17 Life-Changing Rules from Jesus Everyone Should Follow

Written By Jill Taylor

Whether you’re religious or not, there is no denying that the Bible provided us with a guide to life. Within it, we can find 17 fundamental life rules Jesus gave us to live by, as sort of a playbook for life.

To Love One Another

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Jesus emphasized the importance of love, highlighting that it is just as important to love your enemies as your friends. This teaching was mentioned in multiple books throughout the Bible with Jesus telling his disciples to love their neighbors as themselves. It is the second most important rule after loving God.

To Treat Others As We Want to be Treated

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According to JW.org, this rule is known as the Golden Rule of the Bible. In both Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31, Jesus gave his most famous sermon. He instructed his followers to treat others with the same kindness and respect that they would like for themselves.

To Forgive Others

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The stories of Jesus are a constant lesson in forgiveness. In numerous Bible verses, Jesus urges his followers to forgive those who wrong them, just as God forgives them for their sins. When Jesus was asked how many times we should forgive others, his response implied that there was no limit and that we should forgive people as often as needed.

To Stay Humble

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The importance of being humble is a regular teaching throughout the Bible, most prominently in the stories of Jesus. He teaches his followers to serve others rather than seek recognition or power for themselves. In Christianity, being humble is one of the most important traits a person can have.

To Seek God First

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Jesus encouraged his followers to prioritize their relationship with God above all else. It is the most important thing we should do in life above everything. God is the giver of life and his omnipresence means he is always with us, guiding us through our life and towards Heaven.

To Not Judge Others

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Jesus warned against passing judgment on others, reminding his followers to focus on their own faults rather than criticizing others. In Matthew 7, he says that if we judge, we will be judged back and with equal measure. The only person who should judge is the Lord on our Final Judgment day.

To be Generous

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One of Jesus’ most prominent personality traits was generosity. Through both words and actions, Jesus taught the importance of generosity and giving to those in need without expecting anything in return. Bible Study Tools states there are at least 25 Bible verses discussing generosity.

To Always Speak the Truth

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Telling his followers to speak the truth at all times, Jesus emphasized the importance of honesty and integrity. Not only does Jesus state that he speaks the truth, but he states that he is the truth. This highlights the importance of always speaking the truth and that we should follow in Jesus’ footsteps.

To be Merciful to Everyone

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Throughout the Bible, Jesus showed mercy to sinners and outcasts. Within his stories, he taught his followers to do the same. His teachings tell us that we should be showing compassion and kindness to all. It doesn’t matter who they are or what they have done, we should show everyone mercy.

To be Peacemakers

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Jesus encouraged his followers to always seek peace and to resolve conflicts. In Matthew 8:9, he says ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, because they will be called sons of God’. Open the Bible interprets this as when we make peace, we reflect the likeness of God.

To Trust in God’s Providence

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Readers of the Bible are regularly reassured that God knows their needs and will provide for them. Jesus taught his followers to trust in God’s provision and care, highlighting that he always has our best interests in mind. We should live life knowing that God is always looking out for us.

To Always Remain Faithful

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There is no doubt that Jesus emphasized the importance of faithfulness. His disciples are taught to remain steadfast in their beliefs and commitments, encouraging us to do the same. Jesus was always faithful to the point of death and we should use him as our model to stand up for what we believe in.

To Pray Regularly

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To maintain a constant connection with God, Jesus showed us that we need to pray regularly. Regular prayer builds a deep and meaningful relationship with the Lord and keeps the line of communication open. Prayer acts as the mediator between us and God.

To be Patient

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The Bible is full of stories of enduring trials and hardships with perseverance. At the forefront of these stories was Jesus. Grand Canyon University says that Jesus’ patience is limitless and inexhaustible. We are always taught that Jesus is our example and this teaches us to be patient.

To be Courageous

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Jesus encouraged his followers to be courageous, trusting in God’s strength and protection. The Bible has lots of verses about courage and bravery, designed to inspire. According to DesiringGod, courage is fueled by faith and shows that we have faith in God.

To Seek Spiritual Growth

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We should always be aiming to grow spiritually. By seeking to deepen our relationship with God, we mature our faith and experience the best of the Lord’s work. Peter tells us ‘grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’. Growing closer to God should be a priority.

To Share the Good News of the Bible

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

In Christianity, spreading the word of the Bible is extremely important. Jesus told his disciples to share the gospel with others. Spreading the message of God’s love and salvation to everyone shows that we honor the Lord’s work. It shows the importance of our faith and will be a reflection of who we are on the final Judgment day.

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