20 Items You Should Always Avoid Freezing

Written By Babatunde Sanni

One of the best methods of preserving food is freezing, but this doesn’t mean it’s great for everything you eat. There are certain foods that will lose their texture or flavor when you freeze them. And, because of this, we’d like to share 20 such foods to avoid putting in your freezer.

Dairy-based Sauces

Photo Credit: Tanya Consaul Photography/Shutterstock

Milk or cream-based sauces like Alfredo and Béchamel have both water and fat content, and when you freeze them, these separate from each other. You then get a sauce that breaks during the thawing process and becomes grainy. What’s better is to either make the sauce fresh or use non-dairy alternatives.

Fresh Salad Greens

Photo Credit: Elenadesign/Shutterstock

Talking about the common mistakes that ruin salads, Business Insider explains that freezing salad greens damages the structure of the leaves and causes them to eventually become slimy and inedible. The best place to store salad greens is in the relatively warmer crisper drawer of your fridge.

Whole Eggs in Shells

Photo Credit: nblx/Shutterstock

The USDA states very clearly that shell eggs shouldn’t be stored in the freezer. Know that they’re made of about 75% water, and when you freeze them, this water expands and cracks your eggs, inviting bacteria. If you do freeze them without any cracks, don’t unfreeze them until you’re ready to eat.

Soft Cheeses

Photo Credit: Nishihama/Shutterstock

Soft cheeses such as Brie, Camembert, and Ricotta lose their creamy texture and become crumbly when frozen, which can also alter their flavor and taste. For the best quality and to enjoy their optimal smooth consistency, store soft cheeses in the refrigerator and consume them within their expiration date.


Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Cucumbers, which contain a high water content, become mushy when frozen because ice crystals form inside them, breaking down the cell walls and ruining their crispness. This not only affects their texture but also diminishes their flavor and nutritional value. Whether for salads or as snacks, it’s best to keep cucumbers in the refrigerator instead.

Fresh Herbs

Photo Credit: PandaStudio/Shutterstock

Fresh herbs like basil, parsley, and cilantro lose their vibrant flavor and texture when frozen, often becoming dark and limp and losing much of their aromatic qualities. For long-term storage, consider drying the herbs or using them to make herb-infused oils or pestos, as these methods retain their essence and freeze better, preserving their usefulness in various dishes.


Photo Credit: mama_mia/Shutterstock

According to BBC Good Food, raw potatoes do not freeze well, and they’ll need to be either partially or completely cooked before you can do this. It’s better to store potatoes in a cool, dark place to avoid having to deal with potatoes that are mushy, grainy, and even uncookable after getting thawed.

Fried Foods

Photo Credit: WhiteYura/Shutterstock

Freezing fried foods can ruin their crispness, which is a result of the coating absorbing moisture and becoming soggy when thawed and reheated. This leads to a loss of flavor and texture. To maintain the original texture and taste, it’s best to consume fried foods fresh or use an air fryer to re-crisp them, restoring their delicious crunch.


Photo Credit: DronG/Shutterstock

Cooked pasta can become mushy and lose its texture when frozen. And this is because the starches break down and absorb excess moisture, leading to a soggy consistency. If you need to freeze pasta, it’s better to undercook it slightly and store it with a bit of oil to prevent sticking and preserve its texture.

Water-rich Vegetables

Photo Credit: ArtCookStudio/Shutterstock

Vegetables like lettuce, celery, and radishes have high water content, making them unsuitable for freezing as they become limp, lose their crunch, and develop an unappealing texture. Instead, store these vegetables in the refrigerator and consume them fresh for the best quality and nutritional value.


Photo Credit: melei5/Shutterstock

Freezing coffee beans or grounds can cause them to absorb moisture and odors from the freezer. Southern Living further explains that they turn out clumped up, with their flavor and aroma altered. It’s always better to store coffee in an airtight container and place it in a cool, dark place to maintain its freshness.


Photo Credit: spring26/Shutterstock

Milk can separate and become grainy when frozen and thawed, as the fat and water components do not recombine well, affecting the texture and making it less palatable in beverages. Freezing can also cause the proteins to coagulate, leading to a less smooth consistency. Therefore, it’s best to store milk in the refrigerator at most.


Photo Credit: Vladislav Noseek/Shutterstock

Freezing yogurt can cause it to become watery and lose its smooth consistency, as well as potentially affecting the cultures in it. For a better texture and to preserve its beneficial probiotics, consider consuming yogurt fresh or using it in recipes where freezing is not required, such as smoothies or parfaits.

Fresh Fruit

Photo Credit: 5 second Studio/Shutterstock

Certain fresh fruits, like watermelon, oranges, and grapes, can become mushy when frozen due to their high water content, and this leads to a loss of firm texture and a potentially unappetizing appearance. Instead, store these fruits in the refrigerator and enjoy them fresh, as freezing can also cause a decline in their natural sweetness and flavor.

Soft Breads

Photo Credit: Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

Soft breads like sandwich loaves can become dry and crumbly when frozen, as ice crystals form and damage the texture, often leading to stale and less flavorful pieces. For the best quality, store bread at room temperature or in the refrigerator, and consume it within a few days of purchase to maintain its freshness.

Pastries with Cream Fillings

Photo Credit: natalija_mysticcakes/Shutterstock

Pastries with cream fillings, such as eclairs and cream puffs, do not freeze well because the cream can become watery, lose its texture, and develop a grainy consistency. It’s better to enjoy these pastries fresh or store them in the refrigerator for a short period of time to maintain their quality and taste.

High-water Content Cheese

Photo Credit: SMarina/Shutterstock

Cheeses like mozzarella and cottage cheese, which have high water content, can become watery and grainy when frozen, significantly affecting their texture. For best results, store these cheeses in the refrigerator and consume them within their shelf life. Freezing can also cause a loss of flavor and nutritional value.


Photo Credit: mama_mia/Shutterstock

Freezing avocados can cause them to become mushy and discolored, with the texture changing significantly and making them less appetizing and less nutritious. To better preserve avocados, consider using them in guacamole and freezing the prepared dish, or store ripe avocados in the refrigerator to maintain their quality for a longer time.

Gelatin-based Desserts

Photo Credit: Dream79/Shutterstock

Gelatin-based desserts like Jell-O do not freeze well, as the texture becomes rubbery and unappetizing when thawed, with ice crystals forming that degrade the overall quality. It’s best to prepare and consume these desserts fresh, storing them in the refrigerator for the recommended time to maintain their ideal consistency and flavor.


Photo Credit: Hazal Ak/Shutterstock

Freezing spices can cause them to lose potency and flavor due to moisture in the freezer, degrading their quality and leading to clumping and diminishing aroma. To maintain the best results, store spices in a cool, dry place in your pantry and use them within their expiration dates.

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