19 Benefits That Make Americans Choose Rural Life Over Cities

Written By Jill Taylor

The great thing about the U.S. is that there are plenty of fantastic rural places as well as exciting cities, so you really have the best of everything. Many U.S. residents are choosing to pack up their city life and go rural instead: here are 19 reasons why.

Lower Cost of Living

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Many Americans are moving to the country to lower their living costs, as rural communities often have lower prices for things like groceries and utilities. National Debt Relief highlights this by reporting that the average house price in New York City is 72% higher than in more rural Montana.

Peace and Quiet

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Rural living offers a tranquil serenity that loud urban areas can never offer. This is perfect for those Americans who might be seeking a little more peace and quiet for their money. This sense of peace comes from less traffic and fewer people.

Sense of Community

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As there are fewer people in rural areas, you’re more likely to know the local people than you are in huge cities. This means they’ll probably be a stronger sense of community, too. Those in the U.S. who are looking to make new social connections will often find it’s easier to do so in rural communities.

Connection to Nature

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Another reason some Americans prefer rural living is better access to nature. There are also greater opportunities for farming and gardening than in the city. Although some cities have green spaces like Central Park, nothing compares to rural forests and lakes.

Lower Crime Rate

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While crime rates will always fluctuate in both urban and rural areas, the general consensus is that Americans usually feel safer in rural areas than in cities vulnerable to high crime. Safer roads, with less traffic congestion, can also help this feeling of safety.

Slower Pace of Life

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City life is definitely an acquired taste with its fast pace and open 24-hour attitude. Those Americans who might prefer rural living could be seeking a more mindful pace of life that allows more time for leisure activities and family time compared to working overtime.

Lower Pollution Levels

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Some Americans might also find rural living appealing because of the lower levels of pollution compared to urban areas. Studies in the National Library of Medicine have shown that pollution levels are higher near larger cities like Pittsburgh and Philadelphia than in rural locations.

More Spacious Living Conditions

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Some Americans have also embraced the fact that rural locations offer more property for your buck, including more spacious and open properties. This space allows for more freedom and is perfect for larger families. It provides a more comfortable living environment compared to smaller city apartments.

Stronger Family Values

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Because rural communities have stronger bonds and there’s more space for growing families, it’s also accepted that rural living can provide stronger family values compared to cities. These can be developed through all the community activities on offer and traditional home values.

The Opportunity to be Self-Sufficient

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Rural living also offers more opportunities for a self-sufficient lifestyle, such as growing your own food or using renewable energy sources. This sort of lifestyle can appeal to many Americans looking to create a more sustainable routine and save money, too.

More Affordable Land

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As well as larger properties, many Americans might also be looking for land potential, especially if they want to develop on it. Larger plots of land at affordable prices are something that only rural living can provide, meaning there is potential for more amenities on your own home plot.

Better Work-Life Balance

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According to Forbes, maintaining work-life balance helps to reduce burnout potential and stress, so it’s no surprise that some Americans might be looking for the improved balance that rural living can offer. City life is fast-paced, while rural living can offer more flexibility and greater personal time.

Healthier Lifestyle

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Living in a rural location means that you’re more likely to enjoy outdoor activities, attend more community events, and eat a healthier diet with homegrown produce. Unless they attend a gym, many people living in busy cities struggle to get regular exercise—not to mention breathe fresh air!

Privacy and Seclusion

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Some Americans might also prefer the home layout of rural living, with communities often being spread out and the potential for detached properties being the norm. This can provide both privacy and noise reduction from close neighbors or nearby traffic.

Educational Benefits

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Rural communities often have smaller schools that can pay more attention to their students compared to the busy schools in urban environments. Some Americans might prefer this more tailored and personal educational environment for their children, ensuring focused support.

Local Culture and History

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While many cities provide a wealth of history and cultural hotspots like museums, rural living can offer an improved experience in terms of preserved local culture. This can be seen through community pride, rural tradition, festivals, and intimate cultural events.

Economic Opportunities

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Rural living can also offer greater economic opportunities, with some Americans seeking potential for home-based businesses or taking advantage of government incentives for rural developments. There’s also more likelihood of eco-tourism growth or smaller-scale manufacturing compared to huge, overpopulated cities.

Potential to Help the Environment

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Moving to a rural location also means better opportunities to help the environment compared to city living, as there are often more opportunities to get involved in environmental or conservation initiatives. Rural living tends to focus more on protecting local wildlife and resources.

Reduced Stress from Commuting

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Lastly, the opportunity for less commuting stress might be reason enough for many Americans to prefer rural living! Cities like San Francisco are full of mega-commuters, which means a commute of over 90 minutes on average, says Psychology Today. Rural living provides shorter, more manageable commutes.

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