21 Scientific Facts People Still Refuse to Believe

Written By Babatunde Sanni

Science has explained many obscure things about the world we live in. Yet, despite the evidence, people still remain skeptical about these truths. We’ve compiled 21 of these revelations that we struggle the most to accept. 

Evolution is a Proven Fact

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Fossils and genetic research have exposed evidence backing Darwin’s theory of evolution. But many still reject it. Those who reject tend to be from the religious class, who go with the concept of creationism instead. The theory is so strongly opposed that Pew Research tells us about attempts to legally dilute its teaching in schools.

Climate Change is Real

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There has been scientific agreement that climate change is fueled by human activities, particularly through the consumption of fuel. These changes have led to rising global temperatures as well as melting ice and flooding – visible evidence that it is real. However, as much as 15% of Americans still don’t believe it’s real. 

The Big Bang Theory

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The Big Bang theory explains the origin of the universe from a singularity approximately 13.8 billion years ago. Observations of cosmic microwave background radiation and galaxy movements support this theory extensively. However, despite strong evidence, the majority of Americans don’t believe in it, and some prefer their non-scientific beliefs over it.  

Vaccines are Safe and Effective

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Many also aren’t comfortable with the concept of vaccines, despite their effectiveness in helping us curb mortality rates from illnesses like smallpox and polio. The controversies from the COVID pandemic have further strengthened these fears, and we see more people choosing to skip them despite how this may put public health at risk. 

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are Safe

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GMOs have been extensively studied and shown to be safe for consumption by numerous scientific organizations. They can improve crop yields and resistance to pests, helping to address food security issues. However, public mistrust and misinformation about GMOs remain prevalent, causing unnecessary fear and opposition in many communities.

Quantum Mechanics Defies Intuition

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Quantum mechanics describes the strange behavior of particles at microscopic scales, challenging our everyday understanding. Many find phenomena that defy classical physics, like superposition and entanglement, hard to accept, even with robust experimental evidence. Even the Nobel-laureate physicists show an unwillingness to understand quantum physics. 

The Earth is Round

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Despite centuries of evidence and images from space, flat Earth theories persist among some groups. The ancient Greeks knew the Earth was round, and modern science provides even more proof through satellite imagery. Yet, a small but vocal group continues to believe otherwise, often citing conspiracy theories.

The Universe is Expanding

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The discovery that the universe is expanding revolutionized our understanding of cosmology and astrophysics. Edwin Hubble’s observations and subsequent research confirm this fact through redshift measurements of distant galaxies. Despite this, some still cling to outdated models of a static universe, disregarding decades of scientific progress.

Evolution Happens in Real-Time

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Evolution isn’t just a historical process; it occurs constantly and can be observed in real-time. Scientists observe evolutionary changes in bacteria, insects, and animals in real-time through various experiments. Despite this evidence, the concept of ongoing evolution faces skepticism from those who view it as a long-gone event from ancient history.

Antibiotic Resistance is a Growing Threat

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The misuse and overuse of antibiotics contribute to the rise of resistant bacteria, endangering global health. This makes infections harder to treat and increases the risk of severe illness, sometimes leading to untreatable infections. However, many disregard these warnings from health experts and underestimate the seriousness of antibiotic resistance.

We Are Made of Star Stuff

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Elements essential to life, like carbon and oxygen, were forged in stars and distributed through supernovae. Carl Sagan popularized this idea, which is supported by astrophysics and spectroscopy. Still, some people find it hard to grasp that our bodies are composed of material from ancient stars millions of years old.

The Moon Affects Earth’s Tides

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The moon’s gravitational pull causes the rise and fall of Earth’s tides in oceans and seas. Scientists have documented and understood this interaction through precise measurements and observations. Nevertheless, some individuals persist in misconceptions about tidal forces and their effects, leading to confusion.

Time is Relative

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Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity shows that time is not absolute but varies with speed and gravity. Experiments, including GPS satellite technology, which requires relativistic corrections, have confirmed this. Despite its acceptance in physics, the concept of relative time is difficult for many to internalize and accept as reality.

The Speed of Light is Constant

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In a vacuum, the speed of light is always the same, a fundamental principle of modern physics. This constancy underpins much of modern science and technology, including communications and astronomy. Yet, some still doubt the idea that nothing can travel faster than light, questioning its limitations.

Dinosaurs and Humans Never Coexisted

Photo Credit: Andrew Angelov/Shutterstock

Fossil evidence clearly shows that dinosaurs went extinct long before humans appeared on Earth. The idea of dinosaurs and humans living together is a misconception perpetuated by movies and myths and is not supported by science. However, popular culture has embedded this incorrect idea in the public consciousness.

The Placebo Effect is Real

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Clinical trials reveal that patients can experience real improvements in symptoms through the placebo effect, a psychological phenomenon. This psychological phenomenon demonstrates the power of the mind in healing and symptom relief. However, skepticism about its validity persists among those unfamiliar with medical research and trial results.

Water Exists on Other Planets

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Space missions have discovered water in various forms on Mars, the moons of Jupiter, and other celestial bodies. Water is a key ingredient for life, making these findings significant for the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Yet, the idea of extraterrestrial water is still surprising to many and met with skepticism.

Dark Matter and Dark Energy

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Dark matter and dark energy make up most of the universe’s mass-energy content, though they are invisible to our eyes. While invisible and not fully understood, their effects are observed through gravitational interactions and cosmic expansion. Despite this, the concepts remain abstract and difficult for the general public to accept and understand.

Evolution is Not Linear

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Evolution doesn’t follow a straight path from simple to complex organisms; it involves branching and adaptation. This complexity is often oversimplified, leading to misunderstandings about how evolution works in various environments. Consequently, for people who already believe in evolution, many harbor misconceptions about the nature of evolutionary processes and their outcomes.

Humans Share DNA with Other Life Forms

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Humans share a significant portion of their DNA with other animals, especially primates like chimpanzees. This genetic similarity supports the common ancestry theory, a cornerstone of evolutionary biology. Nonetheless, the idea that humans are closely related to other species can be unsettling to some individuals.

Artificial Intelligence is Advancing Rapidly

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AI technology is progressing at an unprecedented rate, transforming industries and daily life significantly. From language processing to autonomous vehicles, AI’s capabilities are expanding into more complex and critical tasks. Despite its ubiquity, some people remain skeptical about the potential and limitations of AI advancements.

Up Next: 19 American Foods that Are Not Allowed in Other Countries

Photo Credit: Eric Glenn/Shutterstock

We can debate all day about who has the safest food supply in the world. Though, I’d bet you would be surprised at how many everyday American foods are banned in other countries. Most are due to chemical additives and pesticides, which, in places like the EU, cannot be approved for use unless proven safe. Let’s take a look at 19 of them.

19 American Foods that Are Not Allowed in Other Countries

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Photo Credit: KomootP/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

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