day and keeping it Holy means many different things to different people. In theory, the Sabbath is a day of rest, and you are expected to relax on a Sunday. On Sundays, you should go to Church and recharge. However, this has relaxed a lot in recent years.

Disrespect parents

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According to the Ten Commandments, you should honor your mother and father. Respecting and obeying your parents is an important rule in God’s eyes. As your givers of life, you owe them a lot, and Christianity says they should always receive unconditional love from you.

Kill another person

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‘Thou shalt not kill’ is both a social and religious rule. It is both illegal and immoral to kill another person, with this rule also being a Commandment of God in order to protect all human life. It’s a Commandment that is rarely broken, but when it is, it’s a serious sin.

Drink in excess

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Christianity has nothing against drinking; after all, Jesus did turn water into wine. However, issues arise when it comes to drinking in excess, with getting drunk being frowned upon. According to The Christian Institute, the Bible explicitly states, ‘Do not get drunk on wine’ (Ephesians 5:18). It’s as simple as that!

Take drugs

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Similarly to getting drunk on alcohol, it’s extremely immoral to take drugs in the Christian faith. When you mess with drugs, you are considered to be playing with the devil. There is no positive spin; your body is a temple, and drugs only serve to destroy it.

Chase lust

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Lust was briefly mentioned earlier, but in Christianity, sex is viewed as a sacred act between a man and wife. This is why chasing promiscuous adult content in the name of lust is frowned upon, as Christians are expected to be pure in heart and thought.


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Henry VIII founded the Church of England when the dominant religion of Catholicism refused to grant him a divorce. Although this is how one of the largest Christian denominations started, divorce is still pretty frowned upon in the faith. It is a moral dilemma for many Christians, but even stricter in Catholicism.

Be jealous

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Comparison is the thief of joy, and being jealous of something that someone else has is viewed as wrong in Christianity. Reporter-Times states that the Tenth Commandment is ‘thou shalt not covet,’ and to covet means to want something that belongs to someone else. This refers to both material possessions and human lust.

Same-sex marriage

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Finally, opinions on same-sex relationships vary massively between Churches. Many are more accepting of homosexuality these days, but generally, Christianity disagrees with same-sex marriage. The Bible teaches that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, so Christianity universally honors this interpretation of marriage.

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