20 Items You Should Never Pack in Your Carry-On

Written By Jill Taylor

Traveling can be a hassle, so smart packing is key to a smooth trip. Knowing what not to pack in your carry-on can save you time and stress at the airport. Here are 20 things you should leave out of your carry-on bag.

Sharp Objects

Photo Credit: nadianb/Shutterstock

According to Skyscanner, you can’t take sharp objects, such as knives and open razor blades, on a plane with you. To avoid having them taken away at security, it’s best to pack these items in your checked luggage instead of carrying them in your bag. 

Liquids Over 3.4 Ounces

Photo Credit: DUANGJAN J/Shutterstock

If you’re a frequent traveler, you’re probably aware that TSA rules say you can only bring liquids in containers of 3.4 ounces or smaller in your carry-on. If you have bigger bottles, they’ll be thrown away at security. To keep your pricey items safe, either pack them in your checked luggage or get travel-sized versions.

Firearms and Ammunition

Photo Credit: Nomad_Soul/Shutterstock

It’s common knowledge that you can’t bring guns or ammo in your carry-on bags. If you need to transport them, make sure they’re packed properly in your checked luggage and follow the airline and TSA rules. Breaking these rules can lead to serious consequences, so it’s essential to know what you can and can’t take.

Sporting Equipment

Photo Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

There’s no denying that sporting equipment like baseball bats, golf clubs, and hockey sticks can be dangerous. You can’t bring them in your carry-on luggage; they need to be checked instead. This rule helps keep everyone safe and prevents delays during security checks, making the airport experience smoother for all passengers.


Photo Credit: Golubovy/Shutterstock

It should go without saying, but you can’t bring tools like hammers, wrenches, or screwdrivers in your carry-on because they could be seen as weapons. To avoid having them taken away, make sure to pack all your tools in your checked luggage and check that they follow the airline and TSA rules.

Lighters and Matches

Photo Credit: The Image Party/Shutterstock

Make note that you can only carry one lighter or a pack of safety matches with you. Anything more than this cannot be brought in your carry-on. To follow safety rules, it’s smart to keep these items to a minimum and leave them out of your carry-on bag altogether.

Self-Defense Items

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

It’s no surprise that you can’t bring things like pepper spray, stun guns, or brass knuckles in your carry-on luggage. These items are considered a security risk. It’s best to leave them at home or put them in your checked bags if you’re flying. 

Gels and Aerosols

Photo Credit: Jaromir Chalabala/Shutterstock

Don’t overlook gels and sprays, like deodorants and hair products, as these must follow the 3.4-ounce rule just like liquids. If you have bigger bottles, make sure to pack them in your checked luggage. This helps you follow TSA rules and prevents any hassle at the airport.

Large Electronics

Photo Credit: Rokas Tenys/Shutterstock

You can bring small electronics like phones and tablets, but it’s better to pack larger items like gaming consoles or desktop computers in checked luggage. These big items can slow down security checks and take up important space in your carry-on, so it’s best to keep them out of the way.

Perishable Foods

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

As you can guess, packing perishable foods in your carry-on can cause them to spoil and create bad smells. It’s smarter to take non-perishable snacks for your flight. If you have perishable items, put them in your checked luggage, where they’ll be stored properly. This way, you can avoid any mess on your trip.

Wrapped Gifts

Photo Credit: j.chizhe/Shutterstock

Be aware that any wrapped gifts may be unwrapped by security for inspection, causing delays and disappointment. To avoid this, leave gifts unwrapped in your carry-on. Alternatively, pack them in your checked baggage or wrap them after you reach your destination.

Flammable Items

Photo Credit: Mindscape studio/Shutterstock

Don’t pack any flammable items like certain adhesives, paints, and lighter fluids, as they’re strictly prohibited in carry-on luggage. These pose a significant safety risk and must be left out of both carry-on and checked baggage unless specifically permitted by airline guidelines.

Souvenir Snow Globes

Photo Credit: Stephanie Frey/Shutterstock

While they may seem like a great gift idea, snow globes often contain liquid exceeding the TSA limit of 3.4 ounces. These charming souvenirs should be packed in checked luggage to avoid confiscation. If the liquid volume is small enough, ensure it complies with carry-on regulations before taking it onboard.

Hazardous Materials

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Leave any hazardous materials, such as certain cleaning supplies, chemicals, and flammable substances at home, as they’re strictly prohibited in carry-on luggage. These items can pose serious safety risks during a flight. Always check the specific airline’s guidelines and pack any necessary hazardous materials in checked baggage, following proper safety procedures.

Household Chemicals

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

You don’t need to clean on vacation, so there’s no need to bring any household chemicals such as bleach, drain cleaners, and pesticides. These aren’t permitted in carry-on bags as they pose significant health and safety risks. It’s best to avoid packing these items altogether or find alternatives at your destination.

Lithium Batteries

Photo Credit: IM Imagery/Shutterstock

You may not know that spare lithium batteries are restricted in carry-on luggage due to their potential fire hazard. Most airlines allow a limited number in carry-ons, but larger quantities should be placed in checked baggage with proper precautions.

Alcoholic Beverages

Photo Credit: Evgeny Karandaev/Shutterstock

You can’t drink your own alcohol on a plane, and alcoholic beverages over 3.4 ounces cannot be carried on, either. Duty-free purchases must be packed in a secure, tamper-evident bag. Large quantities should be checked to comply with regulations and ensure a hassle-free security check.

Strong Magnetic Items

Photo Credit: Zimango/Shutterstock

Did you know that strong magnets can interfere with aircraft navigational equipment and are not allowed in carry-ons? Items such as large speakers or industrial magnets should be packed in checked luggage to ensure compliance with safety guidelines.

Uncharged Electronic Devices

Photo Credit: Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock

Always be prepared, as security may require electronic devices to be powered on for inspection. Uncharged devices can cause delays and may be confiscated. Always ensure your electronics are fully charged before heading to the airport to avoid issues.

Valuable Jewelry

Photo Credit: lapas77/Shutterstock

Although not prohibited, packing valuable jewelry in carry-ons can be risky due to the potential for loss or theft. It’s advisable to wear your valuable items or pack them in checked baggage with appropriate safeguards for added security.

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