17 Reasons People Are Turning Away from Church

Written By Jill Taylor

Recently, more and more people have been skipping church. It used to be something a person or family would do every Sunday, but as schedules become more hectic, there isn’t always time. Here are 17 reasons why more people are skipping church.

Increasing Affluence

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According to Carey Nieuwhof, people are becoming wealthier in modern times and with more money come more options such as travel and technology, making it easier to skip church. There are more leisure options with increased wealth and people are choosing fun over going to church.

Modern Family Schedules

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Family schedules are hectic, and this means there’s no time for church. Children may have sporting activities to attend on Sundays and this is something they see as being more important. Also, with an increase in divorces, shared custody can prevent people from going to church as they want to spend as much time with their children as possible.

The Digital Age

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More and more services are becoming available online, and people are preferring this option for convenience. Others may head to social media, which provides far more spiritual options compared to religion, making them question the need to go to church. Since the pandemic, people like the option of not having to attend things in person.

Desire For Open Discussions

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People are starting to prefer open discussions about religion, and they don’t feel like this is possible in church. Traditional church settings can feel more judgmental, especially when they don’t welcome discussions or critique. In modern times, people enjoy having open discussions and seeing new perspectives.

Personal Spirituality

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Many people have now started choosing personal spirituality over religion. There’s been an increase in personalized spiritual practices and people would much rather meditate or go for a nature walk on a Sunday. Traditional religious services are nowhere near as popular as they used to be.

Acceptance Concerns

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The Wealthy Boomers writes, “Everyone wants to feel wanted and accepted, but sadly, not everybody gets this in church. For some LGBTQ+ people, the church just doesn’t accept them for who they are.” People want to feel welcomed when they head to church, and if they don’t, it can be very off-putting.

Questionable Church Leadership

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Trust in many institutional churches has started disappearing. There have been many scandals and poor leadership in recent years, and this can stop people from attending. On many occasions, the church hasn’t been transparent, and they’ve had a lack of accountability for their actions.

Generation Z And Millennials’ Preferences

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Young people are looking for more authentic relationships when it comes to church. They want to feel like the leadership in a religious setting is honest and real, and if they don’t feel this, they won’t go. There’s also a preference for digital communication, and many would prefer attending a service online.

Financial Use

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Many people are unsure as to where their church donations are actually going. They can feel uncomfortable about donating money, as they don’t know what the donations are being used for. There’s also the problem of people having a lack of money themselves and not being able to afford to donate.


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In modern times, we’ve been exposed to different cultures and different spiritual ways. This can mean people avoid going to church because they’re on their own spiritual path. Not only this, but more people are marrying people from other religions, which can make heading to church difficult.

Shifts In Morals

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Churches don’t keep us up to date with modern values as well as they should. Social values have changed, and while people may be more accepting of issues such as gender identity or sexuality, the church isn’t. Younger generations want to follow a religion that’s accepting of their ethical standards.

The Decline Of ‘Guilt’ Culture

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Karl Vaters writes, “Any church that uses guilt as a motivation to make you attend is one that you should not be going to—and not feeling guilty about it at all.” People don’t feel as obligated to go to church anymore, especially if their church is making them feel guilty for it. Everyone has jobs and responsibilities, and sometimes it isn’t plausible.

Demand For Flexibility

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Modern lifestyles need flexible church services that work with how busy they are. The majority of church schedules have strict times and these can clash with contemporary lives. This is another reason why people are turning to spiritual options, as it’s something they can do whenever they want.

Searching For Genuine Community

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It can be hard for many churchgoers to feel as though they’re part of a genuine community. While it’s not found in all churches, many people have complained of negative experiences while at church, and this has stopped them from going to future services.

Critical Thinking Is Discouraged

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People are wanting more options for places where critical thinking is accepted, and church doesn’t seem to be one of these. There’s the perception that church discourages open discussions and causes alternative views in life. People are looking for intellectual discussions and they can’t find them at church.

Traditional Worship Styles

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Church Answers tells us that millennials want more contemporary ways to worship, such as better music options, more authenticity, and a quality worship service. Many services are still very traditional and lack modernity in terms of music and technology. It’s causing churches to lose the younger generations.

Lack Of Technology

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Many churches aren’t updating their practices to include more technology. People want to see digital tools used more in their services, especially younger people, as it gives them a sense of modernity and excitement. This could include interactive apps, social media accounts, and online options.

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