20 Unique Horse Breeds You’ve Likely Never Heard Of

Written By Jill Taylor

If we’re judging animals by their historical importance, the noble horse has to come near the top of the list. Horses have helped us farm, fight, and explore the world—but some breeds still don’t get the recognition that they deserve. Here are 20 rare horse breeds you might not even know exist!


Photo Credit: SunnyMoon/Shutterstock

Brittanica traces the rare Akhal-Teke to Turkmenistan, a Central Asian country just north of Iran. The Akhal-Teke is famous for its practical qualities, like its speed and intelligence, but it’s probably best known for its shiny, metallic coat—no wonder it’s nicknamed ‘the Golden Horse!’ Unfortunately, there are only about 7,000 worldwide.

Canadian Horse

Photo Credit: WendyCotie/Shutterstock

There are only about 2,000 Canadian horses left in the world, and it’s America’s fault! The breed’s speed and strength made it a great fit for the cavalry during the Civil War, but the conflict took its toll. The Canadian horse population plummeted, and it’s only now starting to recover.

Suffolk Punch

Photo Credit: Colin Seddon/Shutterstock

The name may sound like a brand of English hard cider, but this rare breed is actually a draft horse (an animal used for heavy labor). Despite once playing a vital role in British agriculture, technological progress has left the Suffolk Punch in the dust. There are now only about 2,500 left.

Cleveland Bay Horse

Photo Credit: Liia Becker/Shutterstock

The Cleveland Bay horse is one of the most dependable equines—in fact, they’ve been around for longer than any written records! Unfortunately, they suffered a population crisis during World War I. Many were killed hauling artillery across the battlefield, and there are now just 200 in North America.

Newfoundland Pony

Photo Credit: Dolores M. Harvey/Shutterstock

Newfoundland ponies are talented animals. In addition to transporting people around, they’re also able to pull fishing nets, gather hay, and even plow farms! However, since it’s now cheaper for farmers to use tractors for agricultural work, there are currently only about 600 Newfoundland ponies in the U.S. and Canada.


Photo Credit: Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH/Shutterstock

It might be ‘Boulonnais,’ not ‘Bolognese,’ but these large white horses are still a popular dinner choice in their native France. Ironically, the demand for horse meat helped to save the breed—the French developed a taste for Boulonnais in the 1970s. Despite this, there are still only about 1,000 left in Europe.

Caspian Horse

Photo Credit: FBRad Photo/Shutterstock

There are about 2,000 Caspian horses left in the world; of these, around 500 live in the U.S. Caspainhorses mentions how this Iranian breed can be traced as far back as 3,000 BC, although it wasn’t properly cataloged until the 1960s. We hope that the Caspian population can recover—here’s to the next 5,000 years!


Photo Credit: Juan Carlos Munoz/Shutterstock

The origins of the Sorraria horse are shrouded in mystery, but it’s thought to come from Europe’s Iberian Peninsula. Unfortunately, the breed’s future is just as unclear as its past: there are currently just a few hundred in existence. Therefore, conserving this unusual breed is a high priority for European scientists.

Dales Pony

Photo Credit: Algirdas Gelazius/Shutterstock

Dales ponies come from a region of England called the Yorkshire Dales. While these ponies might be one of Britain’s largest in terms of size, their population is anything but. In 1999, there were only about 800 of them left worldwide, partly because the breed suffered heavy casualties during both World Wars.

Highland Pony

Photo Credit: HokieTim/Shutterstock

Compared to some of their more endangered cousins, Highland ponies are relatively well-off, as there are about 5,500 living today. However, these kindly, durable ponies are nonetheless considered to be at risk by experts. This is because of the size of their gene pool—a lack of variation can have dangerous consequences.

Shire Horse

Photo Credit: SandrasKnipserei/Shutterstock

No, Shire horses didn’t escape from The Lord of the Rings, but they’re so rare that they might as well be fantastical creatures. There are currently only about 2,000 Shire horses in the world, and the BBC has highlighted the risk of the breed becoming extinct within the next few years.

Međimurje Horse

Photo Credit: goran_safarek/Shutterstock

You’ve probably never heard of Međimurje horses—or even the place where they come from. They originate from northern Croatia but don’t expect to see one even if you visit the region. There are just a few hundred left in the world, and those that do exist are at risk of becoming horse meat!

American Cream Horse

Photo Credit: Nancy Kennedy/Shutterstock

American Cream horses get their name from their cream-colored coats. Unfortunately, while American Creams are beautiful and strong, demand for this Iowan breed dropped during the 1900s due to advances in farming technology. Today, there are less than 400 left, but conservation efforts are underway to save this all-American breed.


Photo Credit: OlesyaNickolaeva/Shutterstock

Clydesdales were once prized for their versatility—they’re as comfortable hauling timber as they are being taken for horse rides—but there are now only 5,000 left worldwide. Like all draft horses, this noble breed felt the pinch as soon as farmers realized that tractors eat less hay than horses do!


Photo Credit: Olesya Nakipova/Shutterstock

Some horses are rare because technology replaces them, and others are rare because humans play politics. There are only about 3,000 Marwaris in their native India, and the situation is even bleaker elsewhere in the world: export bans mean that there’s little hope of the breed experiencing a comeback in another country.


Photo Credit: ooo.photography/Shutterstock

When the conquistadors arrived in South America, they were shocked to learn that the Aztecs had no horses. Luckily, they’d brought their own, and these horses were the ancestors of the Mexican Galiceno. However, despite their historical significance, there are now just 200 left in the world.

Hackney Horse

Photo Credit: aleigha blakley/Shutterstock

Hackney horses are recognized for their carriage-pulling skills thanks to their stamina, beauty, and elegance. Unfortunately, although this British breed has been exported around the world, the Hackney horse population is still dangerously low. In 2022, there were just 31 female and 12 male horses left in their native Britain.

Eriskay Pony

Photo Credit: Shaun Barr/Shutterstock

Eriskay ponies come from the Hebrides, a group of Scottish islands. While they were once popular workhorses, changing tastes meant that these small but determined animals were sidelined. Shockingly, the Eriskay Pony Society reveals that there were only 20 ponies left in the 1970s, though conservation efforts have since boosted the population.

Przewalski’s Horse

Photo Credit: Iceskatinggrizzly/Shutterstock

Przewalski’s horses take their distinctive name from a nineteenth-century Russian explorer. These horses live on the brink of extinction—they were extinct in the wild until humans reintroduced the breed during the 1990s. Despite these conservation efforts, only about 1,200 are currently known to exist in the wild in Russia, China, and Mongolia.

American Bashkir Curly

Photo Credit: juhipp/Shutterstock

The American Bashkir Curly is an animal undergoing an identity crisis—does it want to be a horse or a sheep? This rare breed’s curly coat is the result of a unique genetic mutation. Preserving this genetic quirk is easier said than done, however, as there are only around 4,500 Curly horses worldwide.

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