19 Things Responsible Gun Owners Should Never Do

Written By Jill Taylor

Owning a gun comes with serious responsibilities. While many people own firearms safely, there are some mistakes that even experienced owners can make. Here are 19 key things gun owners should never do to make sure everyone stays safe.

Store firearms unsecured

Photo Credit: Nomad_Soul/Shutterstock

As Healthy Children points out, unsecured firearms are a major risk, especially if you have children or visitors in your home. Always use a dedicated gun safe or lockbox to store your firearms when they’re not in use to prevent accidents and keep your weapons out of the wrong hands.

Ignore proper maintenance

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

Regular cleaning and maintenance aren’t just about keeping your gun looking nice – they’re essential for its correct function and safety. You should have a routine for cleaning and inspecting your firearms to catch any issues before they become dangerous problems.

Point a gun at something you don’t intend to shoot

Photo Credit: Roman Chazov/Shutterstock

This is a fundamental rule of gun safety that you should never break. To avoid this, it’s best to treat every firearm as if it’s loaded, even when you’re sure it’s not, and keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction at all times. This habit can prevent tragic accidents if a gun you thought was unloaded turns out to be loaded.

Drink alcohol while handling firearms

Photo Credit: Marian Weyo/Shutterstock

As you probably expect, mixing guns and alcohol is extremely dangerous. Even a small amount of alcohol can really affect your judgment and coordination, so you should never handle firearms while drinking or under the influence of any substances. If you’re planning to drink, make sure your guns are securely stored away first.

Assume a gun is unloaded

Photo Credit: Ivanko80/Shutterstock

Always verify the status of a firearm yourself, even if someone tells you it’s unloaded. Getting in the habit of checking the chamber and magazine every time you pick up will help with this. This extra step takes only a few seconds but can prevent serious accidents.

Skip firearm safety courses

Photo Credit: Pressmaster/Shutterstock

You might think you know everything about gun safety, but there’s always more to learn. Attending regular safety courses keeps your skills sharp and introduces you to all the new techniques and technologies. These classes also remind you of good habits and help you stay up-to-date on laws and best practices.

Leave guns accessible to children

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Keep in mind that kids are naturally curious, and a gun can look like an exciting toy to them, so you must ensure that your firearms are stored securely at all times and are out of sight and reach of children. You can also use gun locks and safes and teach your kids about gun safety from an early age.

Ignore local gun laws

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Gun laws are not universal; they can vary quite a lot between states and even cities. If you own a gun, you’re responsible for knowing and following all applicable laws wherever you go with your firearm. Not being aware of the law is not an excuse, and violating gun regulations can lead to serious legal consequences.

Forget to use ear and eye protection

Photo Credit: guruXOX/Shutterstock

Shooting without the correct protection can really damage your hearing and eyesight. To prevent this, always wear ear and eye protection when firing your gun, even if you’re just planning to shoot a few rounds. Your future self will thank you for protecting your senses now.

Modify your firearm improperly

Photo Credit: FabrikaSimf/Shutterstock

Tinkering with your gun might seem like a fun project, but improper modifications can be so dangerous. Altering your firearm without really knowing what you’re doing can affect its safety features and accuracy. If you want to modify your gun, it’s best to have it done by a qualified gunsmith.

Neglect gun etiquette at the range

Photo Credit: Frame Stock Footage/Shutterstock

Range safety is everyone’s responsibility, so you must follow all range rules, listen to the range officer, and be considerate of others. Don’t handle your firearm when others are downrange, and only keep your gun pointed downrange when not in use. Good etiquette keeps everyone safe and comfortable.

Carry a gun without training

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Carrying a firearm for self-defense requires more than just owning a gun; you need the right training in gun handling, situational awareness, and the legal aspects of self-defense. Without this knowledge, you might put yourself and others at risk in high-stress situations.

Store ammunition with guns

Photo Credit: Makhh/Shutterstock

One way you can add more security is by keeping your ammo separate from your firearms. This simple practice can prevent accidents if someone gains unauthorized access to your gun. It’s recommended to store ammunition in a cool, dry place, away from your firearms, and use a separate locked container if possible.

Disregard transportation methods

Photo Credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

Transporting firearms needs careful consideration, which is why you should be aware of local laws regarding how guns should be stored and carried in vehicles. Generally, firearms should be unloaded and locked in a case separate from ammunition when being transported. This prevents accidents and legal issues during travel.

Become complacent with gun safety

Photo Credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

Getting familiar with owning and using a gun can make you complacent, but never let your guard down around firearms. Always follow safety protocols, no matter how experienced you are. Treat every gun with respect and caution, and never assume you’re too skilled to have an accident.

Share photos of guns on social media

Photo Credit: Pheelings media/Shutterstock

Posting pictures of your firearms online might seem harmless, but it can attract unwanted attention. Thieves can use this information to target your home, so it’s best to keep your gun ownership private and avoid sharing details about your firearms or their storage locations on social media.

Bring a firearm to inappropriate locations

Photo Credit: Tada Images/Shutterstock

Some places are just not suitable for firearms, regardless of your rights or intentions. For example, schools, government buildings, and certain businesses often prohibit guns, so make sure to research and respect these restrictions. Bringing a gun to an inappropriate location can lead to serious legal consequences.

Engage in unsafe dry-fire practice

Photo Credit: Chaleephoto/Shutterstock

Dry-fire practice can be valuable as long as it’s done safely. To start with, make sure your gun is completely unloaded and pointed in a safe direction. Use snap caps to protect your firing pin, and never dry-fire at anything you wouldn’t want to shoot. Treat dry fire with the same seriousness as live fire.

Loan your gun to untrained individuals

Photo Credit: Nomad_Soul/Shutterstock

Your firearm is your responsibility, and loaning it to someone who lacks proper training or understanding of gun safety is irresponsible and potentially dangerous. If you want to introduce someone to shooting, do it under controlled conditions at a range with the right supervision and instruction.

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