18 Things Society Teaches You That Are Completely Wrong

Written By Jill Taylor

Life is full of lessons, but not all are right or helpful, and some things we’re taught are just myths that can limit us. There are so many common beliefs that are totally false. Here are 18 things society has taught us that are completely wrong.

Success Means Being Wealthy

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CEO World explains, “The Oxford dictionary defines success as “attainment of a goal wanted or hoped for.” Many people think success means having lots of money, but real success is personal and different for everyone. Reaching your own goals, staying happy, and feeling fulfilled in everyday life can be just as important.

Happiness Comes From External Sources

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Don’t be fooled into thinking that happiness comes from relationships, material objects, or job success. While it’s great to have all of these in our lives, real happiness starts from the inside. Focusing on a positive mindset and enjoying life’s little moments brings more lasting joy than anything external.

Good Grades Guarantee a Good Job

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We’ve all been taught from an early age that getting good grades guarantees a great career, and although education matters, many successful people didn’t do well in school. Traits like creativity, perseverance, and networking can be just as important, if not more so, for moving up in your career.

Hard Work Always Leads to Success

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Of course, working hard plays an important role in success, but it isn’t the only thing that will elevate our careers. You may want to think outside the box and turn to luck, timing, and connections to help with success. It’s crucial to work smart, not just hard, and to understand that success depends on many factors.

Failure Is Something to Be Avoided

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The truth is that a lot of us are scared of failing, seeing it only as a bad thing. But really, failure is a normal and important part of learning and growing. When we embrace failure and learn from our mistakes, we become stronger and more successful over time.

You Must Follow One Career Path

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You don’t need to stick to one career to succeed, and it’s an outdated way of thinking that stops you from following your dream. Nowadays, switching careers or exploring different interests can make your work life more exciting and fulfilling. You gain a variety of experiences and skills, making your professional journey much more dynamic.

Money Buys Happiness

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While having money can reduce stress and make life easier, real happiness usually comes from personal growth and meaningful experiences. Yes, it’s great to treat ourselves every now and again, but money can’t meet all our emotional needs or ensure we’re truly happy.

You Need to Be Perfect

Photo Credit: Chay_Tee/Shutterstock

Most people don’t realize that aiming to be perfect can be harmful. Instead, we should aim to be happy. No one is perfect, and trying to be flawless can cause stress and burnout. Accepting our flaws and focusing on progress, not perfection, leads to healthier and more realistic personal and professional growth.

Multitasking Is Effective

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You need to stop thinking that multitasking boosts productivity because it does the opposite. Splitting focus usually lowers efficiency and quality and can leave us with a pile of unfinished tasks. Doing one thing at a time tends to give better results and reduce stress, showing that multitasking isn’t as effective as we often believe.

Age Determines Success

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

There are no limitations when it comes to success, especially not a person’s age. People often think success must come early, but many hit their stride later after some well-earned life experience. Age isn’t a limit; instead, patience, experience, and ongoing learning are key to success, no matter when it happens.

More Hours Mean More Productivity

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The idea that longer working hours result in higher productivity is widespread, but really, it does more harm than good. Overworking often leads to fatigue and decreased efficiency. Prioritizing rest, breaks, and work-life balance is crucial for maintaining productivity and overall well-being, highlighting the importance of quality over quantity.

Asking for Help Shows Weakness

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Believe it or not, many people think that asking for help indicates weakness or incompetence. On the contrary, seeking assistance is a sign of strength and self-awareness. It allows for collaboration, diverse perspectives, and more effective problem-solving, proving the value of asking for help when needed.

You Should Avoid Risk

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Why is it that risk-taking is often discouraged in favor of safety and stability? Taking calculated risks can lead to significant growth and opportunities. Embracing uncertainty and stepping out of comfort zones can result in innovation and personal development, demonstrating the benefits of taking risks.

Your Job Defines You

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In most cases, society frequently emphasizes that one’s job is a primary aspect of identity. However, people are multifaceted, with interests and qualities extending beyond their careers. Valuing hobbies, relationships, and personal values equally is crucial for a balanced and enriched life.

You Need to Have It All Figured Out

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Try not to listen to people who put pressure on you to have a clear plan for your life and career. It’s normal not to have all the answers and to change direction over time. Flexibility and openness to new experiences are vital, as they allow for personal growth and the discovery of unexpected opportunities.

More Technology Equals Better Life

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It’s often said that more technology leads to a better life, but this is far from the truth. While technology offers convenience and connectivity, it can also contribute to stress and distraction. Striking a balance between tech use and real-world interactions is essential for mental health and meaningful relationships.

Everyone Else Has It Together

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Social media often portrays others as having perfect lives, leading to feelings of inadequacy. In reality, everyone faces challenges and struggles. Comparing oneself to curated online images is misleading. Focusing on personal progress and well-being is more beneficial than seeking validation from social media.

Following the Crowd Is Best

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We’ve all probably been encouraged at some point in our lives to fit in and avoid standing out. However, embracing individuality and unique perspectives fosters innovation and self-expression. Challenging the status quo and thinking independently can lead to personal growth and societal progress, underscoring the importance of originality over conformity.

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Photo Credit: CREATISTA/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Ems Images/Shutterstock

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