People Who Grew up in the South Always Do These 18 Things

Written By Jill Taylor

The South is a peculiar place in the U.S. where people have different accents, interests, and general ways of living. Today, we provide 18 things that Southerners have made a part of their daily lives and culture and explain why they do them.

Enjoy Sweet Tea

Photo Credit: Teri Virbickis/Shutterstock

For many Southerners, sweet tea isn’t just a treat taken once in a while; it has become a daily necessity. Southerners like their tea sweetened with sugar, brewed strong, and flavorful. It’s an easy-to-make beverage that goes just as well when alone, at a family gathering, or on a hot or cold day.

Host Barbecues

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Barbecues are a way for them to also bring friends and family together, with creative and fun activities added to make them memorable. Different southern regions even have their own barbecue sauces and recipes. Harvard shares that the convenience of using pigs as a food source is what originally made it a great part of Southern culture.

Show Hospitality

Photo Credit: Daisy Daisy/Shutterstock

‘Southern hospitality’ is a legendary phrase that’s not expected to go away anytime soon. Southerners are still known for being welcoming to both friends and strangers. It has even become a stereotype—albeit a good one—and hospitality extends to participating in community events and giving neighbors a helping hand.

Use ‘Bless Your Heart’

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‘Bless your heart’ is a versatile expression that seems innocent at first but has certain undertones that may leave outsiders confused. It’s used to show genuine concern about someone and to also show condescension and contempt. The interpretation of this phrase is all in the tone and context in which it’s said.

Celebrate College Football

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Many southern states don’t have an NFL team, so it’s no surprise why college football is arguably the most popular spectator sport in some. Saturdays are dedicated to watching football games and wearing favorite team colors, and rivalries are fiercely carried on by college alumni.

Cook Comfort Food

Photo Credit: Stacey Newman/Shutterstock

Southerners also love themselves some comfort food, the most popular of which include fried chicken, mac ‘n’ cheese, biscuits, or a mixture of these. Recipes are typically passed down through generations, with some families having their own specials, and there are even dishes dedicated to treating ailments.

Attend Church Regularly

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ABC News reveals that almost half of all Southerners attend church services weekly, more than anywhere else in the U.S., with Southern women over 45 years old being particularly devoted. These churches play a significant role in strengthening spiritual and communal connections.

Use Front Porches for Socializing

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There’s also a porch culture in the South. People just love to sit outside their front doors to cool off, have discussions, or simply watch the world go by, and, of course, neighbors are invited. The front porch is an extension of the living room in the south and has helped to nurture communal ties.

Speak with a Southern Drawl

Photo Credit: Boiarkina Marina/Shutterstock

The southern accent has drawn-out vowel sounds and is a reflection of how laid-back Southerners are. Even though accents differ across southern regions, speeches are generally slower-paced than in other parts of the U.S., and they don’t mind bundling words together to create unique phrases.

Value Family Traditions

Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

Whether through family dinners or holiday celebrations, Southerners won’t miss the chance to uphold family values. They love to maintain tight family bonds and pass down family customs from generation to generation. OBU explains that this reverence for family has its roots in the tradition of the South’s agrarian upper class.

Tell Stories

Photo Credit: mojahata/Shutterstock

The art of storytelling is cherished and elevated in the South, as it’s not just used to entertain or teach; it’s a crucial means of preserving history. Southern identity has also been portrayed through detail and humor by many contemporary storytellers, and family memories have been kept alive through these tales.

Respect Elders

Photo Credit: Red Stock/Shutterstock

As an extension of their love for family values, Southerners also hold elders in high esteem. Older adults are respected as a source of wisdom and guidance, and Southerners will use titles like ‘miss,’ ‘mister,’ ‘aunt,’ or ‘uncle’ when referring to them, even when unrelated.

Attend Fairs and Festivals

Photo Credit: GTS Productions/Shutterstock

The Spoleto Festival, Hotluck Fest, Hangout Fest—you name it! Southerners won’t miss a chance to celebrate their art, food, and music cultures. They have eagerly anticipated events held every year to strengthen community bonds, support local talent, and provide an escape from their busy lives.

Enjoy Gardening

Photo Credit: Tint Media/Shutterstock

Termed as ‘having a green thumb,’ Southerners also love to cultivate flowers, vegetables, and herbs, using it as a personal pastime. They adore gardens that are beautified with colorful blooms and well-tended plants. Southern Living shares that they have a particular love affair with impatiens like hydrangeas, magnolias, and crepe myrtles.

Eat Fried Food

Photo Credit: Foodio/Shutterstock

Introduced by Scottish immigrants, fried food is also commonplace in Southern cuisines, and some of the most popular are fried chicken, catfish, and okra. Some say that they’re the choice option for many because, with the South’s hot and humid temperature, they don’t keep the home heated up for as long as ovens.

Love Hunting and Fishing

Photo Credit: AndreyUG/Shutterstock

There’s also a hunting culture in the South, and it’s fuelled by a great love for the outdoors, not just the desire to find food. Hunting provides a way to bond with nature and is so revered by some that family hunting traditions are passed across generations.

Listen to Country Music

Photo Credit: Cookie Studio/Shutterstock

People from the South also love themselves some country music, whether it’s about the themes of love, loss, or just everyday life. This applies to people in Tennessee in particular, as Nashville is regarded by Fox (and pretty much everyone else) as the Country Music Capital of the world.

Drive Pickup Trucks

Photo Credit: adolf martinez soler/Shutterstock

Pickup trucks are a staple on southern roads. Many can’t even think of abandoning them due to their versatility and practicality—allowing Southerners to do just about anything with their vehicles. These large trucks are often used for work, transporting goods, or just leisurely outdoor activities.

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