18 Electronics to Never Buy for Cheap, No Matter How Enticing

Written By Jill Taylor

Electronics are everywhere, and it’s always tempting to pick up a new device—especially when it’s a bargain! However, you get what you pay for with electronics, and seemingly great deals can end in crushing disappointment. For these 18 electronics, buying the more expensive option pays off.

Laptop Batteries

Photo Credit: Pheelings media/Shutterstock

Laptop batteries make portable computers possible. If you do have to replace yours, it’s important to invest in a good one, as failing to do so can have dire consequences. The BBC reports that one woman’s cheap battery exploded, setting her house on fire.

Christmas Lights

Photo Credit: JennyRyan/Shutterstock

You might think that cheap Christmas lights don’t pose a threat to your home, but you’d be wrong. Ordering cheap Christmas lights online can result in fires and other dangers. If you don’t do your research before buying this product, you might wake up to find that Christmas has been canceled!


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We’ve all left our headphones at home before driving to the airport, but picking up cheap replacements at the duty-free isn’t the best option. Poor sound quality is a concern, but the biggest problem with cheap headphones is that they’re often uncomfortable to wear. Avoid squashed ears by spending a little extra.


Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

We don’t blame you for wincing at the price of the latest iPad, but cheap knockoffs rarely live up to expectations. Cheap tablets often have weak batteries, low-resolution screens, and charging ports that quickly break. A cheap price tag means cheap materials, and they’ll come back to bite you.

USB Drives

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Online retailers frequently exaggerate the storage capacities of their products, making it seem like you’re getting a real bargain. However, cheap USB drives are usually counterfeit, and you risk losing any data that you store on them.

Hair Dryers

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Cheap hair dryers are an obvious fire hazard, but they fall short even when doing the job they’re designed for. According to one stylist, cheap devices take longer to properly dry your hair, resulting in increased heat damage. Do your hair a favor and invest in a decent-quality hair dryer.

Coffee Machines

Photo Credit: Nataliia Zhekova/Shutterstock

If you’re one of the millions of Americans who start their day with a cup of coffee, you deserve the best. Unfortunately, a cheap coffee machine isn’t going to deliver on that front. Good machines consistently produce great coffee, whereas cheaper models are far more unreliable.


Photo Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

Microwave ovens are super convenient, but cheap microwaves have an obvious drawback. Because they’re less powerful than their expensive counterparts, they take a long time to get the job done. What you save in money, you’ll waste in time—since time is money, your apparent bargain might leave you in the red!

Bluetooth Speakers

Photo Credit: Roman Arbuzov/Shutterstock

Bluetooth is a miraculous technology, but expecting miracles without spending much money is bound to make you disillusioned. In addition to sometimes having trouble connecting (quite the stumbling block for wireless systems), cheap speakers are known for their terrible sound quality. Audiophiles, beware—these speakers will give you a headache.


Photo Credit: WeAre/Shutterstock

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says that 80% of Americans watch TV on any given day. Given our collective obsession with the small screen, it’s not a good idea to buy a cheap TV. These often have poor-quality screens that will make you wonder if you need a new prescription for your glasses.

Computers and Laptops

Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

It’s tough to live without a computer in today’s world, but good models are still expensive enough to make risking a cheap knockoff an appealing option. However, cheap computers and laptops use substandard components, which will make using your device an absolute chore due to slow loading times and software issues.

Digital Cameras

Photo Credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

While phone cameras have eaten into the popularity of digital cameras, budding photographers still need to purchase the appropriate kit. Investment is key when it comes to cameras—cheap products will result in subpar photographs at poor resolutions. Even Pulitzer-worthy photos will look like trash on a cheap camera.

Mobile Phones

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

Top-of-the-line phones from Samsung and Apple are punishingly expensive, and it is possible to get comparable devices from cheaper brands. However, be careful with this strategy, as cheap phones always come with a catch. Some companies harvest your data, while others use inexpensive components that won’t stand the test of time.

Record Players

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

The unexpected comeback of vinyl records may baffle those old enough to remember it the first time around, but it’s created massive demand for cheap record players. Unfortunately, less expensive record players are often poorly made, and the very worst will irreparably scratch your precious vinyl.


Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

If there’s one household appliance that you don’t want to skimp on, it’s the refrigerator. After all, if your cheap refrigerator fails, you’ll be on the hook for more than just the repairs—you’ll also be throwing away a lot of spoiled groceries. So, invest in a good one.


Photo Credit: trickyaamir/Shutterstock

Forbes reveals that about 40% of Americans saw at least one movie at the theater in 2021. For movie buffs looking to build a home cinema, cheap projectors seem to offer all the answers. However, these devices are a poor imitation of the real deal, as they often produce blurry or dim images.


Photo Credit: FabrikaSimf/Shutterstock

Printing at home can rack up an uncomfortably large bill, so we understand trying to save money wherever possible. However, cheap home printers come with drawbacks. They can suffer from paper jams and equipment failure. A cheap printer can also lead to an expensive toner habit!

Phone Chargers

Photo Credit: DAMRONG RATTANAPONG/Shutterstock

While inexpensive phone chargers are unlikely to cause any real damage to your phone, they do pose a risk to your other possessions. After all, low-cost phone cables are made with cheap components, so they’re more likely to cause a fire than their more expensive variants.

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