These are the 19 Biggest Cat breeds in the World

Written By Jill Taylor

Obviously, we’re talking about house cat breeds here; otherwise, there’d be some wild big cats on this list! Pet cats aren’t usually too large, so some of the ‘larger’ breeds aren’t noticeably bigger than others. Nevertheless, here are 19 of the largest domestic cat breeds you can have in your home.

Maine Coon

Photo Credit: nikkytok/Shutterstock

This breed definitely deserves to be the first on our list because Guinness World Records states that a Maine Coon currently holds the record for “longest domestic cat,” a record that has been held by Maine Coons “for almost a decade.” The breed can be up to 40 inches long on average.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Photo Credit: Elisa Putti/Shutterstock

Unsurprisingly, the Norwegian Forest Cat comes from Norway. They’ve adapted to have dense, water-resistant coats that help them out in cold climates. They can weigh up to 16 pounds on average, and they’re also quite athletic. These cats are muscular and built to climb anything with ease.


Photo Credit: Serita Vossen/Shutterstock

You might know the Ragdoll cat breed best for their stunning blue eyes and light-colored fur, but they’re also quite large cats. Bigger Ragdolls can be up to 20 pounds, but they’re gentle giants who are well-known for being docile and affectionate.


Photo Credit: evrymmnt/Shutterstock

Although Siberian cats have existed for centuries, they only recently became properly recognized as a breed. Male Siberian cats can weigh anywhere between 15 and 20 pounds, and females aren’t much lighter. Interestingly, they’re often called ‘hypoallergenic cats’ because they don’t shed much, but this is a myth.


Photo Credit: Gennadiy Naumov/Shutterstock

A Maine Coon might be the world’s longest cat, but USA Today reports that “a two-year-old Savannah cat from Michigan” is the “tallest living domestic cat.” Savannah cats are a result of cross-breeding domestic cats with servals (wild African cats), leading to the large and energetic Savannah breed.


Photo Credit: Alexander_Evgenyevich/Shutterstock

Another hybrid breed between wild and domestic cats is the Bengal. Its fur is covered in leopard-like patterns, and it’s popular for its intelligence and playful personality. The Bengal is also quite big, as it can be up to 16 inches tall and weigh up to 15 pounds.

British Shorthair

Photo Credit: FotoMirta/Shutterstock

The British Shorthair isn’t a cat breed you’d normally think of as big, but these stocky cats can weigh between 9 and 18 pounds. One of the oldest cat breeds from the UK, British Shorthairs are usually calm and easygoing and have distinctive round faces and grey-blue fur.


Photo Credit: Tania__Wild/Shutterstock

Chausie cats were originally bred in Egypt and came from crossing domestic cats with jungle cats, so it’s no surprise they can grow up to 15 inches tall. Their sleek, muscular bodies give them a bit of a ‘wild’ look, but they’re usually well-mannered as long as they’re given enough attention.

Turkish Van

Photo Credit: Lea Rae/Shutterstock

The most commonly known fact about Turkish Van cats is their love for water and amazing swimming abilities. However, they’re also cats who are often on the large side and can weigh up to 20 pounds. Lots of that weight comes from their muscles, which makes them quite athletic.


Photo Credit: Scampi/Shutterstock

Although long thought to be a variation of the Ragdoll cat, Ragamuffins have been recognized as a different breed. Their long-furred coats can make them look bigger than they actually are, but they’re still large cats—male Ragamuffins can weigh up to 20 pounds.

American Bobtail

Photo Credit: yhelfman/Shutterstock

You might worry about an American Bobtail’s tail when you see one, but Pet Health Network advises that this quirk is just “the result of a genetic mutation that affects tail growth.” They can be bigger than other domestic cats, going up to 16 pounds in weight, and are relatively rare across the U.S.


Photo Credit: Katniss studio/Shutterstock

These quiet and gentle cats come from France and can often form strong bonds with their owners, leading some to think they’re a bit clingy. They usually grow up to around 11 inches tall and 18 inches long, making them one of the larger breeds.


Photo Credit: Felicia Heisterkamp/Shutterstock

The adorably named Pixie-Bob cat has been claimed to descend from bobcat hybrids in America, although it’s not been confirmed. Many people love their ‘dog-like’ personalities, as they enjoy going on walks while leashed and playing fetch. Even though they’re not tall, some larger Pixie-Bobs can weigh up to 25 pounds.

Egyptian Mau

Photo Credit: KoBenz/Shutterstock

This speedy cat breed has been reported to run up to an astonishing 36 miles per hour, making it the fastest domestic cat breed. In addition to having beautiful spotted fur, the Egyptian Mau can grow up to 16 inches long and 14 inches tall, making it a big pet cat.


Photo Credit: bez_bretelky/Shutterstock

The Spruce Pets suggests that Ocicats were “bred from a combination of Abyssinian, Siamese, and American shorthair breeds.” They can be up to 24 inches long and get their name from their ocelot-like appearances. Despite this, they’re sweet, social cats who love to play, unlike wild ocelots.


Photo Credit: Anne Richard/Shutterstock

The Highlander cat is such a new breed that it’s still being developed. It’s the result of cross-breeding between lynxes and Chausies, and its highly muscular bodies can weigh up to 20 pounds. Highlanders are confident and playful cats with a distinctive look due to their bobbed tails and curled ears.


Photo Credit: OrangeGroup/Shutterstock

Burmilla cats, also sometimes known as the Asian Shaded cat, are a hybrid of Burmese and Chinchilla Persian cats. They have beautiful silver fur and can become attached to their families, so they don’t like to be left alone. They usually grow to around 12 inches tall.

Selkirk Rex

Photo Credit: Amaury Eber/Shutterstock

Looking at a Selkirk Rex, you might think they need a good brush or a trip to the groomer, but their very curly coats are characteristic of their breed. They usually weigh around 16 pounds and can be up to 30 inches long. These laid-back cats are generally friendly and low-maintenance pets.

Turkish Angora

Photo Credit: TheCats/Shutterstock

Finally, we come to one of the oldest naturally occurring cat breeds, the Turkish Angora. Elegant and slim, these cats can grow to 14 inches tall. They’re often very sociable cats with a playful side, but they can also be quite bossy towards other pets in the home.

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