Here’s What Happens When a Northerner Dates a Southerner

Written By Jill Taylor

When a northerner dates a southerner, it’s not just a meeting of hearts but a collision of cultures. From food preferences to weather complaints, here are 17 hilarious things that inevitably happen when these two worlds come together.

Sweet Tea vs. Unsweetened Debate

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The first time a northerner tries sweet tea, they’re convinced they’ve accidentally swallowed syrup. Meanwhile, the southerner can’t understand how anyone can drink tea that tastes like leaf water.

Fried Everything

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The northerner discovers that “fried” isn’t just a cooking method in the South; it’s a way of life. Fried chicken, fried green tomatoes, fried okra—you name it, they fry it. Grits N Grace says, “Deep frying is a technique that has been passed down through generations of Southern cooks.” So I guess those northerners will have to get used to it and balance it with a salad.

Temperature Wars

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The southerner wears a parka and gloves when it hits 60°F, while the northerner is still in shorts, claiming it’s a nice day out. It only gets worse when they battle over the thermostat at home, with the northerner feeling 64°F is cozy and their shivering southern counterpart begging to turn it to 72°F.

Football Is Religion

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Northerners may love their NFL football, but it’s a sport in the North. “College football in the South is not religion, exactly. What we get out of it is more spiritual,” say writers at Garden & Gun. The northerner will quickly learn that fall Saturdays are reserved for football, and not just any football—SEC football—and on Sundays, they go to the other church.

The Great Gravy Divide

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Most northerners think of gravy as the stuff you lather on dry turkey at Thanksgiving. Though you have Italian-Americans in New Jersey and New York who would argue Ragu and marinara are gravy, in the South, you have sausage gravy for biscuits, shrimp gravy for grits, chili gravy, chicken gravy, sawmill gravy, tomato gravy, red eye roast beef gravy, red eye ham gravy, cornmeal gravy, and chocolate gravy. Northerners better start studying.

Monogram Everything

Photo Credit: Tom4u/Shutterstock

Northern men dating a southern woman must learn to love monograms because a southern woman can monogram anything. He’s suddenly going to find his initials on his shirts, towels, car, and everything else she could think of.

The Pace of Life

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A Business Insider writer from New York stated, “In the South, like it or not, people take their time. While this isn’t always the most convenient fact about living in the South, it was nice to not have to hustle and bustle every time I left the house. In New York, the fast-paced lifestyle can be extremely draining.” The northerner’s go-go-go attitude meets the southerner’s laid-back approach. It’s a lesson in patience and enjoying the moment.

“Yes, Ma’am,” and “No, Sir”

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Politeness is taken to a whole new level. The northerner starts adopting “ma’am” and “sir,” even when talking to their dog. They may even begin to smile and say hello to strangers as they pass by.

The Barbecue Battle

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The northerner learns that barbecue is a noun, not a verb, so don’t tell a southerner they’re going to a BBQ if it’s just hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill; that’s a cookout. Barbecue in the South is slow-smoked meat, though it’s different in every region of the South, and everyone claims they have the best.

The Heat Humidity Combo

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The northerner experiences true humidity for the first time and realizes that “hot” in the North is just springtime in the South. The World Population Review states that southern states such as “Florida and Louisiana have hot, humid climates due to their warm weather and proximity to the Atlantic.” It can be quite an adjustment for those not prepared for the humidity.

Country Music Conversion

Photo Credit: Svetlana Romantsova/Shutterstock

What started as a mild tolerance for country music turns into a full-blown love affair. Though it starts to catch them slowly, humming to a song or two, it eventually turns into cowboy boots and line dancing.

The Language Barrier

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Words like “y’all” and phrases like “fixin’ to” infiltrate the northerner’s vocabulary, much to their own surprise. And the first time the northerner hears “bless your heart,” they think it’s a term of endearment. Little do they know…

Spice Tolerance Test

Photo Credit: Hazal Ak/Shutterstock

It can get a little spicy down south. The northerner’s spice tolerance is tested with Cajun and Creole cuisine or even some Tex-Mex, leading to a newfound respect for a cold glass of milk.

The Hospitality Factor

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It can feel a bit frosty in the North for those who are southern-raised, and we aren’t just talking about the weather. For a southerner used to everyone being treated like family, the cold shoulder strangers give each other north of the Mason-Dixon can be a bit depressing. On the other hand, northerners can feel a bit smothered and like everyone is in their business when they head south.

The History Lesson

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The North and the South both have rich histories that they’re proud of, and it’s not all Civil War-related. A North-South partnership can teach each other a lot and create memories by visiting each other’s historical sites.

The Accent Challenge

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Everyone sounds like they’re from Texas when they attempt a southern accent, which can lead to hours of amusement for southern families who don’t take themselves too seriously. But remember, it can be played both ways because there are some interesting accents up north. Have you seen my kah keys?

A New Appreciation for Home

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Ultimately, both the northerner and southerner develop a deeper appreciation for each other’s backgrounds, realizing that love knows no geographical boundaries. But also, there’s no place like home.

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