17 Money-Saving Tips We Learned from the Amish

Written By Jill Taylor

The Amish know how to save cash, that’s for sure. They’ve taught the world many useful practices for reducing expenses. Let’s indulge in that information and take a look at the key tips of frugality the Amish taught the world.

Save For a Rainy Day

Photo Credit: Sirikan Aka/Shutterstock

Graceful Little Honey Bee quotes Proverbs 13:11 in saying, “Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.” This just goes to show that the Amish emphasize saving over spending and prioritize long-term financial stability above all.

Cook From Scratch

Photo Credit: UfaBizPhoto/Shutterstock

Going out for dinner or even a drive-through meal is, of course, a pretty common thing in the U.S. But the Amish are keen to teach us that it’s best to just cook from scratch at home. Not only is this going to save us money, but it’s likely to be a healthier way to live, too.

Make Your Own Cleaning Products

Photo Credit: gpointstudio/Shutterstock

It’s not just food that’s better to make more of from scratch. If you’re able to make products like cleaning supplies and personal care items at home, that will save you a bunch of money as well. It’ll reduce the need to overspend on commercial products.

Reuse and Recycle

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

Reusing and repurposing items is a cornerstone of Amish frugality. They tend to fix and mend things rather than replace them, extending the life of their possessions. This sensible habit has the potential to significantly reduce household expenses and environmental impact, too!

Grow Your Own Food

Photo Credit: Tint Media/Shutterstock

Not many Americans grow their own food, which is certainly against the advice of the Amish. The Oakland Press reports that the average 600 sq ft is able to produce up to $600 in food every year. If Americans made the most of this, they could save massive amounts of money!

Buy in Bulk

Photo Credit: Dusan Petkovic/Shutterstock

Purchasing items in bulk reduces the cost per unit overall, so you’ll get more value for your money. It also minimizes shopping trips, so you’ll save more money on fuel. The Amish would definitely advise getting yourself down to Costco!

Live Within Your Means

Photo Credit: Dobo Kristian/Shutterstock

Spending money on luxury, unnecessary items is not the Amish way. Unless you have a lot of cash to spend, this is completely a bad idea as far as they’re concerned, as they would advise you to budget carefully to ensure a comfortable way of life.

Line Dry Your Clothes

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

The energy bill from electric clothes drying machines really does rack up! That’s why you’ll see Amish people drying their clothes on a clothesline. That way, you’ll see the lives of your clothes extended as well, so it’s a win-win situation.

Avoid Debt

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

The total consumer debt balance in the U.S. in 2023 was over $17 trillion, according to Experian, and this is costing the average American a ton of money. Avoiding debt directly saves cash, and the Amish will tell you all about that.

Preserve Your Own Food

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

In addition to growing their own food, the Amish preserve food to ensure that nothing goes to waste and that they can keep costs down as much as possible. Canning, drying, and fermenting are common methods they use for food preservation.

Use Natural Remedies

Photo Credit: Dina Belenko/Shutterstock

Homemade remedies for health are often a better way to care for yourself than expensive medication. Minor health issues like aches and pains can be treated more efficiently and less expensively this way, but we don’t recommend it for more serious health problems.

Simplify Your Wardrobe

Photo Credit: AlesiaKan/Shutterstock

The Amish have simple, functional wardrobes that avoid temporary fashion trends. They advise against buying into which clothing is fashionable at any one time, as they know it’ll go out of fashion and cost money to replace. In addition, their clothes are often handmade.

Value Experiences Over Things

Photo Credit: Miljan Zivkovic/Shutterstock

Experience is more important to Amish people than valuable items. They would rather consider what they do and the relationships they have with others to make them happy instead of money or purchases. We’d certainly agree that this is a more fulfilling way to live!

Barter and Trade

Photo Credit: Mykola Romanovskyy/Shutterstock

‘Never pay the full price’ is the way of the Amish world, so you’ll often find these people trying to barter to get the price down for certain goods and services. But it’s not about trying to rip people off. This practice strengthens community ties and ensures everyone’s needs are met.

Plan and Prepare

Photo Credit: SOLOVEVA ANASTASIIA/Shutterstock

One Ash Homestead says that the Amish will always plan their week in advance as this helps them to stay on top of all the things they need to get done. It also helps them to manage their resources more effectively, and this will often save money in turn.

Use Hand-Me-Downs

Photo Credit: Masarik/Shutterstock

Why buy more clothes, tools, and household items when you can just use the ones that have been handed down through generations? Using hand-me-downs instead of buying new things maximizes the utility of items to save money while also being more environmentally friendly.

Be Content with Less

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The Amish find the most contentment in their lives from simplicity and avoiding the pursuit of more. This philosophy is said to reduce stress and allow people to appreciate what they have rather than wish for more. It makes a lot of sense; we can’t deny it.

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