18 Indicators That Your Church is Having Problems

Written By Jill Taylor

Like any group, churches can also run into problems, so it’s really important to know what to look for to maintain a healthy church community. Here are 18 obvious signs you’ll start to notice if your church is struggling.

Fewer People Showing Up

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The church used to be full on Sundays, but now there are lots of empty seats. Regular folks are coming less often or have stopped altogether, and it seems like it’s not a temporary issue but something that’s been going on for a while. As Carey Nieuwhof points out, when fewer people show up consistently, it’s a sign something’s not right.

Money Problems

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When finances get tight, it often means there are deeper issues. Maybe donations are down, and you’ve heard leaders discussing cutting back on spending and even reducing staff hours. You may notice that the church is having difficulty paying its bills, and big plans for new projects are on hold because there’s not enough money. 

Leaders Not Getting Along

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You may also hear the pastor and other church leaders arguing more than usual. They can’t agree on important things like how to run the church or what to teach, and you can feel the tension when they’re around each other. When the leaders are fighting, it affects everyone in the church and indicates that things are not going in the right direction.

Not Enough Helpers

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When nobody wants to help, it’s clear that people are losing interest. It may be getting harder to find people to help out with church activities, so some programs that used to be popular are now struggling or have shut down. The same few people seem to be doing all the work, and they’re getting tired.

Mostly Older Members

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It’s also not a great sign if most of the people in the church are older, with very few young families or young adults. This makes it hard for the church to grow and stay active in the future. It’s concerning if trying to get younger people interested hasn’t worked well since a healthy church needs people of all ages.

Poor Communication

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Good communication is really important for keeping everyone connected and involved. Information should get passed around well in the church so people can know what’s going on with important decisions or events. If that doesn’t happen, it creates confusion and makes people feel left out. 

Refusing to Change

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When someone suggests trying something new, you may see that lots of people simply refuse to participate. The church seems stuck doing things the old way, even if it’s not working anymore, which can frustrate current members and turn away guests. Churches need to be able to adapt to keep up with changing times.

Not Connected to the Community

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The church is at the heart of the community and should always get involved with the local neighborhood. It’s not a good sign if your church has stopped doing community projects or joining in local events. A healthy church needs to stay active in its community, making a positive difference.

No Spiritual Growth

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A good church helps people grow stronger in their beliefs. If people don’t feel like they’re growing in their faith, you’ll likely notice that bible studies and prayer groups are nearly empty. Not much excitement about spiritual growth is a clear indicator of major problems. 

Too Much Gossip

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Gossip can really hurt a church community, and it should never be encouraged in the church environment. You may hear a lot of negative talk and rumors going around, with people talking behind others’ backs. This only creates a bad atmosphere and makes it hard for the church to work together. 

No Clear Direction

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There needs to be a clear purpose for moving forward, but you may notice that your church doesn’t seem to have any big goals or plans for the future. Leaders are just trying to keep things going as they are without looking ahead. Consequently, people feel unsure about what the church is trying to achieve. 

Building Needs Work

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Taking care of the building shows that people care about the church. Unfortunately, if the church building is looking run-down and repairs aren’t getting done, it confirms that things aren’t great. This isn’t just about looks either – it can be unsafe and makes the church less welcoming. 

Unwelcoming Groups

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Some groups in the church may start being unwelcoming to newcomers, which is the opposite of what you’d expect from a church. They stick to themselves and don’t let others in easily, making guests feel like they might not return. A good church is always open and welcoming to everyone.

Joyless Services

Photo Credit: Jantanee Runpranomkorn/Shutterstock

A strong indicator of a healthy church is a lively, joyful service. Church services should never feel dull and lifeless, with people who don’t seem excited during singing or prayer time. If the whole mood is kind of gloomy instead of happy and uplifting, it’s a concerning sign that there may be some serious problems within the church.

No Help for New Believers

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

 Good churches have ways to help people learn and grow, but it’s not a great sign if new members don’t get much help learning about the faith. Your church needs to be intentional with its teachings, but if there’s no real plan to help people grow spiritually, it will be hard for them to become stronger in their beliefs.

Avoiding Problems

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When there are issues in the church, people pretend they’re not there instead of dealing with them. But this attitude only leads to unresolved problems getting bigger and bigger over time. Healthy churches face their problems and work through them together.

No One Watching the Leaders

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Leaders need to be responsible to the church and completely transparent with how they manage everything. When churches struggle, church leaders can make money decisions secretly, and bad behavior gets ignored. Needless to say, this can lead to big issues if no one keeps an eye on things. 

Not Making a Difference

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

A strong church is there to make a real difference in people’s lives and the community. It could be that the church used to change people’s lives, but now it’s hard to see its impact. If there aren’t many stories of people growing or changing because of the church, you may consider finding a better environment elsewhere.

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