19 Reasons Boomers Think the ’70s Were the Greatest

Written By Jill Taylor

Boomers keep the 1970s close to their hearts for a lot of reasons. For some, it had the best music they had ever heard, and for others, it accommodated the rise of cultural shifts that now shape modern society. For the curious, here are 19 reasons why the ’70s remain unforgettable for boomers.

Fashion Statements

Photo Credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

The fashion of the ’70s was experimental, and Vogue Magazine shares how the decade saw women boldly adopt denim, pants, and polyester suits in a show of liberation. Bell bottoms, platform shoes, and psychedelic prints became mainstream, and with the fearless creativity of that era came retro designs that even millennials and Gen Zs love today.

The Music Scene

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Boomers also got some of the most iconic music in the ’70s, produced by legendary bands like Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac, and The Eagles. The genres of rock and heavy metal exploded in popularity, and with concerts and festivals not being as expensive as they are today, music events allowed for shared communal experiences that created lifelong memories.

Technological Innovations

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Just like Business Insider puts it, the 1970s were a golden era for the technology industry and marked the dawn of the personal computers and video games we’ve come to love today. Boomers got the first cell phone available for the public (Motorola’s DynaTAC) as well as the first-ever digital watch (an 18-karat gold Pulsar P1).

Iconic Television Shows

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Television in the ’70s produced some of the most beloved and influential TV series ever. It offered unforgettable programming with shows like M*A*S*H, Happy Days, and The Mary Tyler Moore Show, which provided entertainment and tackled social issues, leaving a lasting impact on viewers.

Film Classics

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The 1970s were also a golden era for cinema, marked by iconic films like The Godfather, Star Wars, and Jaws. These movies not only enjoyed critical and commercial success but also became cultural landmarks. Their innovative storytelling and technical advancements set new benchmarks for the industry.

Political Awakening

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Boomers also experienced significant political events, such as the Watergate scandal and the end of the Vietnam War. Through these events, they developed a greater sense of political awareness and activism, and the decade’s general political landscape influenced boomers’ views on governance, justice, and public accountability.

Social Movements

Photo Credit: Aaron of L.A. Photography/Shutterstock

The ’70s saw a surge in social movements advocating for the protection and expansion of civil rights. The progress made during this time laid the foundation for ongoing efforts toward equality and sustainability, and this time witnessed the growth of unity and purpose among activists.

Sports Milestones

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Sports fans got to see historic moments in the ’70s, like Muhammad Ali’s legendary fights and the dominance of the Pittsburgh Steelers. The decade produced athletes and teams that became enduring symbols of excellence, bringing people together and, hence, creating a shared sense of excitement and pride.

The Disco Craze

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Disco music and dance clubs became wildly popular in the ’70s, with hits like “Stayin’ Alive” and “Dancing Queen” dominating the airwaves. Disco culture provided an inclusive, energetic escape for many, and the era’s vibrant nightlife scene remains a nostalgic highlight for those who experienced it.

Environmental Awareness

Photo Credit: David Pereiras/Shutterstock

The ’70s also marked the beginning of modern environmentalism, so much so that the first Earth Day was celebrated at its start in 1970. The growing awareness of ecological issues led to the establishment of important environmental regulations, and this shift in consciousness spurred ongoing efforts to protect the planet that have lasted until today.

Rise of Feminism

Photo Credit: CameraCraft/Shutterstock

Feminism gained significant traction in the ’70s, and boomers ensured advancements in women’s rights and gender equality. The decade saw the passage of key legislation and increased representation of women in various fields—progress that inspired subsequent generations to continue advocating for women’s empowerment.

Pop Culture Phenomena

Photo Credit: Laura Jarriel/Shutterstock

The ’70s were a vibrant time for pop culture, with trends like roller disco, lava lamps, and pet rocks taking the public by storm. These quirky fads provided light-hearted entertainment and a sense of shared experience, and it’s now hard for many who lived through it to forget the playful spirit of the era.

Economic Shifts

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Boomers also witnessed significant economic changes in the 1970s, the most popular of which included the oil crisis and shifts in industrial employment. These were challenges that prompted innovation and adaptation in various sectors, and boomers remember navigating these, albeit difficult, economic landscapes and the resilience they fostered in their communities.

The Space Race

Photo Credit: Vadim Sadovski/Shutterstock

Of course, we can’t leave out the ’70s space explorations. After the end of the Space Race, History tells us that the decade also featured continued excitement around space exploration, highlighted by the Apollo missions and the Skylab station. These achievements fueled public interest in science and technology, inspiring a sense of wonder and the possibility of reaching new frontiers.

Educational Reform

Photo Credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

In the ’70s, educational systems were reformed to emphasize equal access and progressive teaching methods. These changes aimed to create more inclusive and effective learning environments, and boomers remember this evolving educational landscape and the opportunities it provided for personal and professional growth.

Suburban Expansion

Photo Credit: Roschetzky Photography/Shutterstock

Many boomers grew up during a time of significant suburban growth, offering a new lifestyle with modern conveniences and a sense of community. The expansion of suburbs created spaces where families could thrive, and today, these suburban developments are fondly remembered for their role in shaping childhoods.

Artistic Innovation

Photo Credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

The ’70s also saw a surge in artistic creativity across various mediums, from the visual arts to literature. Artists pushed boundaries and explored new forms of expression, and the ’70s served as a period of innovation and experimentation that left a lasting impact on the art world and continues to inspire contemporary artists.

Fitness Craze

Photo Credit: DenisProduction.com/Shutterstock

The fitness movement gained momentum in the ’70s, with the popularity of jogging, aerobics, and health clubs showing people’s desire to live a healthier lifestyle. Bodybuilding especially exploded in popularity during this time, and USA Today shares that the most popular fad of the decade revolved around electric muscle stimulation.

Sense of Community

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Above all, to scale through the challenges of the decade, the ’70s also fostered a strong sense of community and togetherness. People often gathered for block parties, neighborhood events, and communal activities, and they shared a spirit of camaraderie and mutual support that remains a cherished virtue almost absent in present-day society.

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