17 Deadliest Spiders Around the World You Should Avoid

Written By Jill Taylor

There are some species of spiders that you simply never want to cross paths with as they’re so dangerous. These can be found in different regions around the world. To help you protect yourself, here are 17 of those spiders to look out for and stay well clear of!

Brazilian Wandering Spider

Photo Credit: Martin Pelanek/Shutterstock

Live Science says that the Brazilian Wandering Spider is one of the most venomous spiders on earth. Its venom is neurotoxic, which can be deadly to both children and adults alike. If you ever see one of these, you’re probably going to want to get out of there fast!

Sydney Funnel-Web Spider

Photo Credit: Ken Griffiths/Shutterstock

Here’s another of the most venomous spiders in the world. A bite from this stunning spider, native to Australia as the name suggests, will cause very serious neurological symptoms such as muscle spasming and shortness of breath. What’s even worse is that its fangs can penetrate shoe leather, so clothing won’t protect you!

Brown Recluse Spider

Photo Credit: Sari ONeal/Shutterstock

If you ever see a violin-shaped marking on the back of a spider, it might be a good idea to get out of there as quickly as possible because you’re probably looking at a Brown Recluse Spider. Its venom can cause severe skin necrosis and, in rare cases, death.

Redback Spider

Photo Credit: Geoff Wols/Shutterstock

This Australian bad guy is black with a single red stripe on its back, so it looks like a Black Widow. Either way, you don’t want to encounter it, as a bite from a Redback Spider can easily kill or at least cause very severe pain to the unlucky individual.

Chilean Recluse Spider

Photo Credit: Sari ONeal/Shutterstock

An alert from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services shows that the Chilean Recluse Spider is the most dangerous species in the recluse family. It can cause extensive tissue necrosis, which can result in serious medical conditions or sometimes even death. Stay away!

Brown Widow Spider

Photo Credit: Vinicius R. Souza/Shutterstock

The Brown Widow is the lesser-known cousin of the Black Widow, but it’s nearly as bad. It’s not likely to kill you, but a single bite can still cause painful muscle spasms and temporary paralysis. You can look out for it through a distinctive orange or yellow hourglass marking on its abdomen.

Red Widow Spider

Photo Credit: Nick626/Shutterstock

The colored Widow spiders are really stacked up on our list, as they’re all very dangerous. The red widow, with red-orange legs and a black abdomen with yellow rings and red dots, should be avoided, as they’re super venomous once again.

Yellow Sac Spider

Photo Credit: Igor Krasilov/Shutterstock

The Yellow Sac spider isn’t particularly aggressive, but if you accidentally get too close to one, it will bite in defense, especially if it’s guarding its young. A bite can cause very painful symptoms, and the bad news is that you might find it right on your doorstep in the U.S.

Wolf Spider

Photo Credit: Macronatura.es/Shutterstock

While the wolf spider’s venom isn’t actually lethal to humans, it can cause a lot of pain and swelling. Plus, the species is highly agile and, according to Britannica, very common. So, it’s worth knowing about them so that you can try to avoid an encounter with one.

Six-Eyed Sand Spider

Photo Credit: Tobias Hauke/Shutterstock

The venom of the spooky Six-Eyed Sand Spider can cause severe tissue necrosis and thinning of the blood, which can lead to severe bleeding and possibly death. The good news is that human encounters are rare. Thank goodness for that!

Chinese Bird Spider

Photo Credit: Kushan Nirmal 369/Shutterstock

Another killer spider, this time on the other side of the world over in China, is the Chinese Bird Spider. The bite of this spider is known to cause very severe pain, muscle cramps, and, in some rare cases, death.

Fringed Ornamental Tarantula

Photo Credit: Miroslav Srb/Shutterstock

The tarantula is generally known as a gentle giant, but you don’t want to come into contact with the Fringed Ornamental Tarantula. It’s highly venomous, and this venom can cause muscle spasms and intense pain in the whole body. Fortunately, it’s only native to India and Sri Lanka.

Katipo Spider

Photo Credit: Natalia Marshall/Shutterstock

If you’re ever in New Zealand, make sure to keep an eye out for the Katipo Spider. You’ll typically find it near the coast, in sand dunes, and under debris. If you do, make sure to disappear pronto, as the bite will cause severe pain and sometimes systemic effects.

Mediterranean Recluse Spider

Photo Credit: mediterranean Pong Wira/Shutterstock

We’re back to the recluse spiders again, this time in the Mediterranean variety. Try not to spend too much time poking around in dark, secluded areas if you ever find yourself in that part of the world, as you may end up with severe necrosis and systemic symptoms from a bite.

Goliath Bird-Eater

Photo Credit: Milan Zygmunt/Shutterstock

This terrifyingly named spider is also the largest in the world by mass. It’s scary enough to look at, but it can also cause some pain if it bites you, resulting in mild symptoms. The good news is that the venom isn’t lethal to humans.

Black Widow Spider

Photo Credit: phonecat/Shutterstock

Healthline reports that a bite from a black widow spider can cause all kinds of horrible symptoms, such as pain in the abdomen and chest, nausea, difficulty breathing, chills, and more. If you don’t get it treated in time, it could absolutely kill you. After all, this is some serious venom!

Huntsman Spider

Photo Credit: Milan iSKYDANCER/Shutterstock

Like the Goliath Bird-Eater, the venom of the Huntsman isn’t lethal to humans, but that doesn’t mean it’s worth getting bitten by one. It’s still likely to cause you significant pain and swelling. Plus, the spider is very large and very fast, so it’ll give you a fright for sure.

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