Stay Safe: 18 Things You Should Never Do When You’re Home Alone

Written By Jill Taylor

Some of the most peaceful and relaxing periods of your life are when you’re alone at home. However, there are potential dangers you have to be careful about here, and we’ve gathered 18 of them that are the most dangerous to your safety.

Leave Doors Unlocked

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Leaving your doors open, especially at night, is a risk you don’t want to take, as you’re only inviting intruders into your home. Sadly, many people are guilty of this, despite unlocked doors being one of the most common ways burglars gain entry into homes.

Ignore Strange Noises

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You also shouldn’t dismiss unusual noises you hear at home, as they may be a sign of a break-in or mechanical faults in the home. Yahoo shares that some noises you never want to ignore include sounds of whistling, rushing water, buzzing lights, dripping faucets, and gurgling toilets.

Post on Social Media

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According to ABC’s WMAR2News, one of the worst things to post on social media is that you’re home alone or anything that signals that no one’s with you at home. Doing this attracts unwanted attention and alerts potential intruders or criminals that have been waiting for an opportunity to harm you.

Leave Candles Unattended

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Unattended candles can pose a significant fire hazard. It’s crucial to extinguish all flames before leaving a room or going to sleep. And you should consider using flameless, battery-operated candles for ambiance, as they come without the risk of starting a fire when you’re home alone.

Use Dangerous Tools

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Operating power tools or using sharp instruments when alone can lead to awful accidents, and without someone nearby to assist, injuries could become severe and potentially fatal. Save these tasks for when others are present or ensure you have a way to quickly contact emergency services if needed.

Let Strangers Inside

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Never open your door to unfamiliar faces either, as doing this can put you in a vulnerable position. It’s safer to communicate through a closed door or a peephole, especially if you’re not expecting visitors. And always carefully verify the identity of anyone claiming to be a service provider before allowing entry.

Overload Electrical Outlets

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Plugging too many devices into a single outlet can cause electrical fires. Be mindful of your home’s electrical capacity, and, in case you need to use power strips, ensure that they come with surge protection. If you’re alone, it might be harder to deal with electrical emergencies, so prevention is always key.

Cook Without Supervision

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It’s also essential to stay nearby when using the stove or oven, and this is because leaving the kitchen while cooking can lead to accidents or fires. If you need to step away, turn off the heat temporarily to ensure nothing burns or ignites while you’re gone.

Engage in High-Risk Physical Activities

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Activities like climbing ladders or heavy lifting can be dangerous without assistance. And any resultant injuries from these activities can be severe and require immediate help—which apparently isn’t available. It’s better to wait until someone else is around to assist or call a neighbor for help if it’s something urgent.

Ignore Alarms

Photo Credit: Daniel Jedzura/Shutterstock

Alarm systems are in place for a reason, and ignoring them can be dangerous. Whether it’s a fire alarm, carbon monoxide detector, or security alarm, take immediate action to ensure your safety. Investigate the cause, evacuate if necessary, and call emergency services to help you deal with the situation professionally.

Leave Valuables in Plain Sight

Photo Credit: DAMRONG RATTANAPONG/Shutterstock

High-value items are the dream of any burglar, and making them visible will undoubtedly attract these criminals. To avoid drawing attention to your home, reduce temptation for potential thieves, and keep your property safe, it’s also important to ensure that items like electronics, jewelry, and important documents are out of sight from windows and doors.

Use Unsafe Heating Methods

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According to CBS Iowa, portable heaters, stoves, and other unconventional heating methods can be dangerous if not monitored. These devices can cause fires or release harmful fumes that have fatal consequences. Stick to safe, recommended heating practices and avoid leaving heaters unattended.

Forget to Check Smoke Detectors

Photo Credit: und werbung/Shutterstock

Regularly checking smoke detectors is crucial, and it’s even more important when you’re alone. You should always ensure that batteries are functional and the detectors are in good working condition, as this small task will provide essential (and significant) early warning in case of a fire.

Overlook Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Photo Credit: Leena Robinson/Shutterstock

Carbon monoxide is a silent killer, and detectors are essential for safety. It’s best to regularly test these detectors to ensure they are operational, and if you experience symptoms like dizziness or headaches, get to fresh air immediately and seek medical help to avoid any fatal endings.

Neglect Home Maintenance

Photo Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

Ignoring home maintenance tasks like checking for leaks or inspecting electrical systems can also lead to significant issues. Of course, this is for people who live alone for extended periods of time. Regular maintenance helps prevent emergencies and keeps your home in good condition, and you should schedule routine checks and address minor issues before they become major problems.

Consume Alcohol Excessively

Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

Drinking heavily when alone can impair your judgment and coordination, increasing the risk of accidents. It’s safer to limit alcohol consumption and stay aware of your surroundings. Enjoying a drink in moderation is fine, but excessive drinking can be dangerous without someone to assist you.

Forget to Secure Windows

Photo Credit: r.classen/Shutterstock

Like with doors, leaving windows unlocked or open can also provide an easy entry point for intruders (and many people are guilty of this too). Window locks provide an extra layer of security to keep you safe, so make it a habit to check and secure all windows, especially at night or when you’re away from a room.

Go Without Emergency Contacts

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Not having a list of emergency contacts readily available can also be risky. The UADA shares that an important part of preparing for being home alone is ensuring you have numbers for local emergency services, nearby friends or family, and utility companies with you. Having this information at your fingertips can make a significant difference in urgent situations.

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Photo credit: Tanja_G/Shutterstock

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