20 Most Common Mistakes People Make at the Airport

Written By Babatunde Sanni

Traveling by air is stressful, and it’s quite easy for even seasoned travelers to make mistakes in all the overwhelming discomfort. To give you a heads-up, we’ve compiled 20 common pitfalls other air travelers can’t quite seem to escape. 

Arriving Too Late

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Despite the horror stories of people having to reschedule their flights, we still have travelers who always arrive late. They underestimate how long a TSA check takes, and as CNN reveals, alongside the possibility of missing important travel, they always delay other passengers, too. 

Not Packing Essentials in Carry-On

Photo Credit: DUANGJAN J/Shutterstock

Important items should always be in your carry-on. Medications, power banks, toiletries, and a reusable water bottle can be lifesavers if your checked luggage is delayed. Failing to pack essentials can leave you without the necessary items, causing significant discomfort and inconvenience.

Forgetting Important Documents

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You ruin your trip by either having to face lengthy checks or being denied access to the airplane when you leave essential documents at home. To avoid this, remember to take the most important documents, including your passport, proof of citizenship, visa, consent form for travel with a minor, and international medical insurance, depending on the country you’re traveling to. 


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Taking too much luggage with you not only causes inconvenience but can also attract hefty fees. Understand that airlines and the TSA have strict weight limits for both checked and carry-on bags, and having them overweight will attract additional charges and frustrate your check-in process.

Ignoring Jet Lag Preparation

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Jet lag can be severe and affect your trip, so you should prepare for time zone changes by adjusting your sleep schedule a few days before traveling. It’s also crucial that you hydrate and avoid scheduling anything on your first day. Without proper preparation, you might experience severe fatigue, disorientation, and a longer adjustment period.

Ignoring Security Regulations

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Not knowing the latest security regulations can delay your progress through security checkpoints, so make sure to familiarize yourself with prohibited items and liquid restrictions before packing. Violating these rules can lead to the confiscation of items, lengthy security checks, and even fines, making your airport experience stressful.

Failing to Check Flight Status

Photo Credit: Ekaterina Pokrovsky/Shutterstock

Flight delays and cancellations happen more often than you might think. Always check your flight status before heading to the airport, as failure to do so can result in long, unnecessary waits at the airport, missed connections, and scrambling to find alternative travel arrangements.

Not Wearing Comfortable Clothing

Photo Credit: Svitlana Hulko/Shutterstock

Traveling in restrictive clothing can make your journey uncomfortable. It’s definitely recommended to wear loose, comfortable clothes and shoes that are easy to remove during security checks. Uncomfortable attire can lead to a miserable experience, especially on long flights, making it hard to rest or move around.

Forgetting Travel Insurance

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Travel insurance can protect you from unexpected issues like trip cancellations or medical emergencies. Skipping this step might save money initially but can lead to significant costs if something goes wrong during your trip. Uninsured travelers may face high out-of-pocket expenses for emergencies.

Not Packing Snacks

Photo Credit: RossHelen/Shutterstock

Airport food is often expensive and not always available when you need it. Pack some healthy snacks to keep your energy levels up. Without snacks, you might go hungry, especially during long delays, leading to fatigue, irritability, and an unpleasant travel experience.

Overlooking Airport Transportation

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Assuming you’ll easily find a taxi or ride-share can also lead to delays. Plan your airport transportation in advance, considering factors like traffic and availability. Without a plan, you might face long waits for transportation, miss your flight, or incur higher costs for last-minute arrangements.

Not Keeping Track of Time

Photo Credit: Maryana UA/Shutterstock

It’s easy to lose track of time in the airport, especially when shopping or eating. Keep an eye on the clock, and set alarms on your phone as reminders to head to your gate. Losing track of time can result in missing your flight, causing unnecessary stress and delays.

Not Labeling Luggage

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

Lost luggage is a common issue, which is why you should ensure all your bags have labels with your contact information. Without proper labeling, your lost luggage is harder to retrieve, leading to potential loss of belongings, delayed reunions with your items, and significant inconvenience during your trip.

Forgetting to Charge Devices

Photo Credit: Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock

Dead devices can leave you stranded without access to important information, and these devices can also prevent you from accessing boarding passes, important travel updates, and navigation tools, adding stress to your journey. So, always charge your phone, tablet, and laptop before leaving for the airport. 

Not Signing Up for Airline Alerts

Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

Missing important updates can lead to missed flights, long waits, and a lack of information during critical moments. Airline alerts can keep you informed about these important gate changes, delays, and cancellations. Sign up for these notifications to stay updated on your flight status.

Skipping the Lounge

Photo Credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

Airport lounges offer a comfortable place to relax before your flight, and many lounges offer day passes, even if you’re not a frequent flyer. Skipping this can mean missing out on a quiet, comfortable space, complimentary food, and drinks, which can improve your airport experience.

Not Hydrating

Photo Credit: TY Lim/Shutterstock

Air travel can dehydrate your body, so it’s important to drink plenty of water before and during your flight to stay hydrated. Dehydration can lead to fatigue and headaches and can also worsen jet lag symptoms, making your travel experience much less enjoyable and affecting your overall health.

Overlooking Customs Declarations

Photo Credit: Jaromir Chalabala/Shutterstock

Other countries allow certain items or apply specific restrictions, which is why customs declarations are crucial when traveling internationally. Failing to declare items can result in fines or confiscation, and overlooking forms can lead to legal issues and delays at customs, causing unnecessary stress and potentially ruining your trip.

Ignoring Frequent Flyer Programs

Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

Frequent flyer programs offer benefits like free flights and upgrades. Even if you don’t fly often, sign up for these programs to start earning points. Ignoring these programs means missing out on potential rewards, cost savings, and travel perks that can enhance (and cheapen) your future trips.

Not Preparing for Security

Photo Credit: Jim Lambert/Shutterstock

Security lines can be stressful if you’re not prepared, and when you’re guilty of this, you have to deal with delays, increased stress, and a more time-consuming airport experience. You can prepare for security checks by wearing slip-on shoes, avoiding excessive jewelry, and keeping your liquids and electronics easily accessible. 

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Photo Credit: LightField Studios/Shutterstock

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