18 Places Under Constant Surveillance by Undercover Cops

Written By Jill Taylor

Hiding in plain sight, undercover cops pretend to be regular people and can’t be spotted—that’s the whole point! You never know when or where they might pop up, but here are 18 locations where you’re most likely to find an undercover cop at work!

High-crime areas

Photo Credit: Prath/Shutterstock

Undercover officers most commonly patrol neighborhoods renowned for criminal activity. Places that receive the highest numbers of police reports frequently have undercover cops on duty to deter and prevent illegal behavior. Cops have a higher chance of catching criminals in these areas when they’re undercover.

Public transportation hubs

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Train stations, bus terminals, and airports are common locations for undercover police presence to keep an eye on potential issues such as drug trafficking, theft, and terrorism. The Washington Post says that undercover TSA agents are even trained to observe passengers waiting to board flights and use a checklist of terrorist behaviors!

Bars, nightclubs and concert venues

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Entertainment venues such as bars, clubs, and concert venues attract large crowds and can be hotspots for crime and disturbance. With alcohol heavily abused in these settings, violence and disorderly conduct is common. These places can also be monitored for underage drinking and observed for drug dealing.

Red light districts

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Red light districts are areas known for prostitution and solicitation, a criminal activity in all US states. These areas are frequently monitored by undercover officers to catch prostitutes and enforce anti-trafficking laws. Cops will often engage with potential prostitutes in an attempt to catch them out.

Homeless encampments

Photo Credit: Matt Gush/Shutterstock

Police often monitor homeless encampments to address safety concerns and provide assistance to vulnerable individuals. They’re also in a position to enforce laws related to loitering, drug use, and theft, which are commonly associated with these areas. It’s sad to see, but undercover cops will frequently even pose as homeless themselves.

Schools and college campuses

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For schools and colleges with issues such as drug use, vandalism, and violence, undercover cops will be put in place. They are extremely effective and help students to receive education in a safe environment. Youthful officers will pose as high school and college students to infiltrate the campus. Who’d have thought!?

Gang territories

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Gangs are a serious problem in the US, so naturally, undercover cops patrol gang territories. They pose as allies in an attempt to gather intelligence while also being ready to disrupt criminal activity and prevent violent conflicts. The Guardian states that undercover cops will even commit crimes in order to fit in!

Cybercrime hotspots

Photo Credit: Alik Mulikov/Shutterstock

Undercover officers are not just in the real world; they also have a strong presence online. They monitor online forums, social media platforms, and dark web marketplaces to investigate cybercrimes and prevent illegal activities such as fraud, identity theft, and drug dealing. That sounds like it’s for the best!

Shopping malls

Photo Credit: IVY PHOTOS/Shutterstock

Malls are primary targets for shoplifting, so undercover cops are present in many malls across America to deter criminal activity. They have an almost constant presence in malls around the holidays when thieves are most active, so they’ll patrol as seemingly normal shoppers, ready to pounce on crime.

Protest and demonstration sites

Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

Undercover police presence is common at protest and demonstration sites to monitor crowd behavior, prevent violence, and ensure public safety. In addition to a heavy, uniformed police presence, undercover cops frequently attend protests to gather insider information and prevent crime from the inside.

Parks and recreation areas

Photo Credit: merrymuuu/Shutterstock

Parks and recreational facilities are frequently monitored by undercover officers to keep an eye on antisocial behavior. Parks are common areas for teenagers and young adults to get up to mischief, and according to the United States Department of Justice, they’re one of the most popular drug dealing spots!

Poor neighborhoods

Photo Credit: ChameleonsEye/Shutterstock

Public housing complexes and low-income neighborhoods are, sadly, hotspots for illegal activity, including drug dealing, gang activity, and violent crimes. These locations are often crying out for law enforcement, and cops will act like members of society to learn how the neighborhood works and catch criminals in the act.

Sporting events

Photo Credit: aceshot1/Shutterstock

Sporting events can get pretty heated, so secret officers may be deployed to prevent disorderly conduct, alcohol-related offenses, and violence among spectators. This is most common when rival teams are competing, but it is typical for all big games to have an undercover cop presence.

Financial institutions

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Undercover officers monitor banks, ATMs, and currency exchange centers to prevent robberies, fraud, money laundering, and other financial crimes. Those located in challenging areas or with regular criminal activity are most closely monitored, but undercover operations can be in progress anywhere.

Tourist attractions

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

Frequented by tourists, landmarks, attractions, and popular tourist destinations are patrolled by undercover officers to prevent pickpocketing, scams, and other tourism-related crimes. Pickpocketing is rife at tourist attractions, and tourists are easily swindled when on vacation, falling victim to fraudulent activity.

Religious institutions

Photo Credit: fitzcrittle/Shutterstock

While Churches, mosques, and temples may seem safe from crime, they are regularly vandalized, subject to hate crimes, and regularly experience disturbances during religious services. The American Center for Law and Justice reports that the FBI specifically plants undercover officers in Churches to assess for any dangerous political agenda.

Border crossings

Photo Credit: Lumiereist/Shutterstock

Border crossings and checkpoints are renowned for illegal immigration, drug smuggling, and human trafficking, so they’re heavily patrolled by uniformed officers, although undercover cops are also present. Undercover agents work around the clock on assignments to protect US borders and may even befriend illegal immigrants to gain intel.


Photo Credit: Motortion Films/Shutterstock

Finally, prisons may seem secure by definition, making it hard to conduct illegal activity, but you couldn’t be more wrong. Organized criminals bond in jail, crafting smuggling plans, while gang rivals are regularly in conflict. So, undercover cops are deployed to keep an eye on criminal activity behind bars; it’s a seriously dangerous job!

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock

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