18 Most Mismanaged Cities in the US

Written By Jill Taylor

Some American cities are poorly managed, dealing with money problems, old and broken infrastructure, and a lack of public services. Here’s a list of 18 cities that really struggle, desperately needing better leadership and planning.


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The Detroit Free Press notes that “decades of mismanagement added to Detroit’s fiscal woes.” Poor management has caused big cuts in essential services, impacting things like public safety and sanitation. People are facing higher taxes but aren’t seeing an improvement in their quality of life.


Photo Credit: Kevin Ruck/Shutterstock

Years of neglect and insufficient investment in infrastructure have left Baltimore with crumbling roads, bridges, and public transportation systems. Traveling daily can be a pain, since things aren’t kept up well and planned out properly, creating interruptions and safety risks.


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Chicago’s crime rates have shot up because of poor management and underfunded police departments. People here are living in constant fear, and emergency response times have gone way up. The administration’s failure to tackle these problems has really impacted trust in the community.

San Francisco

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There’s a housing crisis in San Francisco that is only getting worse, with rents skyrocketing and affordable housing hard to find. Homelessness is a big issue, making it tough for many residents to find stable, affordable places to live, which only widens social and economic gaps.


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Schools in Philadelphia are really struggling with chronic underfunding, overcrowded classrooms, and a serious lack of resources. The quality of education has taken a hit, putting students at a disadvantage. As a result, parents are looking for other options or even moving to ensure their kids get better opportunities.


Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Cleveland used to be a booming economic hub, but now it’s dealing with a shrinking job market and lots of business closures. Poor management has scared off investors and slowed down economic growth, causing high unemployment and a shrinking tax base. People are having a tough time finding jobs and maintaining their livelihoods.

Los Angeles

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Environmental issues such as pollution, poor waste management, and bad air quality are a big problem in Los Angeles. The administration’s failure to put effective policies in place has caused health hazards and lowered the quality of life for residents.

New York City

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Public transportation in New York City is famously unreliable, with frequent delays and outdated systems. Mismanagement here means inadequate funding and poor planning, making it tough for residents to commute efficiently. Unsurprisingly, this has also led to more traffic congestion and higher pollution levels.


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The healthcare system in Miami is struggling because of poor management and not enough money. People there have to wait a long time for medical help, there aren’t enough doctors and nurses, and it’s hard to get the treatments they need. This means a lot of people aren’t getting the care they should.

New Orleans

Photo Credit: Kevin Ruck/Shutterstock

New Orleans is facing growing inequality, with a big gap between the rich and the poor. This has led to social tensions and fewer opportunities for disadvantaged groups. Unfortunately, attempts to solve these problems haven’t worked well, making the situation worse.

Las Vegas

Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Once a popular tourist destination, Las Vegas now struggles to attract visitors due to poor management and lack of investment in its attractions. Run-down facilities, higher crime rates, and neglected landmarks have made the area less appealing, which is hurting the local economy and businesses that depend on tourism.


Photo Credit: Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock

Flint’s residents are struggling with unreliable access to clean water due to a failing water supply system. Poor management has led to old infrastructure and contamination issues, causing health concerns and daily hassles. Attempts to fix and maintain the water system have been lacking and poorly handled.

San Diego

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Due to poor management, energy supply is a big problem in San Diego, with frequent blackouts and unreliable service. The energy sector has left people without consistent power, disrupting daily life and business. Attempts to modernize the grid and ensure reliable service haven’t been enough.


Photo Credit: Kevin Ruck/Shutterstock

Essential public services in Atlanta, like sanitation and emergency response, have taken a hit. People are frustrated with inconsistent garbage collection, delayed emergency services, and poorly maintained public spaces, all of which are making life tougher.


Photo Credit: Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Urban planning in Houston has been a mess, with disorganized development and poor infrastructure. The city is dealing with overcrowded neighborhoods, traffic headaches, and not enough public amenities. Without a clear and strategic plan, the city’s growth and livability have really suffered.

St. Louis

Photo Credit: Joseph Sohm/Shutterstock

St. Louis, which used to be a lively cultural hub, has seen a downturn in its arts and entertainment scene. Poor management and a lack of support for cultural institutions have led to closures and fewer events. This shrinking cultural landscape has really impacted the city’s identity and appeal.

Washington, D.C.

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Despite being the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., has its own set of management issues. High crime and uneven school quality show problems with leadership and funding. Also, the city’s public transportation, especially the Metro, often faces issues with reliability and safety.


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Phoenix struggles with environment and city planning due to fast population growth. Water supply is a major issue because of the desert climate, droughts, and high temperatures. The city’s spread-out design also creates issues with sustainable development, traffic, and air pollution, showing a need for better long-term planning.

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