18 Things That Become Useless in a Society Breakdown

Written By Jill Taylor

When society breaks down, a lot of the stuff we rely on daily suddenly becomes useless. As the world changes and priorities shift, what once seemed important might not matter anymore. Here are 18 things that won’t be of any use when everything falls apart.

Social Media

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Without the internet or electricity, social media platforms become inaccessible. According to Fast Company, “less stable sources of electrical power would take their toll on hardware, and software could actually fail first.” The digital connections and online presence that used to matter fade away, making real-life interactions and getting by the new priority.

Fashion Trends

Photo Credit: polinaloves/Shutterstock

If it comes down to survival, fashion trends don’t really matter. Practical clothing suited for the environment and weather conditions becomes essential, while designer labels and seasonal trends become irrelevant.

Credit Cards

Photo Credit: Olena Chukhil/Shutterstock

Without a functioning financial system, credit cards become simple pieces of plastic with no value. Trading and bartering take over, making your credit limit useless. In a cashless world, real, tangible assets hold more worth.

Luxury Cars

Photo Credit: Exelero – Eduard Goricev/Shutterstock

When society breaks down, keeping luxury cars running and fueled is just impossible. Instead, people will go for reliable, fuel-efficient, and easy-to-fix cars that actually make sense over pricey, high-maintenance ones that don’t offer much practical value.

High Heels

Photo Credit: Creative Lab/Shutterstock

High heels are just impractical and uncomfortable and definitely not the best idea when a crisis hits. You’ll need sturdy, comfortable footwear that can handle rough terrain and long periods of walking, leaving high heels collecting dust.

Home Décor

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Aesthetic preferences take a back seat when basic needs like food and shelter become the main focus. Home décor items just don’t seem as important anymore. Instead, functionality and practicality in our living spaces start to matter more than decorative elements and design.

Gym Memberships

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com-Yuri-A/Shutterstock

Without gyms or fitness centers, people turn to natural forms of exercise. Walking, running, and body-weight exercises replace gym routines, making paid memberships and fancy equipment unnecessary.

Gourmet Ingredients

Photo Credit: alfernec/Shutterstock

When society breaks down, getting gourmet ingredients becomes really tough. Basic, non-perishable foods become way more important than exotic spices and specialty items. It’s all about focusing on sustenance and staying alive.

Designer Bags

Photo Credit: Creative Lab/Shutterstock

Designer bags lose their charm when you need something functional and durable. Practical, multi-use bags that can carry all your essentials and handle tough conditions end up being way more valuable than luxury handbags.

Entertainment Systems

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

Without electricity or digital access, entertainment systems like gaming consoles, TVs, and streaming devices become useless. Outdoor activities and hands-on fun come into play, focusing more on survival than just relaxing.

Fine Jewelry

Photo Credit: feedbackstudio/Shutterstock

In a society breakdown, fine jewelry doesn’t really hold much value. Practical items become essential, and things like tools, food, and clothing turn into the new currency. So, expensive jewelry kind of loses its significance.

Office Supplies

Photo Credit: Africa Studio/Shutterstock

As digital dependence fades, office supplies lose their purpose in a world without functioning businesses. The digital and paper tools we once relied on for work become obsolete, replaced by the need for practical tasks.

Beauty Products

Photo Credit: Prostock-studio/Shutterstock

When daily survival is the main concern, extensive beauty routines and products just don’t make sense. Basic hygiene items become more important than luxury cosmetics, with practicality trumping appearance.


Photo Credit: Just Feel/Shutterstock

Perfumes and scented products turn into unnecessary luxuries. When it comes to basic hygiene and health, the need for fragrance just doesn’t matter as much, making perfumes and colognes pretty irrelevant in a survival situation.


Photo Credit: MR. AEKALAK CHIAMCHAROEN/Shutterstock

In a society that is broken down, collectible items are no longer worth anything because other resources become more critical. The sentimental and monetary value of collectibles fades as people focus on essential items for daily living.

Smart Home Devices

Photo Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

When manual control kicks in, smart home devices that need electricity and internet suddenly become useless. It’s back to basics with manual methods and tools taking center stage, making all that smart tech pretty much irrelevant.

Stock Market Investments

Photo Credit: Tero Vesalainen/Shutterstock

Assets need to be tangible. If society breaks down, stock market investments lose their value. What really matters, then, are things like food, water, and shelter. In such times, digital and paper investments just don’t hold up.

Travel Plans

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Local survival is what matters, so when transportation systems are down, travel plans go out the window. Suddenly, it’s all about getting by right where you are. Forget about distant destinations and planned trips—your immediate surroundings and resources become the top priority.

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